Tuesday, January 26, 2021

She Wipeth Her Mouth: “I Have Done No Wickedness.”

Proverbs 30:18-20, “There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not: The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid. Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

This is an amazing passage of Scripture. King Solomon in his wisdom said there were four things that he couldn't figure out, that astounded him. One was the way an eagle flies through the air. Another was the ability of a serpent to balance itself and maneuver with incredible agility upon a rock. Another thing was the way a great loaded ship can float upon the water at sea. And lastly, Solomon was perplexed over the human chemistry between two lovers. Solomon says such is the way of an adulterous woman—she commits her sin by eating the forbidden fruit, and then afterwards as she wipes the very evidence away from her mouth, she denies having done any wrong.

Using More Than One Bible Version Is Wickedness

Dear reader, what you just read describes pastors, Bible colleges, evangelists, missionaries and churches all across the world. They use, sell and promote umpteen Bible versions, confusing everybody, and then they wipe their mouth, saying: “I Have Done No Wickedness.” BUT THEY HAVE DONE WICKEDNESS!!! Those wicked servants are promoting corruptible seed. They are in denial, like the adulterous woman in Proverbs 30:20. Many pastors today are wiping Westcott and Hort off their mouth, saying, “I Have Done No Wickedness.” BUT THEY HAVE DONE WICKEDNESS!! They are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, perverting the words of the living God. Jeremiah 23:36, “And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.Is it no light thing to you?

Preaching 'Lordship Salvation' Is Wickedness

I am so disgusted, sick and tired of shallow preachers that it makes me want to upchuck! I love Pastor Clarence Sexton, God knows my heart. I have even thought of moving to Knoxville, Tennessee to join their Temple Baptist Church. But I felt sick when I saw Ken Hem invited, honored and permitted to speak to thousands of church members and Crown College students in 2016. Folks, Ken Ham preaches another Gospel. Ken Ham's Answers-In-Genesis website heretically says: We must repent. The Bible tells us we must turn from sin, turn from our wicked way, and begin to follow Him.” Dear reader, the Bible DOESN'T say that! Ken Ham is a theological liar! Nowhere does the Bible teach that to receive God's free gift of eternal life, we must turn from our sinful ways and begin to follow Christ.

I frequently receive emails from people who lived in fear for years, unable to find the sweet assurance of God's promise of eternal security by faith alone, because they couldn't stop sinning as Ray Comfort, Ken Ham or Steve Pettit had sinfully misled them to think. It is a big deal folks! Right doctrine matters. The Gospel is delicate and easily corrupted. Salvation is God giving you something for free by faith, not you becoming faithful to qualify to receive it.

I am shocked how fast heresy is spreading into our Baptist churches. Look at this theological insanity being preached by Pacific Garden Mission's 'UNSHACKLED' radio. I need to quote to you some of their transcript from UNSHACKLED, just to show you how messed-up they are today. For example: In UNSHACKLED program #3589 (aired in 2020), a woman named Debbie Brooks meets with a religious friend named Sharon and tells her this to be saved:

SHARON: Trusting Jesus is the only thing that can make a difference in my messed-up life.

DEBBIE: I keep hearing that in church, but I don't get it—how something that EASY can be a life-changer.

SHARON: Oh Debbie, it's not easybelieving in Jesus means repenting and asking forgiveness for all the old ways, and then GIVING THEM UP FOR GOOD. When you find the COURAGE TO DO THAT, He'll help you CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

DEBBIE: Huh, well, I'll have to think about it. 
So according to Pacific Garden Mission, God won't accept your faith to receive His gift of eternal life, until you have the courage to forsake the old sinful ways permanently. That is a false gospel my friend. The Bible calls it “another gospel” which is “accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9). 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 defines “the Gospel” as Jesus' death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrected from the dead three days later. There is no mention of turning from your sins or giving them up for good! PGM are theological liars! T
hey may wipe their mouth with the heresy of Lordship Salvation oozing from it, saying: “I Have Done No Wickedness.” BUT THEY HAVE DONE WICKEDNESS!!! Lordship Salvation is a lie of the Devil.

Dear reader, what you just read taught by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell. I hope you see how evil this is. According to this UNSHACKLED program, it is NOT EASY to be saved, because you are required to GIVE UP YOUR OLD SINFUL WAYS PERMANENTLY! That is “another gospel” accursed by God!

Please Don't Be Deceived By The Deceivers In The Pulpit Today

Living in denial doesn't justify anything. In Matthew 7:21-23 we read a sad and tragic true story about a group of people who lived the Christian life without ever being born-again. They called Jesus “Lord, Lord,” but Jesus said He never knew them! Dear reader, if you don't want to hear those horrifying words on judgment day, then you had better put your faith in Jesus alone, and not try to turn from your sins as part of the new birth. Anyone who makes even the slightest attempt to clean up their life to be saved is not going to Heaven. You will NEVER undergo the new birth as long as YOU are part of the equation. That is exactly what Hebrews 4:10-11 teaches. Hebrews 4:10-11, “For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” The Bible doesn't say that God turned from His sins, it says that He ceased from His works.” 

I am so sick of hearing preachers heretically talk out of both sides of their mouth. They all insist that salvation is by grace without works, and that is how they deceive everyone. Occultists know that the most effective deception is the HALF-TRUTH, because in part it can be defended with incontestable logic. That is why preachers accept Ken Ham's lies. They hear him say that salvation is by grace through faith alone, and you cannot merit or earn it; but they don't catch the part where he them adds a second requirement that you turn away from sinful behavior and begin to follow Christ. That may seem insignificant and harmless, but it is just as deadly as adding the Roman Catholic's Seven Sacraments to grace. Grace plus anything is not grace anymore! Making an effort to turn away from sins is a work. How can you say that you have ceased from your works, as God did from His, if you are trying to quit sinning?

I am saddened that most Baptist preachers today don't pay attention to the details. Little things matter. The way we present the Gospel matters. It is not merely a matter of semantics. When a preacher says that you must DO SOMETHING to be saved, other than rest wholly in what Jesus Christ has done through the cross to pay for your sins, he is preaching another gospel. Ephesians 2:13, “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Please notice that we are made nigh unto God BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, and not by turning from one's sinful bad habits. 

Ladies and gentleman, we've got a bunch of liars in the pulpit today, who have been corrupted by all these academic dead so-called “Bible colleges.” Over 95% of these “Bible colleges” don't even believe that we have a perfect, inerrant, infallible and inspired Bible today! Go figure! Bless God, we DO have a perfect, inerrant, infallible and inspired Bible today in the KING JAMES BIBLE!!! Kindly said, the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana (FBCH) stopped believing that in 2008. Respectfully, Pastor Jack Schaap CHANGED the former position of the church on the Bible set by Pastor Jack Hyles. Pastor Hyles was right!

Brother Hyles thought the issue was so important that in 1994 he preached a positional sermon called: “The Battle Of The Ages.” Today the FBCH has simply moved on, like the issue is not important, and they have better things to do with their time. Dear friends, the gateway to the modern Bible revisions is to deny that we have ONE perfect, inerrant, infallible and inspired Bible today! If it's not the King James Bible, then which one is it? Since things that are different are not the same, it cannot be more than one of them! All of the modern corrupt Bible revisions completely remove God's promise from Psalms 12:6-7 to keep and preserve His PURE WORDS. 

So now you've got a bunch of knucklehead pastors denying inspiration, saying that God only preserved His inspired words, deceitfully trying to make it look like they believe the Bible. If you ask them point blank if the King James Bible is inspired, they won't declare it. But the whole point of preservation was to keep those pure words which are inspired. If somewhere along the way men corrupted the Bible, and those words were no longer perfect, then God lied and we do not have THE TRUTH today. 

Don't you tell me that our omnipotent God can do anything, except give us a perfect Bible in 2021. If I didn't think that the King James Bible was 100% without error, I would throw it in the garbage and never read the Bible again, because how could I know which parts are true, partly true or false? Does that make any sense to you? Do you think our great God, Who is NOT the author of confusion, would leave us in such a difficult predicament, having to search through hundreds of English Bible revisions to find THE TRUTH

I am not an eloquent writer. I make typos all the time. Some of my articles are too long. I know shorter is better, but sometimes I just need to say what needs to be said, and I say it. People in general won't read something if it is too long. Truly, I am humble and amazed that anyone would want to read my writings. I guess I'm too hard on myself. I love you all, those of you who are reading my blogs, and I thank God every day for you. Without you my labours would be worthless. I picture some people on a bus going to work, or coming back home, reading my blogs on their I-pad. Others are up late at night, or in the wee hours of the morning, reading what God has laid upon my heart. This is not my blog, it is God's. When I got saved, everything in my life became the Lord's (1st Corinthians 6:20).

Truth matters friends. Right doctrine matters. One of the greatest sins of pastors today is being lackadaisical and indifferent regarding THE TRUTH. One shameful pastor on Guam, Sean Quinlan at the Lighthouse Baptist Church, berated me in 2018 for constantly warning people about the Devil's modern Bibles. He called me “obsessed over the Bible debate.” Buster, you had better believe that I am obsessed over the Bible debate! What is wrong with him? I'll tell you, he was trained by academics at Pensacola Christian College, and not by church builders. So he lacks compassion and doesn't know how to build a church. 

Not surprisingly he quit in 2018 and went back to PCC to work. Pastor Quinlan admitted to me that he doesn't know even one thing wrong with the modern Bibles. So here is a shallow guy, who doesn't know anything wrong with the Devil's Bibles, who is criticizing me because I can literally go on FOR HOURS about what is wrong with them! Sadly, Pastor Quinlan is incompetent to stand in any pulpit. I do not apologize to mention names. Let the truth fall where it may!!! We need a revival of caring about THE TRUTH in America. 

The way that Satan creeps into a church is when pastors stop making a fuss, stop paying attention to the details, stop contending for the faith, and they stop fighting!!! Don't you dare wipe your mouth you wicked uncaring, compromised, yellowbellied, preachers who don't stand for the purity of the Word of God and the accuracy of the Gospel, saying: “I Have Done No Wickedness.” YOU HAVE ALL HAVE DONE WICKEDNESS!!!

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