Saturday, December 26, 2020

Evangelist Ken Ham Gets It Wrong, Again

1st Peter 3:18-19, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.”

How long did it take Noah to build the ark? That is a very good question. Unfortunately, probably the most recognized so-called theological “expert on creationism today is Evangelist Ken Ham. Mr. Ham crunches a bunch of numbers and concludes that it only took Noah 55 to 75 years to build the ark. Kindly said, Ken Ham is very wrong! In fact, he goes totally contrary to the Bible! What saith the Scripture? ...

“By which also he (Christ) went and preached unto the Spirits in prison. (19) "Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God WAITED in the days of Noah, WHILE THE ARK WAS A PREPARING, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.” (20)

We have a direct teaching from the Scripture here that says GOD WAITED during the days of Noah, WHILE THE ARK WAS A PREPARING. Who can argue with that bold statement? God waited 120 years, because that is how long it took Noah and his family to prepare the ark.

In my blog title, I say that Ken Ham gets it wrong “again, because the Bible does not support his claim of a Young Earth Creation. The Bible in every way teaches that the earth itself is very old. Psalms 102:25, Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.The psalmist penned those words around 1,000 BC. “Of old” wouldn't seem very “old” to someone who lived in 1,000 BC. I am convinced that the earth is indeed billions of years old, as science supports. Scientists calculate from astronomy that the universe is about 13 billions years old. I have no problem with that number as a Christian

I do however have a problem with anyone who claims that dinosaurs roamed the earth alive 5,000 years ago, which is ridiculous. Young earth advocates get so weird in their claims, that Dr. Henry Morris III taught Noah brought baby dinosaurs aboard the ark, and God miracuously stunted their growth to prevent them from growing during the year they were on the ark. Folks, if you believe that nonsense, I feel sorry for you. You might as well also believe that the earth is flat, the planets don't really exist, and the sun is as close to earth as the moon. There are (as unbelievable as it is in 2021) still people who sincerely believe all these unscientific things. The earth is a sphere, to be clear! The planets do really exist! And the sun is scientifically proven to be approximately 93 million miles away from the earth.

The Young Earth Creation racket takes in tens of billions of dollars each year. Ken Ham's Answers-In-Genesis alone took in $37 million in 2017, which I think is ethically wrong. I am against any so-called man of God making that kind of money. I did some research and learned that the average church takes in about $90,000 a year. Ken Ham takes in 222 times that per year! I don't understand why so many Baptist pastors foolishly support this man, which to me is nothing more than a circus dog and pony show. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37-39 that in the end times society would return to the evils seen as in the time of Noah. I think that includes all the religious greed, covetousness, rackets and parasiting off of Christendom. The one time in the Bible when Jesus exploded in anger, deliberately so, was over the things of God being exploited to make money (Luke 19:45-46). That is what we are seeing today a lot in evangelical Christianity—religious leaders taking advantage of churches financially, deceiving the simple, begging for money all the time, selling the knowledge of God.

I am not accusing Ken Ham of doing anything illegal, but I think it should be. It bothers me that a religious conman can exploit a niche, like creationism, which is one of the most popular subjects, and become a multi millionaire from it. Meanwhile, humble Gospel preaching missionaries around the world barely get paid enough to eat. I have a big problem with Pastor John MacArthur having a net worth of $14 million. I have a problem with Evangelist Ray Comfort taking in over $3 million a year from his 'Living Waters' ministry. I have never made a single penny since 2002 online, and never will take a penny. I do what I do because I love Jesus Christ, love truth, and love people. I just want to be a blessing for my dear Savior!

Anyway, Ken Ham blatantly contradicts the Scriptures when he says it only took Noah 55 to 75 years to finish the ark. The Bible plainly teaches in 1st Peter 3:18-19 that “GOD WAITED for Noah to PREPARE THE ARK, which took 120 years. 

And also, Ken Ham errantly tells people to “turn from sinful ways” to be saved, which is Lordship Salvation. No one has ever been saved who attempted to forsake sinful living as a requirement to receive God's free gift of eternal life. I do not believe Ken Ham is a Christian! Anyone who thinks they cannot continue living a lifestyle of sin as a Christian clearly does not understand the Bible. In fact, every believer still lives a lifestyle of sinning. Some just choose to sin less than others, but either way it is SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, if you make it mandatory for salvation. Beware of Evangelist Ken Ham's heretical ministry, please. I say that with love.

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