Tuesday, June 2, 2020

God Hears The Cry

Genesis 4:10, “And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.” ... Genesis 18:20, “And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;”

If God heard Abel's blood crying out from the ground, do you think He has missed the cry of the blood of 60,0000,000 aborted children in the United States since 1973? God hears their cry! If God heard the cries from Sodom and Gomorrah, from the victims of their grievous sins, do you think God hasn't heard the cry of 2,996 murdered World Trade center victims on 911, which was a proven INSIDE JOB? God hears their cries. God hears the cries of adopted children being placed into the parental custody of sodomites and lesbians. God hears the cry of violence, rape and torture all across the U.S. in these insane times. I am shocked as I listen to the daily news nowadays. I am now 53 years old. When I was a child, only the mob committed the type of crimes that Moms and Dads, brother and sisters, and everyday people are committing. This is the consequence of removing and banning the inspired Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school. 

The Book That Makes The Difference (Brother Lester Roloff)

God hears the cry of every person who cries out to God for vengeance! Matthew 7:1:-2, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” The Bible teaches that God will judge all men according to how we judge others. We must distinguish between the judgment of the saved versus the unsaved. BOTH saved and unsaved alike will be judged according to our works (2nd Corinthians 5:10, saved; Revelation 20:12-15, unsaved). The unsaved will be punished for their evil works in the Lake of Fire, as in criminal court; the saved will face shame and loss of rewards, as in civil court. No one ever gets away with hurting others! GOD HEARS THE CRY!!!

God Hears My Humble Cry Against Harvest Baptist Church On Guam

God hears my cry, pleading to be avenged of the evils done unto me by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. In 2014 I attended their church for one year. I loved the pastors, staff and church members. I financially supported the church. I gave many books, sermons and music to those around me, to be a blessing in the Lord to others. But I made a fatal mistake when I tried to help the pastors see that they were deceived doctrinally in a few areas. They were teaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation in the church. So I gave them hard copies (that I purchased with my own money) of Michael P. Bowen's book, “I NEVER KNEW YOU” (free .PDF version online). 

I saw that the church used and sanctioned dozens of different Bible revisions. So I gave them hard copies of Pastor Al Lacy's insightful book, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible.” As a true friend in the Lord, I tried to help them see. Since they promote Martin Luther (1483-1546) as being born-again, who taught the heresy of 'Baptismal Regeneration' (i.e., he says you must be water baptized to go to heaven), I gave them the book, “MARTIN LUTHER: MASTER OF DECEIT!” Those wicked pastors rejected the truth! They counted me their enemy and axed me like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day!

God hears my cry! I have not had a church to attend since late 2014. In desperation for Christian fellowship, I begged to return to the church in 2017. I pleaded three times. I humbled myself. I promised not to be a root of bitterness, and told the pastors I would gladly meet with them and cooperate, doing whatever it took to make peace with the church. They cold-heartedly told me to “Go elsewhere.” God will deal with those stiff-necked ungodly ministers of unrighteousness—who pollute the pulpit a with corruptible seed (the Alexandrian Bible translations), bid Godspeed to false prophets (e.g., John MacArthur), and preach a perverted gospel of Lordship Salvation (which cannot produce the new birth). I humbly cry unto God daily, for Him to avenge me of the multiple evils done unto me by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam! Even so, come, Lord Jesus in power and righteousness!!! 

God Hears The Cry!

God hears the cry of every person who is mistreated, cheated, abused, maligned, hurt or wronged in any way by somebody else. if we have hurt someone, we are obligated to make things right with them. In some cases we may have to make restitution before there can be reconciliation. And of course, in some cases only God can make things right, so we should trust Him. My definition of forgiveness is Letting an offense go into God's hands for judgment.” We have God's promise in Ecclesiastes 5:8 and 12:13-14 that He will judge all men for the evil and the good. Matthew 12:36 promises that God will hold men accountable for every word spoken. 

The Lord tells us not to avenge ourselves in Romans 12:19, but to love our enemies, and in so doing heap coals of fire upon their head on judgment day. God will judge all humanity. Vengeance is the Lord's alone! God hears the cry! The Bible says God knows when a bird falls from the sky, and He knows the very number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:29-30). God knows when we lay down, and rise up (Psalms 139:1-6). God is omniscient (all-knowing, Hebrews 4:13). 

My heart breaks over what I see today in the churches. Corrupt Bibles are everywhere, replacing the time-tested and inspired King James Bible. America's pulpits have become weak. Today entertainment has replaced the old-time religion. Humanistic psychology has replaced Spirit-filled Bible-preaching. Employees have replaced servants of God. The pastorate has become a profession instead of a calling. That is why we see atheists and females entering into the clergy. God does NOT call females or the unrighteous, He only calls saved men to preach! God called me to preach at age 15. I was saved at age 13. God hears the cry of all the confused people in today's churches, because of theologically incompetent pastors. God hears the cry of those in Hell, who were deceived by teachers of Lordship Salvation (Matthew 7:21-23). Oh dear friend, just make sure that when God hears someone's cried, that it is not because of something you did to hurt someone (or something you didn't do to help someone). 

I love the folks at Harvest, God knows my heart; but it is a mixed basket of emotions with me, because they have deeply hurt me, and they won't reach out to me (as I have them), and I really need them to. God hears my humble cry, my continual weeping during the night. Oh, how I wish I could be their friends and help make their church better! But they won't let me. I live with a broken heart. God hears my cry. 

Pastor Aiden Tozer Was An Unsaved False Prophet

Galatians 1:6-9, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not a...