Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Skull & Bones, John Kerry, Global Warming Hoax

Revelation 13:15-18, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Former honorable congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, got it 100% right in 2006, when she said that the United States has been hi-jacked by a criminal syndicate! Miss McKinney is an American patriot (and hero in my humble opinion) who has been repeatedly persecuted by political peers, and banned on social media for telling THE TRUTH! I couldn't agree with her more! I just heard in the news today that newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden has already tapped JOHN KERRY for a New National Security Role Focused On The Climate Crisis. This is very significant news for several reason:

  1. Senator John Kerry is a member of the Satanic SKULL & BONES secret society. President John Quincy Adams actually banned SKULL & BONES, for trying to overthrow the American republic! The shadow government is still at work, and you can be assured John Kerry plays a key subversive role! John Kerry is a continuation of the Bush family's Luciferian power grab of government!!!
  2. Senator John Kerry and former U.S. President George W. Bush are distant cousins.
  3. It was obvious to me decades ago that crime families have taken over the White House and U.S. government. Since everyone has a boss, all the Globalists need to do to maintain control, is control the top person in each government agency. They have achieved that. Bill and Hillary Clinton were known criminals in Arkansas. Billions of dollars in illegal drugs were trafficked through Mena, Arkansas (when Bill Clinton was governor). Former CIA chief George H. Bush was a criminal, who as Reagan's Vice President appointed himself to be in charge of the anti-drug efforts in south Florida. It was a cover for Bush to traffic illegal drugs into the country. That is why George W. Bush was appointed as governor of Texas, and Jeb Bush as governor of Florida (both border states). So it didn't surprise me when Bill Clinton was appointed as U.S. President. Bush Sr., then Bill Clinton, then Bush Jr.? They were all drug dealing criminals! And now John Kerry again? I smell a rat! The same names keep coming up, and they're all Freemasons and Skull & Bones members! I don't claim to have any special insights, but I have been paying attention since 2002 to what is going on in our country. This whole fraud of Climate Change (in my humble opinion) will become a power grab, to oppress the world as a means of building their Satanic New World Order!!!
  4. In this video, John Kerry inadvertently admits that World Trade Center building 7 was destroyed with controlled demolition for safety concerns. Folks, it takes several months to plan, prepare and demolish a big building with explosives. Three WTC buildings on 911 were demolished in less than one minute total! That took years to plan and prepare!!! John Kerry cannot be trusted.

I was disgusted today when I heard the news: Newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden taps Skull & Bones kingpin, former senator John Kerry, to new National Security Role focused on Climate Change! Global Warming is a massive hoax!

Former U.S. President George W. Bush was a war criminal, whose administration orchestrated 911, then lied our country into an illegal war based on false allegations of Weapons Of Mass Destruction, murdering 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis. Now Skull & Bones' member John Kerry is coming to power! John Kerry and George W. Bush are in fact distant cousins. I could be wrong, but I cannot help but wonder if President Trump is putting on a big show. They have to make it all look legitimate. Professor G. Edward Griffin explains how communists control both sides of the political process. Senator Joe Biden was likely decided upon long ago to become our nation's next U.S. President in 2021. 

In response to being tapped by Joe Biden, John Kerry Tweeted this today...

“America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is. I'm proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President's Climate Envoy.”

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/JohnKerry/status/1330925522579312640

National security threat? I don't like the sound of that at all. Kerry's rhetoric sounds like key words for a coming Police State crackdown! What crisis? John Coleman was a career meteorologist, who called Global Warming a massive hoax! I fully agree with him. So, when I hear that a high profile Skull & Bones member like John Kerry, is being given a new position of power in the U.S. government, to combat a blatant scientific fraud, it can only mean that this is just another POWER GRAB by the Luciferian Globalists! Who do you think is behind the Coronavirus pandemic? I have my suspicions. Read what Globalist David Rockefeller horribly said, revealing the Luciferian control over the mainstream newsmedia:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: David Rockefeller, Bilderberger Meeting; Baden, Germany (June 1991)
World government means the Beast system of the coming Antichrist (aka, a New World Order). We cannot stop the forming NWO, but we don't have to be deceived and go along with its evils. Those “evils include the Devil's modern Bible revisions, and the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism). Skull & Bones is a generational Satanic society, officially called: “The Order Of Death.” Skull & Bones members are notoriously homosexuals, as a means of sexually debasing all members, to build trust among fellow secret society members. Bohemian Grove (65 miles north of San Francisco) is notoriously homosexual, which former U.S. President Richard Nixon verified. Many former U.S. Presidents have been members of Bohemian Grove (including Ronald Reagan, known in southern California as “Rainbow Ronnie for his homosexuality; also George H. Bush, George W. Bush, et cetera). Here is a partial list of famous Bohemian Grove members.

When I heard today that newly appointed President Joe Biden tapped John Kerry for a new role in National Security, I cringed, because I know it means corruption and a police state! When I learned that the new role involved enforcing Climate Change efforts, I knew that this can only mean the government's boot stomping down on our faces (just as George Orwell foretold in his incredibly accurate book, 1984). 

I honestly don't know what John Kerry and his accomplices on Climate Thuggery have in mind, but I'm sure it will involve costing Americans a lot more money! Will we see global taxation to fight against Global Warming? Will we be forbidden to take daily showers? Things could get insane folks! While anarchist Marxist punks across the United States are pulling down historical statues, burning down citizen's businesses, and attempting to disturb the nuclear family; our newly appointed (I don't think he was legitimately elected) U.S. President is concerned about combatting Global Warming? It seems like the riots were all planned. Vladimir Lenin said the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. Today's ungodly perverse youth couldn't be more devoid of morals!!! This is The Lost Generation!” (awesome sermon by Pastor Danny Castle).

I am not a cynical person. I am not a gloom and doom type of person. I am not a pessimist. However, I have eyes and a working brain, thank God! I know Global Warming is a massive modern-day fraud. I know the Federal Reserve Act (since 1913) is a massive criminal fraud, which has been stealing money from Americans for over 100 years. I know the 911 World Trade Center attack is a blatant fraud. It was a total Inside Job. Bombs brought those 3 WTC buildings down, which took years to plan and several months to prepare. I know Sandy Hook was a fraud. I know the OKC Bombing was a fraud. A detonated C4 explosive charge brought the building down, murdering 168 people. Another two C4 explosive devices were found undetonated at the crime scene. They were diffused. I know this Coronavirus is a media hoax, being overly exaggerated. I know governments lie. I know evildoers don't care who they hurt. I know Jesus my Savior is risen, and all is well in my heavenly Father's house (John 16:33). So, I am not worried at all.

It is obvious that a small group of criminals have hi-jacked America, just as former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney said. John Kerry is clearly an insider, which prompted me to write this article. In the 2004 U.S. Presidential election we we given a choice of only Skull & Bones members. All across the country Americans are being forced into homelessness. This is due to a woeful lack of good paying jobs and the ridiculously rising cost of housing. In Los Angeles the average monthly rent is now over $2,300. In San Francisco the average rent is nearly $4,000 a month. People cannot survive anymore. The federal government not only doesn't care, but has caused the problem by allowing the fraudulent Federal Reserve System to continue oppressing Americans since 1913. How The Government Has Caused Poverty.

As born-again believers, God doesn't expect us as Christians to know all about how the world works. Thankfully, God doesn't expect for us to understand how He works either. All God asks is that we trust Him. Jesus said in Mark 11:22b, “Have faith in God.I don't believe we've had an honest election in the United States since the beginning of our country. I say this because we are always given THEIR CHOICE of candidates to choose from. So do we really have a choice? I think not. Children are indoctrinated in the government's vile public schools to believe that voting is their highest patriotic duty, but secret societies who run the country from behind the scenes pick who we can vote for. You have a choice of criminal A or criminal B. In China they have one political party with two factions; but in the United States we have one faction with two political parties. Either way, we have no choice! What we do have is the ILLUSION of choice.

I couldn't help but wonder if the true agenda behind the Coronavirus is to shift the blame for the economic collapse of the United States, from the federal reserve banking cartel to the Coronavirus instead. Financial experts have been warning of America's impending economic implosion for the past century. At this point the government can blame everything on the pandemic, and use the fallout to further advance the New World Order. We know Biblically (see our text Scripture passage), that everything is leading toward a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State.

In Daniels's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's image (Daniel chapter 2), the feet mixed with iron and clay represent the End Times. Daniel 8:25, “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.The legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's image represent the brutal strength of the divided Roman Empire. Since there are no world powers today, only super powers (Russia, China, France, Israel, India, USA, et cetera), the Devil must use the weapon of deception to control the masses. I believe that is what is meant in Daniel 8:25, that the coming Antichrist BY PEACE SHALL DESTROY MANY.” Look at what peace has wrought in America—abortions, homosexual marriages, filthy lewd pictures, violence, taking the Lord's name in vain. adultery, public nudity, et cetera. We do this in our freedom!!!

Pastor Texe Marrs smelled a dead rat with Senator John Kerry in 2004, and I smell the same stinking rat in 2020, and now Joe Biden is appointing him a lot of POWER to fight against Climate Change. This sounds like a recipe for disaster. These scumbags want their demonic New World Order at all cost, regardless of how many lives it costs. They murdered 3,000 Americans on 911 to get their war in Iraq, start the new U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2002, and pass the treasonous Patriot Acts I and II. Americans were terrified after 911, ready to give up all their liberties for security. Benjamin Franklin said that a person willing to give up their liberties for security deserve neither! Look here at the 911 Ground Zero Memorial, in which the culprits display an All Seeing Eye to brag of their evil hand in 911.

In the news today, I heard John Kerry give an acceptance speech for his new role in national security to combat Climate Change. John Kerry made this disturbing statement: To end this crisis the whole world must come together!” We all know that the goal of Globalists is world government, as evidenced by David Rockefeller's earlier quote I shared with you. Here is John Kerry's quote again:
“To end this crisis the whole world must come together!” —former senator and Skull & Bones member, John Kerry
Climate change is a proven fraud, just like the blatant cruel hoax of Evolution. For 6,000 years of human civilization there wasn't a problem, until the New World Order came along. Meteorologists have shown historically that there are normal cooling and warming climate change periods, sometimes lasting for over 100 years. These cooling and warming trends coincide with ocean currents, temperature and trends. Global warming is false science! 

John Kerry is effectively calling for world government to combat Climate Change! It shouldn't come as a surprise then that Global Warming enthusiasts are connecting the COVID-19 pandemic with Climate Change!!! So, don't be surprised if Globalists use the COVID-19 pandemic to crackdown internationally on Global Warming! This is all fraud folks. Each and every year approximately 650,000 people die worldwide from influenza (the common flu). Now all of a sudden these deaths are being grouped together with COVID-19 deaths, then hyped mainly by the American newsmedia as a dire crisis! This is a popular political deceptive tactic which has been used to manipulate the masses since the beginning of human civilization. It is called: “CRISIS, REACTION, SOLUTION!” A corrupt government artificially creates a crisis, the public reacts, and then the government offers the solution. One of the most infamous examples is The Great Fire Of Rome in 64 A.D. ...
“History has blamed Nero for the disaster, implying that he started the fire so that he could bypass the senate and rebuild Rome to his liking. Much of what is known about the great fire of Rome comes from the aristocrat and historian Tacitus, who claimed that Nero watched Rome burn while merrily playing his fiddle. Gangs of thugs prevented citizens from fighting the fire with threats of torture, Tacitus wrote. There is some support for the theory that Nero leveled the city on purpose: the Domus Aurea, Nero’s majestic series of villas and pavilions set upon a landscaped park and a man-made lake, was built in the wake of the fire.

...Tacitus was a member of this Roman elite, and whether there is a bias in his writing is difficult to know. Indeed, Tacitus was still a boy at the time of the fire, and he would have been a young teenager in 68 A.D., when Nero died. Nero himself blamed the fire on an obscure new Jewish religious sect called the Christians, whom he indiscriminately and mercilessly crucified. During gladiator matches he would feed Christians to lions, and he often lit his garden parties with the burning carcasses of Christian human torches. Yet there is evidence that, in 64 A.D., many Roman Christians believed in prophecies predicting that Rome would soon be destroyed by fire. Perhaps the fire was set off by someone hoping to make the prediction come true.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: “Secrets Of The Dead, PBS
History is full of similar examples of crisis, reaction and solution plots. We saw that on 911, when three World Trade Center buildings were imploded with carefully placed thermite explosives (which took at least several months to prepare). The American public reacted. The solution was war with Iraq and Afghanistan. The solution was the new Department Of Homeland Security in 2002. The solution were Patriot Acts I and II. The solution has been a new police state in America! And now here is the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, which I am 100% convinced in an artificially created crisis. The public are reacting

In the following insightful video, Alex Jones does a great job exposing former senator John Kerry and the Devil's New World Order...

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