Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Satanic Kabbalah, Zohar, Talmud And Roman Catholicism

Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

I often receive emails from people who tell me that I really need to read someone's eye-opening book. I am not against recommended helpful and insightful books, but dear reader, I have THE BOOK! I wouldn't trade my inspired King James Bible for all the books every written! Why you ask? Simply because the Bible is God's Word! As we just read in our text verse from 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, the inspired Words of God are all that we need to be “perfect” (i.e., complete) in Jesus Christ, “throughly furnished” unto all good works. Bless God, I am as narrow-minded as the Holy Bible! God's opinion is my opinion. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible!!!

Having said that, we are living in a sinful world, surrounded by all manner of opinions which conflict with the inspired Word of God. That is why the world is in such a mess! Someone sent me an article today, which shows Pope Francis honoring a group of Judaizers...

In an almost empty St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis received a delegation from the Kabbalah Centre of Los Angeles, which gave him an English translation of the book Tikkunei Zohar.

In Judaism, the Talmud is the book made up of commentaries by rabbis on the Torah – the Pentateuch – and the other books of Scriptures. The Talmud alleges to follow the Law of Moses and the other biblical moral and canonical precepts.

The Zohar, a word that translates as splendor, pretends to be the expression of the splendor of God that Moses saw and was reflected in his face when he came down from Mount Sinai. It purports to give mystical ways to reach the glory of God. The Zohar is the base of the Jewish Kabbalah, which often is understood as an ensemble of secret norms and practices of Judaism.

The book Tikkunei Zohar pretends to explain or correct confused parts of the Zohar and make it easier for the soul to reach the highest possible level of love and unity. Its English translation was sponsored by art dealer Sandra Gering, who is a Kabbalah student. ...

READ MORE: Church Revolution In Pictures 

I love Jewish people. I love Arabs. I love everyone with God's unconditional love, which is why I am writing this blog article. Remember friend, any opinion that conflicts with God's opinion in the written Word of God is heresy! I can assure you with all Biblical certainty that the Roman Catholic church is of the Devil. The church bases their hope of salvation on keeping the Seven Sacraments of their religion. Catholics foolishly believe that water baptism is the door into the church, and that salvation is obtained through the Catholic church. This makes Catholicism a false religion Biblically, because they pervert the Gospel by ADDING a requirement to be water baptized.

Matthew 16:18, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Catholics teach that the preceding Bible verse means Peter is the “rock upon which the church is built. Since Catholics believe that Peter was the first Pope, therefore they think Roman Catholicism is the Lord's church. We know this is false! In the Greek, Peter is petros (pebble), but the word Petra (a Rock) in the preceding Scripture refers to Jesus (the foundation of the Church). What saith the Scripture? 1st Corinthians 3:11, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Peter is NOT the foundation of the Church, Jesus is! 

Roman Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion! So it doesn't surprise me that the ungodly Pope would bid Godspeed to a Satanic group of Judaizers who reject Jesus as the Messiah. Roman Catholics sin against God by worshipping statues, trinkets and venerating dead saints. The religion is steeped in demonic superstition, especially in Hispanic cultures. Roman Catholics are very sneaky, corrupting the Ten Commandments to hide the evils of idolatry. First, read the Catholic's version of the Ten Commandments. And now (please make sure you are sitting down friend), read what the Bible actually says. Isn't that something? They just changed and corrupted the Holy Bible, to accommodate their Satanic practice of worshipping statues. They removed the 2nd Commandment, which forbids bowing to any graven image!

Pope John Paul II Committing The Sin Of Idolatry

I am not trying to be unkind, I am telling the truth, as a true friend does.

Having said that, many churchgoers today have been deceived by the Devil's deception of Zionism. What is Zionism? It is the belief and movement to restore Jews to the land of Palestine (aka, the Promised land). In the Old Testament, God promised Abraham to make unto him a great nation (Israel). God promised to give Abraham's descendants all the land from the Nile River down in Egypt, all the way up to the Euphrates River in Syria). Genesis 15:18, “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:God will make good on that promise in the future. The Jews had entered into Canaan to seize the promise, but because of their habitual spiritual adultery with false gods (as we read about in the book of Ezekiel), the Lord took Israel away from Abraham's descendants (Assyria conquered northern Israel in 722 BC, and Babylon the southern kingdom in 586 BC).

In Luke 21:24 we read, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.Zionists today completely ignore this passage of Scripture, which plainly teaches that Israel today has NO DIVINE GUARANTEE of protection from God. The Bible teaches that the coming Antichrist will burn Jerusalem with fire. The Bible spiritually calls Jerusalem (Israel) a whore and Sodom (Revelation 11:8; 17:16-18). 

Why does the Bible describe Israel using these horrible disparaging terms? The Huffington Post in recent years has called Tel Aviv, Israel a gay paradise.” Less than 3% of Israel's inhabitants today profess Christianity. Israel is no different than any other heathen nation! They have forsaken the God of their fathers. Not surprisingly, the same thing is said about the coming “Man of Sin” (2nd Thessalonians 2:3), the Antichrist (or in place of Christ, i.e., an imitation, a deceiver). Daniel 11:37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” In lieu of the Scriptures I have just shared with you, and Tel Aviv being a major tourist destination for homosexuals, it is likely that the Antichrist will be a homosexual (Daniel 11:37b, “nor the desire of women”). The Man of Sin will not “regard the God of his fathers” (Daniel 11:37b). 

The most “holy book” of unbelieving Jews today is the Talmud, which is a despicable book. The Talmud teaches that a Roman soldier raped Mary, and that is how Jesus was conceived. The Talmud says Jesus is in Hell, suffering in urine and excrement. The Talmud refers to Jesus as Balaam. The Talmud permits rabbis to have carnal knowledge (intercourse) with girls under age 3. Look at the Talmud for yourself. I am not trying to be mean or unkind, God forbid. I am simply showing you THE TRUTH. No one ought to support the Talmud. It is of the Devil. Why is the Catholic Pope sanctioning these wicked things? Could it be that they are all on the same Devil's team? Yes, that is exactly what is going on. It was reported in the Jerusalem news in October of 2004, that local Christians want Judaizers to stop spitting on them!

Why am I saying these things? It is not to incite hatred against Jews, God forbid. That would be wrong and a sin. I love Jewish people. I love Chinese people. I love African Americans. I love gay people. I love Christian people. I love unloving people. I love every living creature, because God is love, and I am a child of God. 1st John 4:8, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” You better believe I love Jews! I love you too dear reader!!! Rather, I am simply preaching against the falsehoods of Roman Catholicism, Judaism, the Talmud, Zohar and Kabballah.

I did an interesting study about Kabbalah several years ago. In Kabbalah there are 125 levels of enlightenment through which an adherent must ascend. Each level is supposed to give the follower a greater understanding of the truth. In reality, Kabbalah is a Satanic substitute, blinding men from the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kabbalah is a fraud based on Jewish mysticism. Everybody has a right to their own opinion, but no one has a right to their own facts! 

I am sometimes asked how to determine which religion is right. Of the 4,200 religions in this world, how do you pick one? That is easy, look at the origin of it (where it came from). What is the basis of their authority? Christianity is based upon Jesus Christ, which roots we can easily trace through history. Roman Catholicism began with Augustine in Rome. Jehovah's Witnesses began with Charles Taze Russell. Mormonism began with Joseph Smith. Seventh-Day Adventism began with Ellen G. White. I don't know about you, but I am going to follow the New Testament church, of which Jesus Christ is the foundation (1st Corinthians 3:11). No religion is right! You don't get to Heaven through religion. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this world! You get to Heaven through Jesus Christ. John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.If you want to go to Heaven, you need Jesus!!!

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