Monday, August 24, 2020

Neo-evangelical Churches Are Destroying America

Revelation 3:15-18, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.”

All across America and the world, neo-evangelicals are destroying God's work. I've never seen a soulwinning neo-evangelical church yet! Fundamentalists build churches, and then neo (or new) evangelicals steal them! When I attended the neo-evangelical Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year, I learned firsthand just how awful the problem is in our churches nowadays. They are the apostate Bob Jones University (BJU) camp! I never heard anything about going soulwinning from any of their shameful pastors. I did see paintball guns and the props and equipment they use with the game. The church hosted jet-skiing for the teenagers. They have camp each year for the kids. But there is no soulwinning! Harvest Baptist Church is a dead, dried-up, corpse on Guam, beyond lukewarm, they are a dead church who cannot even get the Gospel right. Any so-called “church that preaches you must turn from your sins to be saved (aka, Lordship Salvation) is a demonic cult, not a legitimate New Testament church! Getting saved is a free gift from God, not a trade or exchange. 

Something is very wrong at Bob Jones University (BJU) these days! BJU's new president since 2014, Evangelist Steve Pettit, uses a lot of religious doublespeak concerning the Gospel that is confusing at best. I was listening to a chapel sermon today (July 7, 2020) and heard Dr. Pettit say to 2,700 students and faculty:
“They [Judaizers in Galatians] said that faith alone is not sufficient for salvation. So what did they do? They began to insist that the Christians go back and keep the Mosaic law. ...God does not bind up His laws, put them in a covenant, and hand them to you and say, 'If you want to have a relationship with me, then you've got to fulfill this covenant of laws.'” [emphasis added] —Dr. Steve Pettit, excerpts from 'The Daily Platform' #767 - Christian Liberty, Part 1
Now please consider what Steve Pettit heretically said in chapel on January 26, 2020:
“You can't just speak about getting saved, and you accepted Christ, and then that's it! There is a justification; There is a sanctification; There's ultimately a glorification, and though there are three parts, they are all part of the whole, and you cannot separate them. In order for you to qualify for the award, you have to get into the race, you have to stay in the race, and you have to finish the race. If you want to win, you have to run to the end; and winning in the Christian life is everything, because if you lose—if you don't finish—you lose everything—you lose your SOUL. And so, the Christian race is the life of faith that begins, is run, and is finished when we cross over into Heaven!” [emphasis added] —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 11:34)
What a theological hypocrite!!! Dear reader, you CAN just speak about getting saved and that's it! I'm not taking his words out of context, as you can see for yourself. Dr. Pettit plainly says that of you fail to finish running 'THE RACE,' you lose your soul. You go to Hell. If you have any doubt of what I am saying, you need to read my full article exposing him. Kindly said, Mr. Pettit is a theological fool. The book of Proverbs says Proverbs 26:12, “Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.” The Bob Jones' crowd are conceited, and that includes the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam who bid Godspeed to Steve Pettit, Marty Herron and John MacArthur, and sanction the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions, and preach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. Woe unto Harvest! Dr. Steve Pettit further digs a theological pit for himself:
“God's people HAVE TO continue in the faith! They MUST PERSEVERE, because perseverance is the testimony of the reality of your faith!” [emphasis added] —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 25:13) 
“For the real reality of the genuineness of your faith is that you are faithful to run the race!” —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 22:44)
How is it that Dr. Pettit sees the error of the Judaizers who added to faith alone, yet he does the very exact same horrible thing! Read more of his own words! What a false teacher! Bob Jones are “FALSE BRETHREN” because they teach a different gospel, not the Gospel of free grace by FAITH ALONE. If Mr. Pettit truly believed in “faith alone,” then he would not teach that a person must RUN THE RACE to get to Heaven...
“So not only does it have a start, but 'The Race' has to be run! It starts with faith, but it continues with faithfulness. You start the race with the purpose of finishing the race. Nobody starts the race, so that they can quit half-way through. When you start in faith, you need to run and finish in faith. However, let me also remind you, that this race is HARD. Is a race not hard? Is it not difficult to get out and run?” —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” -  6:34) 
“So when we talk about 'The Race,' what are we talking about? We're talking about beginning and salvation, and then running the race through pursuing holiness and ministry, and service to others. But then let me say, that number three: This race HAS TO be faithfully run to the finish! You HAVE TO finish. Salvation is not just a past reality—“I GOT SAVED,” but is a future destiny! The race is not completed until you cross the finish line at death. What is this race—it is the race as we are running as we are headed toward Heaven.” —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 10:27) 
“We run the race, we cross the finish line, and so what’s the prize? What is the award? Well, there are different viewpoints. Some would have the viewpoint that the awards are crowns in Heaven. But as I read the book of Hebrews and see the whole gist of the book and the flow of the book, I don’t believe its referring to crowns in Heaven. I think it is referring to Heaven itself.” [emphasis added] —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 22:57)
This is so sad and tragic, to see this kind of Satanic junk theology being taught at Bob Jones University today. Getting saved is not a process, it is an instantaneous new birth by faith alone. My God, what has happened to BJU? Ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when you dip your sails in sinful compromise! ... 
“Now these Judaizers did not deny the Messiahship of Jesus, or the need of faith; however, what they did do was they added to the message of grace.” —Dr. Steve Pettit, excerpt from 'The Daily Platform' #767 - Christian Liberty, Part 1
Folks, Steve Pettit's own words condemn himself and John MacArthur whom he promotes. Look what Pastor MacArthur teaches:
“Don’t believe anyone who says it’s easy to become a Christian. Salvation for sinners cost God His own Son; it cost God’s Son His life, and it’ll cost you the same thing...” [emphasis added] —Dr. John MacArthur, Grace To You, an updated quote from his book 'Hard To Believe', page 93. 
“The narrow gate is hard to find and hard to go through, because it demands: denial of self, denial of self-righteousness, recognition of sin, full repentance, submission to Christ, commitment to obey Him, and follow Him no matter what the cost!” —Pastor John MacArthur, a quote from his sermon titled, “Saved Or Self-Deceived, Part One” (time: 4:25 in YouTube sermon video)
Talk about ADDING to grace! Did you see that big ugly word “COST” in both quotes? Dear friend, anyone who comes along preaching that God's free gift of eternal life will “COST” you something is preaching another gospel. Steve Pettit and John MacArthur are preaching another gospel. When these advocates of Lordship Salvation speak of “repentance,” they are in full agreement with the pseudo-Christian religious cults. The unsaved Mormons love John MacArthur's counterfeit gospel, even making his heretical book on Lordship Salvation required reading at Brigham Young University! What next, will Bob Jones University invite the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to perform at BJU? This is all so disgusting! Does anybody else care besides me that the Devil is destroying our churches through Bob Jones University, Moody Bible Institute and other apostate religious institutions today who are preaching Calvinism?

John MacArthur is so corrupt in his theology, that he even calls receiving God's free gift of eternal life “AN EXCHANGE.” Read his heretical words for yourself:
It [salvation] isn’t adding Jesus to your repertoire. It isn’t like the rock singer who said, “I've been born again but don't think it’ll change my act or my lifestyle.” It’s not that. It’s an exchange of all that I am for all that he is. It’s an abandoning of all my righteousness for all his righteousness. It’s a setting aside of everything I thought valuable for the pearl of great price. I would willingly bankrupt myself of all my human prizes, right? Hear Paul, “I count all things but dung that I may win Christ.” That’s the exchanged life. 
So, we would then say, who are the few? [the saved] Those who obey the commands of Christ and the will of the Father, those who confess Christ at any cost. And for everybody that cost may be different, but when salvation is really happening, God energizes the willingness to pay the cost, whatever it is. 
Pastor Jack Hyles gets it 100% correct:
Lordship salvation would make salvation a trade or a deal or maybe even a bribe.  It would take away the simple reception of Christ for eternal life and would become God giving us something if we give Him something.  God would say to us, “You give Me something; I'll give you something.  We will trade, and you will be saved.”  Salvation is not my giving God something and God giving me something; salvation is God giving me something and my receiving it. Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship Salvation” (chapter 11 from his book: “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved”)
Shame on Bob Jones University! Many years ago they believed and taught a free grace Gospel, back when Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) was still alive. The LAW and the GOSPEL are two keys—the law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the Gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out. Nothing else is required to receive God's FREE GIFT of eternal life, except simple childlike faith in the Gospel, for any needy sinner who wants it. All this garbage theology about forsaking your sinful ways, running the race, committing your life to Christ, and following Jesus no matter what the cost is another gospel of the Devil. 

Neo-evangelicals don't stand for THE TRUTH, they hobnob and straddle both sides of the fence. In nearly every neo-evangelical church you will find multiple different Bible versions. You will find Lordship Salvation and a variation of Free Grace Theology mixed in to confuse everybody. Girls wear short shorts. Women wear pants. Standards are not different than the heathen world. Their liberal churches promote Walt Disney, Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), and when somebody like me tries to show them that they have been deceived, a war breaks out and they kick you out the door. That is what Harvest Baptist Church (a new-evangelical cult) did to me. I have been banned from attending their churches services, since 2014. God's judgment is upon them for casting away a hurting man during a time of need (me). I literally begged for their help, but neo-evangelicals only care about the money.

All across America neo-evangelical churches are taking Christianity a notch lower each day. The LGBTQ agenda has been either accepted or is tolerated in most of their churches. They despise fundamentalists like me. Pastor Jack Hyles had this to say about them:
“There is a planned, plotted, plot, right now... This isn't over Jack Hyles—This is over fundamentalism! These are evangelicals fighting fundamentalists! That's what it's all about. And their effort is to destroy Hyles-Anderson College! Over my dead body...” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the May 14, 1989 sermon, “Weathering The Storm!
Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Anytime someone tells the truth, evil people try to discredit their reputation to silence them. The ungodly newsmedia does this all the time, going on a smear campaign to silence anybody the powers that control the media don't like. There are no perfect preachers, but evil people look under every rock for something to criticize the truth-telling preacher, while giving Hollywood a free pass. Those same wicked people will sit in their living rooms and watch all manner of wickedness on their television, committed by ungodly people, and yet never speak a word against it as evil. Yet, they'll roast the preacher for every little thing he says and does wrong! God sees that evil hypocrisy! The Lord warned that by the same measure we judges others, He will judge us (Matthew 7:1-2).

I thank God that I am an fundamentalist Baptist Bible-believing Christian, and not some wishy-washy religious new-evangelical. Jesus is precious!

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