Wednesday, January 20, 2021

'Crazy Bulk' Steroid Supplements Is A Scam

Their supplements do NOT work and are a SCAM!

After buying their supplements I can say that all of their products are a total scam. The herbal ingredients do nothing for muscle gains or fat loss and each herbal ingredient is hugely under dosed. They purposely named their products similarly to anabolic steroid names and called them "legal steroids" to confuse and deceive buyers into thinking they are steroids and/or have the same anabolic effects of steroids, when in fact they do not because they are herbs in capsules. These are overpriced shill pills that need to be avoided. 

I wasted my money buying them. The company is based outside of the USA (registered in Cyprus but run by people from the United Kingdom) so I have zero recourse to get my money back. I don’t believe the positive reviews online because they appear on websites made and marketed by Crazy Bulk's sales affiliates who get a rich commission each time they sell their junk and that is why their products are way overpriced. I think the testimonials on their website were obtained by giving away free products in exchange for reviews, so they are incentivized reviews aka fake reviews. Do a Google image search on their testimonial pics to see that they scraped the internet for before and after pics. 

This is a money scam pure and simple. Since I was scammed, I just called my credit card company and disputed the charge. My credit card company took my side 100% because of their false product claims. They take advantage of ignorant, first time amateur bodybuilders and should be closed. Their website states “guaranteed results” and “legal steroids” but in reality you'll never see results because they are herbs being marketed as steroids and are not actual steroids. Do not buy Crazy Bulk herbal pills because they do not work. Beware everyone!

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