Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Woeful Lack Of Love In Today's Churches

Romans 14:9-10, “For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” ... John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Everything rises and falls on leadership. Pastor Lee Roberson (1909-2007) said that. Sadly, nearly all pastors today are merely working an occupation. Being a pastor used to be a calling. As an occupation, all sorts of unqualified people have sought to be pastors (including women, homosexuals, atheists, people who deny Jesus' resurrection, et cetera). These are not Bible churches, they are religious organizations, cursed by God (Galatians 1:6-9). You're group is not a church unless God says you're a church! 

I have seen firsthand the lack of love in churches today. I agree with one of my favorite preachers, Pastor Danny Castle, who said, “The church on its worst day is better than the world on its best day!” Amen brother! Yet, most churches are not very friendly toward visitors and people who need their help. I attended the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for an entire year in 2014. I loved my church family and desperately needed them, but their ungodly pastors drove me out over our doctrinal differences. I am King James Bible only and they promote the Devil's Bible revisions. I preach the Gospel of free grace Gospel, but they teach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. I wasn't doing okay being alone without a church family. I lived just blocks away from the church, and 90% of my neighbours all attend or work on staff at Harvest. Since their pastors were at odds with me, my neighbours all blackballed me, ignoring and shunning me, which caused me to go into a lasting depression for years. I am still suffering because of Harvest's cruelty. 

I am still fond of the many children's shows I watched growing up. One of my favorite's is 'Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer'. Rudolph was born was a bright glowing red nose. The other reindeer made fun of Rudolph, rejecting him, not wanting him to play in any of their reindeer games. That is what Harvest Baptist Church on Guam has done to me since 2014, shunning me away for my King James Bible only stand. They have cruelly turned me away in my loneliness, spiritual need and pain, leaving me for dead. 

Kindly, I have prayed more times than I can remember for God to avenge me of Harvest in eternity. Luke 18:7, “And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?” They simply don't care about other people. They collect a paycheck, go through the motions of playing church, but couldn't care less about me as a hurting brother in Christ. They might as well have pushed me in front of a speeding semi truck! Where dwelleth the love of God? I often feel like quitting my ministry, living worldly like everyone else, and just forget about anything that has to do with religion, because of hypocrites like Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I feel like a helpless mouse that has been eaten by a snake at Harvest. That is the way churches have become. The rot of American society has dragged the churches down, with rotten church members.

There is no genuine love of God at Harvest, only acceptance of their own, as a cult does. That is ABUSE! I literally begged for a second chance to return to church. I pleaded with their pastors in 2017 to please let me attend church services. I asked the pastor if I could meet with him in his office, to help me get my broken life back together, and I offered to humbly do whatever it took to make things right. Instead of stepping up to plate as a real man of God would have done, he cowardly backed away and told me to “Go elsewhere.” Those were his exact words! Where dwelleth the love of God. I begged for his spiritual help. No one at Harvest has ever reached out to me since, despite my repeated requests to please let me return. A pastor is supposed to love people, not cater to a select few. The church is not supposed to be a social club. 

When I feel like quitting my ministry and walking away from everything, I remember that I am looking at the wrong things. What we focus on determines our attitude, thoughts and emotions. So I always refocus on Jesus, and realize that I serve the Lord, and not men. Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is a failure—a fake church, a social nightmare, a disgrace to the cause of Christ—and they will give account at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11). I pleaded to be their friend, just to sit in church, but they refused to even allow me to sit in a pew. I have lost my patience as a Christian with pastors in America—a bunch of cowardly, spineless, covetous, jellyfish! There are no men of God anymore, just parasites mooching off Christianity to pay their bills.

All I had ever pleaded with Harvest was for a second chance to just sit in church. That is all I begged them for. We've got a bunch of phonies in our churches today, who make excuses for being horrible people, don't care about hurting brothers and sisters, are indifferent toward truth, and everything is a smirk and a laugh to them. One of my favorite preachers is Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Maryland. I love that Pastor Jenkins teaches God's flock (his church congregation) to LOVE everyone...

l am not writing this blog to be unkind or criticize Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, but to draw attention to the woeful lack of love in today's churches. People are sick and tired of dead churches, that discard anybody they don't want as old rubbish. God's family should be open to anyone who wants to join. Not at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, you have to apply for membership in their social club. Only select people are welcomed (former governors, managers, government employees, pilots, bigshots). A hurting man like me with a medical disability is not welcome (which they have proven by ostracizing me since 2014).

I am familiar with the shameful Bob Jones University crowd. They are arrogant in their heresy of Lordship Salvation. They are arrogant in promoting the Devil's Bible revisions. I can speak personally that they treated me like garbage, forcing me out of their church, and have ostracized me since. They deceitfully claim to use the King James Bible, but that is a big lie, because they fully support the Alexandrian Bible revisions. BJU sells multiple different Bible versions in their campus bookstore. The Harvest Baptist Church on Guam fully supports, promotes and broadcasts BJU's chapel sermons over their local radio station. I have known several families to quit and leave Harvest, disgusted over the church's woeful lack of love for people, sinful theological compromise, shallow church leadership, and running the church like a private club instead of a New Testament church. Shame on them!

Truth is a far superior weapon than deceit! I told the truth at Harvest, as a true friend does. I bought fundamental books with my own money for the pastors, to freely help them. I wanted to help them to see, as a real friend does. One book was “Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit” (by Pastor Max D. Younce). Another book was titled, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible” (by Pastor Al Lacy). I also gave them the book, “I Never Knew You” (by Michael P. Bowen). Evangelist Tom Ferrell said: “A friend helps a friend to see!” Ironically, Dr. Ferrell made that statement while preaching as a guest speaker at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. 

Sadly, they reject the truth I gave them, and drove me out of the church. I lost my church family and have never recovered since, still living in the same neighborhood, watching all my neighbours attend Harvest, but I am being ostracized. That is why I write about Harvest as much as I do. What they are doing is evil. Thankfully, God sees my heart, and their wickedness. Bob Jones University is preaching another gospel today, not the Gospel of free grace by faith alone. At Harvest, telling the truth is a crime!!! That is why they reject me so strongly, and refuse to give me a second chance. They are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, blinded by Satan (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The church has a big sign at the property entrance, which reads: “Helping People Develop A Heart For God.” They are misled woefully by the Devil, because you cannot develop a heart for God, until you develop a heart for THE TRUTH. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:24 that God can only be worshipped in spirit and in truth. I love them all at Harvest, but they don't love God, so they don't love me, and I have no nearby church to attend. Truth matters!!!
“This whole society is rotten and Godless. The wrath of God is upon America. Mark my word: if God’s Word be true, this nation is headed for the dust.” —Pastor Tom Malone (1971)

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