Thursday, May 7, 2020

The True Agenda Behind The Coronavirus

Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

My humble opinion is that this is all a manmade hoax intended to usher in World Government. I know that sounds too cruel to be true, but consider that the perpetrators behind 911 have never been brought to justice (and never will until God judges them in eternity - Ecclesiastes 5:8). The way that the American news media pounced on this, beginning with the first Coronavirus death on January 9, 2020 is very suspicious. Since the years following 911, seeing how the crisis was used to set up a domestic police states, I have suspected that more was to come. Here it is in 2020! I believe this whole pandemic is a fraud. The virus is real, but it is being extremely overblown, creating hysteria worldwide. Police have been seen beating citizens in India. Americans in San Diego are being fined $1,000 (also facing 5 years imprisonment) for just going outside of their home for non-essential needs. Do you really think this just happened? Wake up!

Bill and Melinda Gates have been involved with population control for a long time, which doesn't set right with many people when they talk about forced vaccinations. In case you didn't know, world health agencies have been caught red-handed lacing vaccinations with sterilization chemicals, without the recipient's knowledge. ...
The Committee had vials of the tetanus vaccine analyzed for hCG. It informed HLI about the tetanus toxoid vaccine. HLI then told its World Council members and HLI affiliates in more than 60 countries. Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua. In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities. The priest objects that, if indeed the purpose of the mass vaccinations is to prevent pregnancies, women are uninformed, unsuspecting, and unconsenting victims.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine thousands of young women submitting to a vaccination, being lied to that the shot will protect their health, which renders them barren for life? That is what is going on folks. When the biggest population control figure in the world, Bill Gates (a modern-day Margaret Sanger), tells the world that he is developing a vaccine for the Coronavirus, you should be alarmed!!! Bill Gates is now working with seven companies to find a vaccination for the pandemic. I GUARANTEE you that Mr. Gates and his crew will develop a vaccination for the Coronavirus, and God only knows what else the injection or digital vaccine will do to you! This is serious stuff! You should be concerned. We don't want FORCED vaccinations!!! 

Snopes allegedly exposes false rumors, but they lost all credibility with me when they downplayed the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center as a false conspiracy. You CANNOT trust Snopes! Snopes also denies that sterilization chemicals have been used. How do they know? I believe the priest in Kenya! It is also happening in the Philippines and Mexico. We are in an information war people! The world is in lockdown, not because of the Coronavirus pandemic, but because World Government is here! I guarantee you that this lockdown is here to stay. When they do eventually lift the lockdown, it will only be partial, and the police state we are now experiencing will NOT go away!!! After 911, TSA turned all U.S. airports into Nazi-Germany-like guard stations, but now that creepy thug Nazi feeling will spread everywhere! You are the criminal citizen! Where's your mask? 

Will this become the Mark of the Beast of Bible prophecy? ...
Revelation 13:15-17, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I honestly do not know if this will lead into the mark, but it sure seems like we're heading that way. Could the pretribulation Rapture be near? I sure think so! I do not believe Christians will go into the Tribulation period. If we do, then we should be looking for the Antichrist, not the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior (Titus 2:13). The heathen controlled mainstream newsmedia are liars. They've been attacking Alex Jones of as a conspiracy theorist for many years, but Alex is right about nearly everything he says concerning the New World Order. I am thankful for his truth-telling work! It is sad that most pastors and churches are asleep today, more interested in paying the bills than they are about preserving our liberty and freedom. 

Senator Ted Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, admirably spoke about what is really going on today. The Masonic U.S. government is taking control over our lives. They've removed and banned the Holy Bible from America's schools since 1963, instead indoctrinating children with the BIG LIE that they evolved from stardust and slime; the consequences have been devastating, as heard in the horrifying daily news! Yesterday's deceived children grew up without a moral compass, and are now today's ungodly adults! Only the Holy Bible teaches—THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF! Evolution teaches a dog eat dog mentality, the survival of the fittest!!! The world is becoming a giant prison institution and the inmates are running it! Humbly, I predicted two things in 2016 when President Donald Trump took office—war and a police state! We'll the police state is here! 

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Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; ...