Thursday, September 17, 2020

Single Women Are Out Of Touch With Reality Today

1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.

My regular web visitors know that I am seeking a wife. I have been alone for 14 years, since 2006 when my former wife divorced me. There's a lot of debate over remarriage in churches today. What saith the Scripture? 1st Corinthians 7:2, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” It doesn't get any plainer than that. To avoid fornication everyone should be married! When men write to me, asking me how to handle their struggle with sexual sins, I always tell them what the Bible says... GET MARRIED! 

If I can't find a wife soon in the United States, I'm going to use Christian Filipina and marry a young woman. I found a bunch of Baptist ladies, virgins, who use the King James Bible. Go look for yourself. On a lesser note, I signed up for eHarmony in 2017. What a disappointment it has been! These American women are out of touch with reality today. For example: I logged in today and read the following horrible profile information. The woman's name is Christine, a 36 year old pilot. Here is what she says:

Five years from now, I…

I would like to be happily married, flying for a major airline and have at least one child.

I still can't stop laughing. She is disillusioned. You see, she doesn't want a man, she wants a guy to use as a tool to get what she wants— a child— while advancing her own career as a pilot. She has her life's priorities wrong. Her mindset is unscriptural. If you want real love in a marriage, you must serve, not acquire. The Bible commands a wife to obey. The happiest wives are those who obey. No bossy wife loves her husband, she loves herself!!! Children who love their parents the most are the one's who obey them. You don't obey them because you love them, you love them because you obey them! 

“You do not give love, you give to love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, How To Love

Receiving from people doesn't make you love them more, giving to people makes you love them more, because you have an investment there. —Pastor Jack Hyles, How To Love

I read another woman's profile yesterday, a registered nurse who travels the country. She said if she meets the right man she'll take a position at a hospital. You see, she wants a man to fit into her career agenda. She's no better than the other woman, the pilot, that I just mentioned. These women don't want to give up their careers, but they want to find a husband who will fit into with their career. They'll die childless and lonely, because of their career minded foolishness. There is nothing ruining women today like careerism in America!!! 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.The young woman who pursues a career is just as wicked as the abortionist! The young woman who pursues a career is just as wicked as the Las Vegas casino owner! The young woman who pursues a career is just as wicked as the movie house manager! I didn't say that, God did! I just quoted to you the Bible passage! Women who pursue careers rarely get married and have a family! They are 40 years old and miserable!!!

And that sadly includes the career nurses graduating from Bob Jones University, 35 years old and still single, desperate to find a man to marry, but she wants her career! Multitudes of female graduates of Bob Jones University (and other apostate Bible colleges) are using birth control to avoid having children, because children will interfere with their teaching career. I promise you down the road they will resent and hate themselves for foregoing motherhood. Being a mother and keeper at home is not the lesser choice in life, it is the greatest career of all! Our country is going to ruin because women are choosing a money-paying career, instead of the sacrificial joys of motherhood. 

Stay-at-home mothers are the real heroes, not the female soldiers acting like men on the battlefield! Our country has gone insane with this “equal rights” garbage. A woman has as much right to be on the battlefield as a soldier, as a big burly haired-chested man has a right to change baby diapers in a nursery. We've lost our minds in this country! If you're a career woman, and you don't have a husband and children, GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! I'm not saying that it is a sin for a woman to start her own business, but it is a sin if it takes precedence over marriage and motherhood. God created you ladies to be a help meet for a man, not to start a business and make money, unless you are doing that to help your husband.

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