Saturday, December 12, 2020

Women's Attitude On Marriage Today Is Backwards

Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Kindly said, nearly all women today have their attitude toward marriage all backwards. I have been a member of the marriage dating website, eHarmony, since 2017. I check my “matches” frequently, hoping to meet that special someone. I have contacted dozens of women over the years, whom I liked a lot, but no one has shown any interest in me. The main reason for their rejection is that they say the distance is too far, since I live on Gilligan's Island (Guam) at the end of the rainbow. And I'm sure others turned me down because of my neck injury. I am damaged

I read a profile “match which was sent to me today. Her name is Diana, 45 years old, who lives in Quebec, Canada. She works as a Clinical Research Associate. This is her Introduction to her profile (exactly as she typed):

“I Look for someone to complete me, understand me and cheerish a life with.”

I see this again and again, where women are seeking a man to complete them. That is totally reverse from what the Bible teaches. Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.God created the woman to COMPLETE THE MAN, not the man to complete the woman. Ladies, I didn't write this blog to hurt anybody's feelings, God knows my heart. I wrote this to teach you ladies how to find true happiness in life. You'll never be happy as long as you're searching for a man to complete you. God didn't create a man in existence to complete you! 

(some needed wisdom for ladies by Pastor Jack Hyles)

For many women, finding a man is only a means to an end. They desire to have children and obtain a home. Ladies, God didn't make you for a house! God didn't make you to bear babies! God made you for a man! God made you to be a HELPMEET for your man. The happiest women are the one's who don't want anything except their man, and then everything else follows. Millions of women today are miserable, because they have the wrong attitude towards marriage. 

I am not judging Diana, whom I mentioned earlier. She simply has a wrong attitude, because she has not been blessed to have a godly pastor somewhere along the way, to teach her Bible principles. But I am teaching you dear reader! Ladies, you find you a guy and make him your world! God didn't create you to become a soldier in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. I am so sick of hearing about the epidemic of fornication in the military. Women don't belong with men in the military. The U.S. military courts can pass all the laws they want to, in an effort to discourage sexual harassment of women soldiers, but immorality and attacks will always exist as long as females train, bunk and serve alongside male soldiers. It is ridiculous! Call me old-fashioned, but I'm also 100% right! 

It has become popular in these difficult economic times, for Bible colleges to offer nursing programs for young Christian women. The fraudulent central banking system in the United States, has destroyed our economy, eroding the value of the dollar by 82% since 1971 (when President Nixon took our nation completely off the gold standard). The reckless printing of tens of trillions of dollars out of nothing (money that no on ever earned), and then lending that money to Americans in the form of debt owed, has driven inflation sky-high, forcing the middle-class into poverty. 

Consequently, many parents nowadays want their daughters protected financially, and a nursing career gives them that self-sufficient protection. As a father of three daughters myself, I completely understand. However, God didn't create you ladies to become a nurse. God made you to become a HELPMEET for a man. What saith the Scripture? 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” Kindly said, if you are a Bob Jones University female nursing graduate, and you are already in your 30's and not married, and at least trying to bear children, you are turned aside after Satan! I didn't say that, God did in the Scripture passage we just read!!! 

I am 100% against pregnancy contraceptives. If you are married, the time to have children is now! God pity the wicked Christian woman who takes birth control, because your career is hindering your decision to have children. What are you doing? The Holy Bible says for young ladies to:
  1. Get married (not to go fornicate and throw your virginity to the dogs) 
  2. Bear children (not use birth control or have an abortion)
  3. Guide the house (a homemaker; not a nurse or school teacher paid elsewhere)
  4. Stay out of trouble (don't be a meddler, gossiper or interfere with church matters)
Most women miserably fail these Biblical commands. We don't need more nurses, we need godly wives and responsible mothers at home. It is insane for any mother to put her child into daycare, while she goes off to work all day! A career-minded woman is a tragedy! I can tell you story after story of wives who ran off with some lustful ungodly male at work in adultery. Married women belong at home! If I were married, I would allow my wife to work outside the home if that is what she really wanted to do, but I would prefer that she not. Phycologists have found that career women with no children are the most miserable group of people in America!!! This is reality.

There is something priceless about a hard working woman who makes her house a home. She bakes homemade cookies, pies and bread. She is an expert on nutrition. She is no slacker. She plants her own garden. She stays busy, always bettering herself and her family. She beautifies herself, spending a few minutes each day in front of a mirror for her husband. She is a continuous student of the art of womanhood. She is often called a “Proverbs 31 woman.” You don't just find a woman like that. A godly husband will provide her with the atmosphere she needs, so she can make herself into that kind of woman. A Proverbs 31 woman cannot exist without a godly, supportive, good, sober, kind and Christ-minded husband. Of course, the best husband in the world won't matter if a woman is lazy.

A wife is a “helpmeet.” That means she cannot do it all by herself, she is a “help” to her husband, in whatever work God has given him to do. Lord willing, I am still looking for a wife. I desire a loyal helpmeet by my side—a gal to have and to hold, for better for worse, in sickness as in health, 'til death do us part. The greatest help that a wife can be is to simply encourage her husband's heart when he needs it. I sure wish I had a wife to stand by her man! I am praying and looking, trusting the Lord, one day at a time. Life is what happens to us while we're making big plans. We don't know what a day may bring. 

My favorite definition of marriage is two people making a life for each other. A wife is the missing puzzle piece in her husband's life. I feel like an incomplete puzzle every day. I need a wife to fill in the missing pieces to COMPLETE me. I am the incomplete puzzle. That is what a wife does, she completes her husband. So don't look for a man to complete you dear ladies, you look for that man whom God made you to complete as his helpmeet.

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