Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Please, Thank You And Excuse Me

Ephesians 4:29-32, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

There are three things that every person needs to know to get you through life: to say “PLEASE,” “THANK YOU” and “EXCUSE ME.” I am sickened by the lack of respect in young people today, and that goes for many adults too! Everywhere I go I hear kids demanding what they want from their parents, without saying “please.” Children should learn at a very early age to use these three courtesy terms. We live in a very selfish and rude world today, especially in America! Kids are brats these days! 

I always make it a point to use these sayings: “PLEASE,” “THANK YOU” and “EXCUSE ME.” It is a matter of ethics and decency. The Bible commands us to be kind one to another, tenderhearted and forgiving. Many children today behave like animals! They run wild, run their mouths, show no respect for adults, interrupt adults talking whenever they feel like it, and their irresponsible parents say nothing! Boy that bothers me. Curb your brat!!! No wonder our country is going to Hell with reckless rioters, fool-mouthed protesters, and arrogant law breakers! The whole Black Lives Matter movement is a communist plot to undermine America. We need to get back to showing respect for everyone, not just black people. We've lost the concept of respect for authority in America!

I heard a pastor of a Baptist church, defend their church's failure to thank a man who had donated some money to the church. The pastor said it was money given to the Lord, and as a gift no one should have to show gratitude for it. That pastor has a hole in his head! In Revelation 3:17 Jesus described the lukewarm church at Laodicea with five words: BLIND, MISERABLE, NAKED, POOR and WRETCHED! When a church grows so successful in the world—owning land, properties, money in the bank, and having a bunch of bigshots from the business community in their congregation—that they are no longer be appreciative of the little things that the little guy (me) does for them—that church is well nigh hopeless! The Lord reprimanded the church at Laodicea, because even though they were rich and increased with goods, the Lord said they were miserably naked, poor and blinded to their woeful spiritual condition. 

When I attending the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, and in the years to follow, I was absolutely disgusted by the ingratitude of their spoiled pastors and staff. Those people don't say: THANK YOU!” I love sharing and giving as a believer, but it bothers me when professed Christians are so rich, spoiled and well-to-do that they are no longer humble, grateful and expressive of other's generosity and kindness. There is something wrong at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I still have their public business meeting handout from church, which shows they church proposed $846,500 in salaries for 2014. Talk about rich! 
Revelation 3:15-17, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:”
That Bible passage verse practically gives the address of Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam and Bob Jones University in South Carolina. Your attitude determines your altitude in life. The same is true spiritually, but the proper attitude for a mature Christian is absolute broken humility before God and man. Philippians 2:3, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” When I gave two Alexander Scourby DVD King James Bibles to the nurse at Harvest in 2014, she didn't even bother to thank me. She is a snob! That's why she can't find a husband, she has been influenced by ungodly feminism. We've got a bunch of yuppie brats in our churches nowadays! 

I gave several thousand dollars to their church in 2014, because I loved my church family at HBC and wanted to be a blessing for the Lord. They opened their new Family Living Center building in 2014. I had visited Harvest back in 2009, asking for their prayers before my first neck surgery, but no one cared enough about me to take an interest to invite me back. I felt so lonely and they didn't care. It was that very same year that Ben Fieldhouse, a member of Harvest Baptist Church, commit suicide. The authorities wouldn't find the remains of his body until 2 years later in 2012 at Ritidian beach on northern Guam. I feel sorry for Ben and his family. Ben was only 49 years old!

Along with the money I gladly gave to the Lord at Harvest, I gave away sermon CD's, music CD's, King James Bible DVD's, and life-changing books by fundamentalist Baptist preachers in an attempt to TELL THE TRUTH. I gave copies to the pastors, so they could see what I was sharing, which greatly offended them! One of the books was “I Never Knew You” by Michael P. Bowen, which refutes the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. HBC is a cesspool of iniquity, heresy and doctrines of devils. That is because they follow Bob Jones University with a cult-like misguided passion. 

A friend helps a friend to see. Evangelist Tom Ferrell said those very words from behind the pulpit at Harvest. Yet, when I befriended them to see THE TRUTH, they showed me the door and told me I couldn't come back anymore. Where dwelleth the love of God or truth? Harvest is a dead stick in the water my friends. I love them unconditionally, and I have proven my love through telling them THE TRUTH, but they have returned hatred for my love, rejected, shunning and ostracizing me since 2014. What saith the Scripture? Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.Lordship Salvation is a Devil's lie! Instead of being thankful toward me for telling them THE TRUTH, the pastors of Harvest reprimanded me (which God will avenge me of). Truth matters dear reader! God only authored ONE BOOK folks, not 254!

Again, there are three things that every person needs to know to get you through life: to say “PLEASE,” “THANK YOU” and “EXCUSE ME.” The pastors of Harvest ought to have said: “Please tell us more truth!” They ought to have said saying: “Thank you for giving us the truth!” They ought to have said: “Excuse us for not listening to you David, we were wrong!” Oh, I guarantee you that I will hear those remorseful words from them someday, when they stand before almighty God in eternity. The days of the haughty and arrogant Bob Jones University crowd are numbered. I live with the attitude of saying: “PLEASE,” “THANK YOU” and “EXCUSE ME.” I am just a broken and humble sinner, saved by God's wondrous grace. Who am I that a King should bleed and die for? Jesus is precious!!!

God the Father gave His only begotten Son for you and me. Jesus Christ gave His life for you and me. I don't know about you, but that makes me very grateful to God. I appreciate when people do things for me. I notice little things. Pastor Jack Hyles used to wisely say: “The most important job is the one that doesn't get done!” So true! Having a thankful heart strikes at the core of everything I am saying, because when you truly appreciate what God has done for you, then TRUTH MATTERS to you! Right doctrine will matter! Sadly, all that seems to matter to neo-evangelical ministers nowadays is their filthy paycheck!

What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” John 14:15, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” If we love Jesus we will speak THE TRUTH. The psalmist, David, hated every false way (which includes counterfeit Bible revisions, and the false gospel of Lordship Salvation). As I read (or listen to) the inspired King James Bible, my heart burns with THE TRUTH! Therefore, I hate every false way. Something is wrong with churchgoers today, who affirm everything, including the LGBTQ movement. We are in a mess today because no one wants to say anything about it! Well I'm speaking up!!!

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