Friday, August 21, 2020

Wolves In The Hen House At Bob Jones University

Galatians 2:21, “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”

I am amazed how many preachers are in denial today. The Devil has deceive them. They fully know that a man cannot be saved by keeping the deeds of the law, yet those same preachers require people to turn from their sins to be saved. That is mixing works with grace! To attack the grace of God is to attack the God of grace. JESUS PAID IT ALL! The very idea that a man must be willing to forsake the sinful behavior in his life to receive God's free gift of eternal life is a horrible perversion of grace. For example: In Pacific Garden Mission's 'UNSHACKLED' program #3589 (aired in 2020), a woman named Debbie Brooks meets with a religious friend named Sharon:
SHARON: Trusting Jesus is the only thing that can make a difference in my messed-up life. 
DEBBIE: I keep hearing that in church, but I don't get it—how something that EASY can be a life-changer. 
SHARON: Oh Debbie, it's not easy—believing in Jesus means repenting and asking forgiveness for all the old ways, and then GIVING THEM UP FOR GOOD. When you find the COURAGE TO DO THAT, He'll help you CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 
DEBBIE: Huh, well, I'll have to think about it. 
Dear reader, what you just read taught by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell. That is not grace! Works and grace should never be intertwined. I hope you see how evil this is. According to this perverted UNSHACKLED program, it is NOT EASY to be saved, because you are required to GIVE UP YOUR OLD SINFUL WAYS PERMANENTLY! That is “another gospel” accursed by God! Sharon has been deceived by the Devil to mistake reformation for regeneration! Turning away from your sins is reformation, not the new birth by the Holy Spirit of God. Literally, Pacific Garden Mission has a bunch of unsaved religious people making UNSHACKLED episodes! 

I read this excellent quote from Pilgrim's Progress author, John Bunyan, this week:
“If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the man Christ without and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the Word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the Word of God, and cast stumbling blocks before the people.” —John Bunyan (1628-1688)
I thank God for Bob Jones University graduate Lou Martuneac, who had this to say about the institution's apostate condition in 2020:
The University is Turning Ecumenical. 
Apparently Pettit and Horn believed they can bring similar kinds of change to BJU that ruined Northland, Clearwater, Pillsbury, Tennessee Temple, Calvary Seminary (Lansdale) and not ruin the university. Pettit and Horn began remaking BJU with a larger student base and cash on hand than the others. By continuing on this trajectory toward non-separatist evangelicalism they will eventually, like the other schools, burn through both. 
The university is being transformed into something the founder never intended it to be. A BJU alum and pastor who has seen his alma mater being transformed wrote the following, “Unless the trustees insist Steve return back to a Biblical position on separation, or force him out, then the school is gone, a lost cause.” That sentiment is widely shared.
Amen and amen! I couldn't agree more. Any fundamentalist believer is mourning today over the death knell heard nationwide from BJU. Dr. Steve Pettit's hiring as president of BJU since 2014 has been damning to the institution, driving the nails in their coffin as a once long ago bastion of fundamentalism in America! Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) himself warned about the threat of infidels who would sneak into the college ranks, and rob people of their faith! Dr. Jones said if he could, he'd come back from Heaven in 50 years and blow his college to smithereens!!!

Matthew 7:15a, “Beware of false prophets...

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