Thursday, May 28, 2020

John Calvin And Martin Luther Are Burning In Hell

Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”

John Calvin (1509-1564) was a religious heretic who lived 500 years ago. Calvin taught the heresy of infant baptism. He also taught the deception that religious sacraments are equal with the Word of God. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was another religious reprobate, who lived during the same time as John Calvin. Both of these reprobate men taught sacramental salvation, which includes both water baptism and communion. Of course, the word “sacrament” is not even found in the Holy Bible. Thus, Christians ought not observe sacraments at all. In fact, to observe sacraments is a sin and false religion.

In the New Testament Church, we only observe two ordinances: water baptism and the Lord's supper. These are not sacraments and do not bestow any special grace upon the participant. They are simply symbols. Water baptism symbolizes the Gospel, showing outwardly what has happened inwardly, that is, our faith in the death, burial and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise, the Lord's supper symbolizes Christ's broken body and shed blood for our sins on the cross. We do this in remembrance of the Lamb of God Who gave Himself for us.

John Calvin was a monster who murdered 58 people (including women and children) who disagreed with his infant baptism heresy. Calvin never changed himself, which proves Lordship Salvation a lie (which says a changed life is proof of salvation). We are saved by the simplicity that is in Christ, which is the Gospel (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4; Romans 1:16; 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Getting saved is simple—you are a SINNER and Jesus is the SAVIOR! If you admit you are a needy SINNER, and you believe that the SAVIOR died on the cross to pay for your sins, was buried and raised up from the dead three days later, you are saved!

Martin Luther foolishly taught that water baptism and holy communion were MANDATORY for salvation, which makes him a devil preacher! I am so sick and tired of ungodly pastor today, who after being warned about Martin Luther, sinfully choose to continue promoting him. The Lutheran religion is of the Devil, who follow Martin Luther's heretical lies about salvation. Both Calvin and Luther taught sacramental salvation. I cannot warn you enough to stay away from the Lordship Salvation crowd today, who are Calvinists!!! Stay away from Moody Bible Institute, who are openly professed Calvinists. Avoid Dr. John MacArthur. Run away from Evangelist Ray Comfort! Stay away from Bob Jones University, where John MacArthur went to school!!! The Bob Jones crowd have become extremely ecumenical, hobnobbing with the ungodly religious world, embracing Satan's counterfeit Bible revisions by the dozens, and going along with a degree of worldliness and apostasy. 

One of the best books I've read, which you can freely read, which exposes Martin Luther is by Dr. Max D. Younce, called, 'Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit.' John Calvin was an unsaved reprobate who taught that a person cannot know they are saved without being water baptized. The reason I yoked these two apostates together in one blog article is because John Calvin was influenced by Martin Luther. Basically, Mr. Luther was Calvin's mentor. Both men were theologically corrupted. Luther came out of the Roman Catholic church, but the Roman catholic church never came out of him. Sacraments are rooted in devilish Catholicism!!! Whether seven sacraments or just two, they are unbiblical. 
The dope crowd will not destroy America. The homosexual crowd will not destroy America. The baby killers will not destroy America. The communists will not destroy America. The Hollywood crowd will not destroy America. If America is destroyed, it will be destroyed because of the pastors who substituted visions, prophecies, dreams, man’s words, and tongues for the very words of God. Our God is not a God of "confusion." Yet, Satan is accomplishing "confusion" through 1,000 perversions of the Scriptures on the market. —Pastor Bob Gray Sr., “Do We have An Every Word Bible In 2017?

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