Monday, January 18, 2021

Sadly, We Need Socialism In America

Leviticus 19:13, Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. Proverbs 13:11, Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. Proverbs 21:13, Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. Proverbs 28:8, He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor. Proverbs 28:27, He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” 1st Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

I am against socialism and communism. Here is a 2 hour documentary about The Bloody History Of Communism. Democracy is mob rule, where the majority of public opinion weighs in. Communism is total government control. Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin said he could summarize communism with one statement: “Abolition of private property.” That statement makes sense when you understand that owning property gives someone rights. If you own the property, then you have the right to tell people what they can or cannot do on your property, or if they can even step foot onto your property. If the government owns everything, then you have little or no rights! Socialism is in between Democracy and Communism. Socialism is the road to communism! 

What is a socialist country? ...

A socialist country is a sovereign state in which everyone in society equally owns the factors of production. The four factors of production are labor, capital goods, natural resources and entrepreneurship. In a socialist country, people account for individual needs and social needs.

In other words, the Robin Hood way of doing things, where you forcefully take from the rich to give to the poor. What's the difference between socialism and communism ...

Both socialism and communism place great value on creating a more equal society and removal of class privilege. The main difference is that socialism is compatible with democracy and liberty, whereas Communism involves creating an 'equal society' through an authoritarian state, which denies basic liberties.

In a capitalist society, goods are produced for profits. This is why so many young people in America today are angry at the corporations. They see multi-billion dollar companies getting richer, while the government gives them tax breaks, and the American people struggle to make ends meet financially. It is true that HALF of all the wealth in America is owned by just 1% of the population. That is the result of capitalism. In a truly “free” society, capitalism works. But in a rigged economy like America, where our currency is artificially controlled, capitalism becomes a form of tyranny. The central banks print money out of thin air from nothing, and then lend it at interest to the government (on behalf of the people), plundering us further into debt to the banks. Americans owe over $27,000,000,000,000 to the central banks! Proverbs 22:7, “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

To understand why I said we need socialism in the United States, you need to understand that the central banks are evil. You need to understand how they operate, and that our American economy is based upon banking fraud. The Federal Reserve is privately owned. It is neither federal, nor do they have any so-called "reserve." Since 1971, when President Richard Nixon took our country off the Gold Standard, the U.S. Dollar has lost 82% of it's spending power. This is why the U.S. government for over 40 years have allowed the flood of illegal immigrants into the country—to provide cheap labor for corporations. This is why tens of millions of U.S. jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries—to exploit cheap slave labor. This was all necessary to compensate corporations for the loss of the dollar's value. American companies simply couldn't afford to pay high American wages and still make a profit.

Democratic Socialism Is Still Socialism

But wait, it gets more complicated, there's also something called "Democratic Socialism"...

Democratic socialism is defined as having a socialist economy in which the means of production are socially and collectively owned or controlled, alongside a democratic political system of government. Democratic socialists reject most self-described socialist states and Marxism–Leninism.

In other words, the proponents of Democratic Socialism want the best of both worlds—they want the benefits of Democracy, along with the benefits of Socialism, but without the fascist tyranny that is inherent to a socialist type of government (where the government confiscates the wealth of the wealthy). They are kidding themselves! You cannot have a friendly police state! Socialism is a bad thing. There are different forms of socialism

The basic principle of socialism sounds good—to make sure workers are treated fairly and everyone prospers equally at the end of the day. That is what socialism means “social.” The group prospers, not the individual. Everyone benefits. That sounds great, but there are some big problems with it. One problem is that is prevents people from becoming prosperous. If a man has an idea for a business, and he works hard to build that business, and it takes off and he becomes massively successful, socialism comes in and takes it all away from him. That is why Russia is such a horrible place today, where a third of its population lives in poverty. In the long-run, socialism and communism always fail.

In Scandinavian nations such as Norway, Denmark and Sweden today, they have a happy and healthy economy. Anyone can go to college for free in Sweden. That is awesome! Sweden has universal free healthcare for everyone. There is very low poverty in Sweden. American socialists errantly think drastically raising everyone's taxes is the answer. But as the following economist wisely points out, Sweden's people have a work ethic, high levels of social trust, and considerable social cohesion—none of which our crime-infested, distrustful, accusing, obese, depressed, angry and sin-loving American culture have!!! ...

Research has suggested that the Northern European success story has its roots in cultural rather than economic factors. The Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark, which have a combined population roughly comparable to the greater New York City area, historically developed remarkably high levels of social trust, a robust work ethic and considerable social cohesion, according to economic experts and scholars such as Assar Lindbeck and Nima Sanandaji.

SOURCE: Bernie Sanders is wrong on democratic socialism in Sweden, and everywhere else 

That is exactly the point made by our nation's third U.S. President, John Adams...

“We have not government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —U.S. President John Adams

Sweden's economic system only works because of the quality and character of its people, and somewhat honesty of its government. America is controlled by criminals. If you don't believe me, then please listen to your elected leaders. We cannot have an honest economy based on banking fraud! Sweden is about to become a cashless society. Mankind is depraved. No matter what type of economic and political system implemented, it won't work when humans become greedy, dishonest and selfish. As we have often seen, the U.S. government is above the law. 911 has never been legitimately investigated. Mena, Arkansas, has never been prosecuted for the massive drug trafficking's during the Clinton years as governor. The American newsmedia are a bunch of paid professional liars. Most news is sinister propaganda fabricated to shape public opinion. Guard your mind by questioning everything.

The Central Banks Are A Bigger Threat Than China Or Russia

Since about 1980, inflation has continue to skyrocket upward, while livable wages have hardly increased at all. The central banks cause income inequality, forcing many of the middleclass into homelessness. California's homelessness problem is very bad! And now President Joe Biden wants to turn the United States into a giant California! God help us! We wouldn't need socialism if we'd get rid of the Federal Reserve! But as long as a private group of thieving criminals control our nation's currency, Americans will financially suffer! If it weren't for the fraud of the central banks, Americans would have enough money to purchase health care insurance. How can citizens pay their bills if they don't have a job? Your job is in Mexico, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and dozens of other countries.

President Donald Trump was a brilliant businessman. He understood the things I just said. For over 30 years China has been ripping off America! Mr. Trump put an end to that, but Joe Biden has already vowed in 2021 to undo the good that President Trump did. This is an insane way to run a government! Can you imagine if a large company switched CEO's every 4 to 8 years, who took the company all different directions? The company would falter and not prosper, just like our U.S. government is a failing entity. But I have never trusted Mr. Trump either, because he doesn't address the fraud in our banking system. No nation can prosper in a rigged system based on greed and fraud. Thomas Jefferson rightly warned:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

I don't like socialism. I certainly don't want communism. Look what happened in 1936 communist Spain. Believe me, you don't want communism, and socialism is the road to communism! Sadly though, how else can the hurting American people survive, if the government doesn't provide them with free healthcare, education, food and housing? Housing is the most needy thing today in every homeless situation. A survey in Hawaii found that when provide housing, 60% of homeless people got off drugs and improved substantially. Roger Moore produced a 2007 documentary called “SICKO,” in which he reveals that tens of millions of Americans have died for mere lack of healthcare insurance. This is why I say that we desperately need socialism in America.

Capitalism Is Worthless In A Fraudulent Economic System

I am so sick and tired of hearing woefully ignorant Christians say stupid things like: “The government doesn't owe anybody anything.” We'll the government has no right to give control of our money to a private group of criminals! Since 1913, the criminal central banks have taken control over our currency. The banks caused The Great Depression. They exploited (and historically started) World Wars I and II to rip off billions of dollars from the American people. Congressman Ron Paul is 100% correct that the Federal Reserve must go! But no one takes his warnings seriously, and so the fraud continues. 

Americans continue to die without healthcare, because their jobs are in foreign countries. Illegal immigrants have stolen millions of jobs from Americans. And then our ungodly treasonous government treats those law breakers like citizens. Don't you see how criminals have destroyed our nation's sovereignty? We lost control of our country over a century ago. Now you understand Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Either the fraudulent Federal Reserve banking system must go, or else we absolutely need socialism in the United States!!! I see millions of young people today who are confused. I don't blame their bleeding hearts for caring about suffering Americans, demanding socialism to provide for everyone; because those youth don't understand the banking fraud perpetuated by evil greedy criminals since 1913, and our treasonous government officials who have betrayed the people for a century. The love of money is the root of all evil. Socialism is not the answer, but it is absolutely essential for survival in a rigged and corrupt system like we have in the United States! 

Tens of millions of Americans have literally died for lack of health insurance, while millions of CEO's are multi-millionaires. The government wouldn't have to take from the rich to give to the poor, if the government didn't allow corporations to move tens of millions of jobs overseas. Big government is the problem! President Ronald Reagan was 100% right about that, even though he himself was a bad president, signing off on millions of jobs leaving the country. As U.S. President, Ronald Reagan said one thing, but he did another!

Please don't ever say that people who don't work shouldn't eat, when tens of millions of Americans cannot find a decent job; because our government betrayed us, letting tens of millions of jobs go to other countries. Please don't ever say that the government doesn't owe us anything, when they have allowed (since 1913) private banks to tamper with our economy, laying heavy burdens upon men's shoulders grievous to be borne. Do you think it is just a coincidence that you have to work for 30 to 40 years to pay down a mortgage? The banksters made it that way! They are financial scientists ladies and gentlemen! Don't be fooled! 

The Bible says that if a man doesn't work, he ought not eat. That is in a free society. But in a rigged system like America, where we have funny money that is not real, working men still end up homeless! Millions of Americans cannot survive on $7.25 an hour. Our government leaders have failed to protect the people! They have selfishly gone along with the banking and political fraud for so long, that no one dare try to change the system, lest they be targeted for persecution and extinction. President John F. Kennedy tried to make honest again the banking system, with executive order 111110, and they assassinated him in broad daylight—to let everyone else know that they can kill you at anytime, anywhere, for any reason!!!

Capitalism Has Murdered Tens Of Millions Of Americans

Liberty is God's way. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be profitable. The Robin Hood philosophy of robbing the rich to care for the poor is sinful. I do not believe that it is the government's job to house, cloth, feed or educate anyone. The origin and only purpose of government was to PROTECT our person, property and freedom. That's it! For example: The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) is a legitimate need, to protect people from con artists. Before 1906 when the FDA was created, wicked men used to sell motor oil to be used as cooking oil. The FDA stopped that!

But what is happening in America today, and has been happening for the past few decades, is that the people are succumbing to the failing U.S. dollar. The more money the Federal Reserve prints, the less it is worth, which drives the cost of everything upward (which is called inflation). Inflation is a tax! I said inflation is a tax!!! So all the central bank has to do to take away more of your hard-earned money, from taxation, is to have the U.S. treasury print more money! Now you can understand why the federal government is always borrowing trillions more dollars from the central banks. It is making those private banking families richer and richer, at the expense of the American people!!! That is why millions of people are homeless. The problem will only get much worse.

Capitalism has murdered tens of millions of Americans. While these tens of millions of Americans have died while waiting for surgery, which they never received because they couldn't afford to pay for health insurance, the rich have gotten richer. Capitalism is murder in a society that deliberately takes away tens of millions of jobs from Americans. Illegals are criminals. Criminals should be punished. Our government welcomes them, giving them our jobs instead. Our leaders need to be tried in a true court of justice and then hung! The U.S. Supreme court is illegitimate. They are corrupt. The U.S. Justice Department is corrupt.

Capitalism is like a gun. A gun is neither good nor evil. It is a tool, just like a hammer or a saw. A gun can provide food on the table, when used for hunting. But if I take away your gun, and give guns to criminals, what have I done to you? I have put you in harm's way. Likewise, when our government forcefully takes away our jobs (to send to foreign soil), then capitalism becomes as a deadly weapon in the hands of big corporations. The Globalist-run U.S. government has put us in harm's way. There is no real leadership in the United States anymore—only a bunch of incompetent fools who put in their hours, complain, fight with one another, and take months to accomplish what should only take days. It is a woeful shame! I am ashamed of my government. I am shamed to be called an America anymore.

Therefore, as long as there are illegals in our midst taking millions of U.S. jobs, and as long as millions of U.S. jobs are being outsourced to foreign lands, and as long as our U.S. dollar continues to erode in spending power because of the fraudulent Federal Reserve—I am all for the government proving housing, education, healthcare, and whatever else the hell the American people need to survive. I love and care about people. People cannot work if there are no jobs. People cannot work three minimum wage jobs and still thrive. Women cannot enter into the workplace and raise their children (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Times are only tough because the Globalists have decided to make it tough. Capitalism is a murderous weapon in the hands of corporations, when tens of millions of high paying jobs have been stripped away from American citizens. The Federal Reserve must go, or Socialism must stay!!!

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