Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The New World Order Is Not The Revived Roman Empire

Revelation ​17:9-11, And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

I don't think the New World Order will be the "revived Roman empire." The Roman empire fell in 476 AD, and is "history," as they say.

The five kings that have fallen are: EGYPT, ASSYRIA, BABYLON, MEDO-PERSIA and GREECE. We can see these world powers align with the Old Testament, which helps us to understand the Bible. Moses lived during the reign of Egypt. Isaiah and Nahum were prophets who lived and preached during the time of Assyria. Daniel, Ezekiel, Habakkuk and Jeremiah lived during the time of Babylon. Daniel also lived to see the rise of the Medo-Persian empire that overthrew Babylon. And then Greece rose to world power during the 400 silent years of the Bible, between the Old and New Testaments. I think this is a fascinating Bible study.

And then we read in Revelation 17:10-12 about the 6th king ("and one is"), which was Rome, a world power until they fell in 476 AD. The 7th king is the now forming New World Order, and the 8th is the Antichrist (the Beast) who rises up from the New World Order, who is the final world leader. Today we don't have any world powers, we have super powers like Russia, Israel, the United States, France, India and China (all of which have nuclear weapons). Japan has not been allowed to build a strong military since World War II, with the agreement that the U.S. will protect them.

So we do see the New World Order taught in the Bible. I don't see anything to indicate that it will be the revived Roman empire. This teaching was popular when the Roman Catholic church rose to power during centuries past. During the Dark Ages and the Spanish Inquisition it seemed as if the Pope was the Antichrist. They couldn't see what we see today. The New World Order was hidden for thousands of years from mankind, but today is being revealed. That is why we see the All Seeing Eye, The Great Pyramid, and Obelisks, being promoted around the world. Occultists call this the "Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, which I have written about.

That simply means that the Devil decided it was time to reveal his plans to the world. Occultist Alice Bailey wrote much about this. It was in the 1970's that we really started seeing occult symbols highly promoted in the media, but occult symbols go back to the beginning of human civilization. Many occult symbols were displayed in ancient Egypt.

As we see, occultists had diabolical plans for our nation from the very start. Notice that the capstone of the pyramid is detached from the base of the pyramid. I think that represents the unfinished tower of Babel. Satan's sinister plot was foiled by God, put on hold until a future date. I believe that Luciferian plot resumed in the 18th century, and has developed slowly to what it is today, a New World Order, being led by the United States of America. Eventually, the Antichrist will be the fulfillment of all these occult (meaning "hidden") symbols. 
Lucifer has tried to unite mankind against God since the very beginning, which we see at the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). The picture below is 'The Great Seal,' developed in 1782 by Freemasons to represent the United States. 

Look at this picture of occult signs in the media...

They are all displaying the All Seeing Eye, or the classic 666 hand sign (i.e., the okay sign), which forms three 6's. Why are they all doing this? It is because this is what they have been trained to do by Satanists who control the music, entertainment and Hollywood industry. I was shocked when I saw what they paid Taylor Swift to do. This is what Satanists are promoting to our impressionable children.

All of this is preparation for the coming Antichrist, who is rightly called in the Bible, the "Man of Sin" (2nd Thessalonians 2:3). As Christians we cannot stop the New World Order (NWO), but we can expose it. The Bible said it would happen. All we can do is walk with God, loving Him and our neighbours, obeying the Bible with the Lord's help. We don't live the Christian life, which is something that the Lordship Salvation crowd doesn't understand at all; Jesus lives the Christian life through us. Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." God's Holy Spirit indwells every believer, and the Spirit leads us with the written Word of God, as we obediently walk in the Spirit. If we walk in the flesh, then we are backslidden and filled with our own ways (Proverbs 14:14).

The New World Order is upon us dear reader. There is nothing to fear! John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 1st John 4:4, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.Satan is in the world. The Holy Spirit indwells every believer (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of Christ in us is greater than the Devil who is in the world. 

The New World Order (NWO) is nothing to fear. The Bible commands us to fear God (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). But I want you to be aware of the NWO, so you won't be drawn into it, as have most churches today. These churches that use and bid Godspeed to dozens of English Bible revisions are supporting the NWO. These churches that support manmade Israel, and the Devil's Zionist heresy of Dispensationalism (which is not taught in the Bible), are helping the Devil's NWO. I am not against dispensation teaching if done in such a way that soulwinning remains our primary focus. But when Israel becomes the main focus, it is of the Devil. True Israel doesn't exist today as a nation, and won't until the Lord Jesus Christ returns at His Second Coming (Hosea 3:4-5). Present-day Israel is a Luciferian manmade hoax!

One of the biggest NWO hoaxes is Lordship Salvation. Have you been deceived friend? Part of my website ministry is to educate fellow believers about the New World Order, so that you won't be deceived. Please use only the King James Bible. Please reject all forms of Lordship Salvation. We are saved by God's grace alone, and not by “repenting of sins.” Repentance is necessary to be saved, but it simply means to acknowledge that one is a needy sinner in God's sight, and believing the Gospel to be saved. Repentance is automatically included in believing, which is why we find the word “believe mentioned 85 times in the Gospel of John, but the word repent” is not mentioned even once. This proves that believing is all that is necessary to be saved! Anyone who says that you must turn away from a lifestyle of sin to be saved is preaching another gospel.

The New World Order is upon us dear friend. We are surrounded in society today by false prophets, false Bible revisions, false churches, false Christians, false doctrines and false Christs. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” As a born-again Christian, I am the sworn enemy of the New World Order.

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