Monday, May 18, 2020

We Are Living In A World Of Liars

Proverbs 19:22, “The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.”
I have some old .SWF (Flash movies) files that I wanted to convert into an animated .GIF file instead, so I went to search Google for a free program (since I only have two .SWF files to convert). I found a website that advertises a program called: SWF To GIF Animator for free. Here is what their false advertising website says:
SWF to GIF Animator by swftogif is a free software that allows conversion from flash SWF files to GIF images. With the help of the SWF to GIF Animator, you can now replace of all flash files on your website with GIF images. [emphasis added]
So I downloaded the software to my computer, since they advertise that it is “FREE software.” I opened the new program and loaded the .SWF files to convert. It took time to convert and then demanded $19.95 to save the converted file. THEY LIED!!! That is as wicked as murdering someone! There is no such thing as a little sin with God. All sin is as dark and horrible as the worst sin imaginable in the sight of our holy God. There definitely are degrees of sin, but ALL SIN is bad! That is why we read in James 2:10, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” God's law is like a car side window, specially designed to shatter into thousands of pieces when broken, to prevent injury. God wrote His Ten Commandments on STONE, because you can break them but you cannot bend them! You cannot change them!!! 

The person(s) responsible for that website are ungodly liars! They intentionally lured me to choose and download their software, let me use it long enough to see the .SWF converting, but then at the last minute demand money for the program to be useful at all. They are evil people! That is so unethical, selfish and wrong. If I knew who was responsible for doing that, I'd NEVER recommend them for a position anywhere, not for any reason. I wouldn't want them to marry my son or daughter. I wouldn't trust them in any way! It shows that they are the type of person who will stoop low to make money. Folks, I absolutely cannot express in words how detrimental such evil behavior is to one's character! When a person intentionally deceives other people to make money, it reveals seven levels of demonic thinking in them.
Proverbs 26:23-25, “Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross. He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.”
The iSkysoft company are liars! The swftogif company are liars! When something is advertised to be FREE, that means at no point can it ever cost you anything. IT CANNOT COST YOU ANYTHING TO BE FREE!

The Worst Pervert Is The Gospel Pervert

Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) made that true statement in his sermon titled: 'The Gospel Perverts or Jesus?' I couldn't help but make a spiritual connection with much of the religious garbage I hear taught these days. For example, the Jehovah's Witnesses say:
“Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned. Yet it does require effort on our part.” —'What Must We Do to Be Saved?' - Jehovah's Witness' official Website
What a contradiction! Just like the liars at iSkysoft, the Jehovah Witnesses falsely advertise something as being “free, but then dishonestly say IT WILL COST YOU SOMETHING to get it. Ladies and gentlemen, that is fraud! Nothing is truly free unless there is no cost nor obligation involved to obtain it. We live in a world of liars today, ESPECIALLY in the United States! America has become a greedy place of thieves, cheats and liars. I could write a lengthy book of just the shady things I am aware of in our nation, including among wicked pastors and churches today! Sadly, shady fine print, dishonest business practices and trickery has become the accepted “norm in American society today, and God hates it! 

Most people understand and recognize that the JW's are a messed up religious cult, but how about Evangelist Ray Comfort, who made this heretical statement: 
“The forgiveness that is in Jesus Christ is conditional upon ‘repentance towards God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Acts 20:21). It is a gift that God offers to everyone, but individuals must receive it by repenting and trusting in Christ, or they will remain dead in their sins. No one has Biblical grounds to continue in sin, assuming that they are safe just because Jesus died on the cross. See 1 John 3:4-6.” [Emphasis added] 
SOURCE: THE EVIDENCE BIBLE, by Ray Comfort, pg. 1513; 2003, Bridge-Logos Publishers, Orlando, Florida
That conjunction “BUT” is a dangerous word to use after saying that Eternal Life is a free gift...BUT! Friend, there are no but's when it comes to being saved! You simply come to God as a needy sinner and receive Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins. That's it! Jesus Christ died, was buried and physically resurrected after three days for the justification of all who simply believe (1st Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 1:16; 1st Corinthians 1:21; John 6:47). 

Ray Comfort also made this heretical statement:
"You must turn away from sin and turn to God. Desire to have NOTHING to do with sin, and surrender your life to the One who can save you... If you will confess and forsake your sins..." [emphasis added]
Mr. Comfort is a false teacher according to the Holy Bible. No where in the Word of God are we told to forsake our sins to be saved. No where are we commanded to surrender our life to Christ to be saved. No where in the Bible are we taught to turn away from our sins to be saved. Those things all sound very religious. They sound good in fact. It appeals to the sinful human nature, that to be saved a person should have to clean up their act, get with it, and surrender to live a new life for God to be saved. But what does the Bible teach? Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,”

Who can argue with Ray Comfort that salvation is a free gift from God (and he will use that truth to defend his false plan of salvation); yet when you listen to him preach, he blatantly perverts the Gospel. Listen in this YouTube video of Ray corrupting what it means to repent, telling this deceived woman that to be saved she must LIVE A LIFESTYLE of repentance that proves the reality of her repentance. That is not the free gift of God, which is through faith alone in the Good News of Christ crucified, buried and risen (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Philippians 3:9, “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:I am so glad that God made it easy, free and simple to be saved. Anyone who teaches that salvation will COST YOU (as does Dr. John MacArthur), they are perverting the Gospel of FREE GRACE and lying to you (Galatians 1:6-9).

Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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