Sunday, December 27, 2020

Why I Believe the King James Bible is God's Word

Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

I'm writing the following article while listening to Dr. Peter Ruckman's (1921-2016) excellent sermon titled, “Why I believe the King James Bible is the Word of God!Here's the MP3 to download if you'd like. Although I don't agree with all of Dr. Ruckman's doctrinal positions, I wholeheartedly agree that the King James Bible is the inspired, preserved, inerrant, infallible, holy, blood-sprinkled, Word of God. Psalms 119:160, “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.” Respectfully, what I am teaching may not necessarily be what Dr. Ruckman teaches in his sermon. I just don't want to speak for him. I greatly admire Dr. Ruckman, although I never met him, and I think his preaching is worth preserving, because he upheld THE TRUTH of God's Word. Having said that, I am also not a big fan of Dr. Ruckman because he foolishly teaches that people were saved by works in the Old Testament. That is 100% Satanic false teaching!!!

The inspiration of God's Word is a crucial subject, not a hobby-horse. The issue is over the Bible being God's final and only authority! If you don't have a King James Bible, you don't have an inspired holy Bible. Jesus exclaimed in John 6:63, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” All of the modern Bible revisions are DEAD!!! They all originate from the Devil's manuscripts, tampered with by Origen in Alexandria, Egypt. Ungodly men have taken the words of the living God and perverted them!!! Jeremiah 23:36, “And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.”

  1. NO COPYRIGHT - The King James Bible is the only Bible that doesn't have a copyright. But you say, “What about the originals?” I'm not worried about the originals, I'm only worried about the one I hold in my hand!!! Copyrights are for MAKING MONEY! But you say, “It has the crown copyright in England.” That is totally different than the copyright process in America, where you can be taken to court and sued. No one could ever legally prosecute you for printing the King James Bible. NO ONE!!! It's public domain!!! Try to print your own New International Version (NIV) and see what happens! There is no enforceable copyright for the KJB!!! God's words CANNOT be copyrighted!!!
  2. THE TIME IN WHICH IT FIRST APPEARED IN THE WORLD - In 1611 French atheism, English deists and German rationalists weren't thriving in that time. They hadn't showed up yet in history! It was a time of strong resistance against the evils of Roman Catholicism. In the 19th century, Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort were diseased with infidelity!!! They're the fathers of ALL modern corrupt Bible revisions!!! Bob Jones University, Moody Bible Institute, Liberty Baptist University... ALL TEACH AND PROMOTE THE CORRUPT WESTCOTT AND HORT GREEK!!! Shame on Bob Jones for recommending the satanic Alexandrian texts!!!
  3. GOD'S PROMISE TO PRESERVE HIS WORDS - Psalms 12 6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” The King James Bible is preserved and inspired. What good is preservation without inspiration? If God's words are not inspired (i.e., empowered living words by the Holy Spirit), then what would be the purpose for preserving them? And what good is inspiration if those God-breathed words are not preserved? You MUST have both!!! The King James translators honored the King, feared God and approached the task of translating the holy Bible with the utmost respect and delicacy. Proverbs 8:8-9, “All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.”
  4. THE HONESTY OF ITS PRESERVATION - When the translators of the King James Bible came across a text which required additional words to clarify the text, they placed the words in italics to notify the reader. That's admirable scholarship my friend!!! Not one modern Bible revisions approaches the Word of God with such honesty and caution. The translators of today's modern versions are dirty scoundrels, language butchers, liars and deceivers!!! Please read, “THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BIBLE TRANSLATIONS!!!.” Noah was a preacher of righteousness, yet he got drunk. David wrote over half the Psalms, yet he commit adultery and murder. Moses had a hot temper, yet God used him to pen the first five books of the Bible. Likewise, the King James Bible translators weren't perfect men, yet God used them to translate the Bible. I DON'T believe that God gave any new revelation to the King James translators. They simply worked with existing translations and God led them, overseeing their important work. God didn't speak through the King James Bible translators, as He did through holy men of old in the Scriptures; but God honored His solemn promise to keep and preserve His inspired texts unto every generation!!!
  5. THE PRIDE AND DISHONESTY OF ITS CRITICS - There's not a more crooked and unethical bunch of people than those who put out the modern Bible versions!!! What shady people! They are full of wicked pride and inconsistency!!! Christ Deity Denier, Dr. Bart Ehrman, Helped Work On New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). How can a professor who denies the Deity of Jesus Christ be allowed to help translated a Bible? The modern Bible versions all attack the Deity of Christ (i.e., the doctrinal truth that Jesus is almighty God). Look how dishonest the modern Bible translators are!!! They're all just as crooked as a dog's hind leg!!! Bob Jones University tells guest preachers only to use the King James Bible, misleading students to believe that's all they use, but BJU fully supports the Westcott and Hort perversion!!! I've met Bob Jones' graduates, pastors, who call Dr. Jack Hyles “a cult” for preaching a King James Bible ONLY position. No, BJU is the cult!!! I'm tired of pastors critiquing the King James Bible, saying this version is better, and that version is better... WELL THEN WHY DON'T YOU USE THEM??? A man that doesn't have any enemies is not a man! You can tell where a man stands by who his friends and enemies are!!! A fella who's a crook has an alibi, but a preacher has no excuse for his criminality for using the modern Bible revisions!!! I have more respect for John Dillinger, a known criminal gangster, than I do for the publishers of the modern satanic Bibles and the shameful pastors who use them!!! What a proud and self-righteousness bunch of people!!! Bob Jones University promotes the Alexandrian garbage!!! Bob Jones University criticizes the King James Bible, teaching that it has errors. Al Capone and Bugsy Malone were more noble than the leadership of Bob Jones University. BJU has betrayed the Word of God!!!
  6. THE PREEMINENT PLACE THAT IT GIVES THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - The King James Bible is condemned by EVERY wicked and apostate crowd in the world. God hates a lying tongue! Proverbs 8:13, “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.” Only the reliable King James Bible still says that people “worshipped” the Lord. All of the modern PERversions reduce it to a mere “knelt” or “bowed.” Whereas in the King James Bible Jesus claimed in Revelation 1:8 to be “THE ALMIGHTY,” The Voice (VOICE) reduces it to “ALL POWERFUL.” There's a big difference between those two phrases. According to the King James Bible, Jesus is almighty God, not merely all powerful.
  7. IT'S THE ONLY BIBLE THAT DOESN'T CHANGE - The modern Bible revisions keep changing. Shockingly, the 2011 NIV changed in content from the 1984 NIV by 38.8%!!! The King James Bible has been proven over the centuries, tried and true, by every mighty man of God who had a burning passion to win souls to Jesus Christ. The King James Bible represents a purified Syrian text!!!
  8. IT SPEAKS WITH AUTHORITY - The dead neo-evangelical churches today all use the corrupt Alexandrian Bible revisions, which diminish the authority of God's Word. None of the new Bible paraphrases and versions speak with authority. The King James Bible speaks with God's authority. Feminists, liberals and homosexuals hate the King James Bible, because it condemns sin and is masculine and AUTHORITATIVE!!! Ecclesiastes 8:4, “Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word is “quick and powerful.” The Alexandrian texts are dead! There is no life (no Holy Spirit) at work in the modern PERversions. There's never been a great revival associated with any Bible other than the authorized King James Bible!!!
  9. IT'S LOYAL FOLLOWING - I've never seen anybody get worked up over the New International Version (NIV). I've never seen anybody vehemently defend any of the modern revisions. Everyone is either a die-hard King James Bible only fanatic, or they are OK with a dozen different “versions” to search through to find God's Word. I've never known anyone to have or express the kind of extreme loyalty for the modern revisions, as born-again Christians do for the inspired King James Bible!!! That speaks volumes!!! I've never known anyone to love, cherish and fight for The Voice, Living Bible, Easy-To-Read Version, English Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Contemporary English Version, or the New King James Version!!! Only the authorized King James Bible can make such a claim of die-hard, cultish, loyalty (and we're proud of it). If you didn't get saved from a King James Bible, you're not saved!!! You can only be born-again spiritually from “INCORRUPTIBLE Word” (1st Peter 1:23b).
Listen very carefully ladies and gentleman—There's only one book that religious scholars want to get rid of, and that is the King James Bible!!! That speaks volumes as to its authenticity!!! Liberal scholars don't care about getting rid of the ASV, NIV, TLB, ESV, ERV or any other modern Bible PERversion... THEY WANT TO GET RID OF THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES TEXT!!! They don't want to get rid of the Greek text, but the English text! The King James Bible is the Protestant Bible of the English Reformation!!! No Hebrew or Greek scholar, saved or lost, living or dead, in the history of the Church, ever discovered one major truth that is not clearly given in the authorized King James Bible. Amen! If you bought out every book in the bookstore, including the theological dictionary of the New Testament, which contains well over 4,000 pages, you couldn't find one thing in there that isn't clear in the King James Bible.

Not one Greek or Hebrew scholar has ever made any significant contribution since 1881 to soul-winning or effective preaching! The year 1881 is when Westcott and Hort presented their poisonous Greek translation to the world. The inspired King James Bible is the soul-winner's Bible!!!!!!! Greek has been a dead language for 1700 years! English is now the international language. Don't tell me that almighty God didn't have a hand in giving us our beloved, inspired, perfect, King James Bible!!!

Modern PERversions Attack Christ's Deity

How can you read the Holy Bible if you don't have it? Notice carefully how the corrupt New International Version (NIV) perverts the Word of God, attacking Christ's deity by calling Him a “servant” instead of God's biological “child.” ...
KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) - Acts 4:27, “For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together.” [emphasis added]

NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV) - Acts 4:27, “Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.” [emphasis added]
Do you see how the NIV attacks the deity of Jesus, calling Him a holy servant instead of God's holy child? I plead with you to stop using and bidding Godspeed to the Devil's modern Bible revisions. God only authored ONE BOOK, not two, not 339, not 900. There can only be one accurate Bible in any particular language. Thankfully, we have the accurate King James Bible.

I'm sick and tired of preachers getting up behind the pulpit and preaching from a book that they don't believe is inspired by God!!! What phonies!!! If you don't believe that the Bible is God's inspired, perfect, infallible, holy, blood-sprinkled, reliable, inerrant Word, then please get out of the pulpit!!! The ungodly people behind the modern Bible versions are deceivers!!! Many preachers today are cowardly yellowbellies!!! We've got a bunch of gutless soldiers today who dare call themselves “militant fundamentalists”! Ha, ha, ha! Christ said in John 17:17, “THY WORD IS TRUTH.” Not a truth or truths, but TRUTH!!! You'd be shocked to learn that Luciferians are behind the modern Bible revisions!!! My friend, if you don't have a KING JAMES BIBLE, YOU DON'T HAVE AN INSPIRED HOLY BIBLE!!!

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