Saturday, August 1, 2020

We're In A Mess Because No One Wants To Speak Up

Ephesians 5:10-12, “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”

We're in a horrible mess in America because no one wants to preach against anything anymore! We are living in a generation of deviates, pleasure-seekers, perverts and ungodly reprobates. Every single day in the United States $29 million gallons of booze is sold! Another $35 million of indecent smut is sold each day in America! There are 30,000 11 year old children each year who get pregnant in the United States. A shocking 750,000 unwed teenage girls give birth each year in the United States. I just read last week about a man in Ohio having a womb surgically transplanted into him, so he can give birth to a baby. We're in insanity because of sin!!!

The Devil's crowd have been effective at silencing God-fearing Christians, by labeling the truth as “HATE SPEECH”! A Bible-preacher is supposed to offensive to sinners! I wouldn't give you a dime for a preacher who is reluctant to preach against sin! Neo-evangelical preachers have sinfully corrupted the Gospel, in a wicked attempt to force people to forsake their sins and live a holy life. If preachers would stand up for righteousness, and preach uncompromisingly without apology against all manner of sin, then we wouldn't have so much disregard for right and love for wrong in our American society!!! As Americans we ought to give up our WRONGS, not our RIGHTS!

I am listening to a red-hot, hell-fire and damnation sermon right now by Pastor Phil Kidd (I love this truth-telling courageous preacher), which will offend the unrighteous. If you love God and righteousness, as I humbly do by God's grace, then you have to love Phil Kidd's preaching. The sermon is called: 'Sodomite Strategy.' Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they recruit. They do it through the political realm through polluting the minds of the next generation. They want to penetrate all levels of social standards. They don't care if you're a loser or a leader, they want you involved in their LGBTQ agenda, to pressure Christians to back off and shut up! In a short time, Christians will be arrested and prosecuted in the United States for trying to protect children from the LGBTQ agenda. It is already happening in Canada!

Please understand that I am not encouraging hatred or mistreatment toward anyone, God forbid. I would never do that. I am simply pointing out that we're in a mess in our country because most Christians have remained silent, while liberals, kooks and leftists have taken over our schools, government and infiltrated every level of society. You know America is gone when liberal senators are complaining and trying to stop a U.S. President from nominating pro-life judges to the U.S. Supreme Court!!! Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Another needful sermon is by Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) titled: 'Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation.'

I will never act like I accept this perverted LGBTQ deathstyle. I am not going to live in fear of upholding the Biblical truth that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. That is not hate speech, that is THE TRUTH! God doesn't make mistakes! We've got sodomites working as Bible translators. The chairman of the Old Testament New International Version (NIV) translating committee, Dr. Martin Woudstra, was an open homosexual. Any preacher that would use the NIV)is a promoter of perversion! This is where America is right now! (pay attention to how many predators are homosexuals). We need to get the King James Bible back into the public schools. Children need a moral compass! I am not bashing gay people, I am saying that homosexuality is a perverse deathstyle that brings the judgment of God!

This country has gone crazy! It is because we have not dealt with the evils of abortion, sodomy and perversion as a nation. Our perverse laws need to change in this country! I am never for being unkind to anyone, but I am for having laws that uphold righteousness! If you don't speak out against evil, you're a part of the problem! The liberals, kooks and Marxists sure voice their ungodly opinions, but increasingly we're not allowed as God-fearing Christians to voice our opinions without being censored and banned from social media. I have been very careful how I type my words, so as to avoid sounding hateful. I love people, but I hate evil. The heathen world often get the two confused, because their mind is broken.

A popular saying nowadays in children's playgrounds is: “If you see something, say something!” Yet, our society applauds homosexuals getting married and adopting children. What is wrong with us? A child deserves a normal home! Anybody who thinks two lesbians raising a child is normal is a wicked person in God's sight. You cannot have a lewd society that allows, encourages and glorifies all manner of sin, public nudity, perversion and immorality for adults, and seriously expect all that not to affect children. A society cannot play with fire and expect its children not to get burned. Argue as one may, the statistics and daily news prove what I say. America's children will never be safe until the adults get right with God! 

I am not condemning homosexuals, the Bible already condemns all of us as being guilty sinners (Romans 3:19-20; John 7:7). I am not condemning anybody. Jesus Himself said in John 3:17 that He didn't come into the world to condemn sinners, but to SAVE THEM! My heart's desire is the same. I don't want to be mean or hurt anyone's feelings, but I must speak THE TRUTH to please my God and Savior! We've got a sin problem in America.

The same is true of booze! Society accepts getting buzzed with alcohol, just so long as there is a designated sober driver. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way usually! These teen girls went out to party in a bar, and a 22 year old drunk man ran over one of the college girls. Oh how sin thrills and then it kills! Oh how sin fascinates and then it assassinates! God loves you oh sinner, and so do I, please get and stay right with God. There is nothing wrong in our nation today that couldn't be remedied by raising up a generation of youth on the King James Bible, who are taught the Gospel to get them saved; and then teach them to love their neighbour as thy self, and teach them personal responsibility, discipline and moral character. We've got a bunch of humanists, atheists, evolutionists and communists coming out of our wicked public school system, who are ticking time-bombs! Truly, Satan is the god of this messed-up world (2nd Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9). Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
“If your moral judgment is crooked and rotten, and you have no Bible conviction, when the conscience says, 'Do right!', you may do what your moral judgment said for you to do, and it's wrong! That's the reason we need Christian schools. That's the reason we need Christian homes, to teach our young people!” (a truthful quote from the precious MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff, “Titanic”)

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