Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Your Pastor A Fool?

Proverbs 23:9, “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

I am careful to use words in their proper context. I started to titled this article: “Is Your Pastor An Idiot?” But then I went to check the dictionary meaning of an “idiot,” and found that it means, “a person of subnormal intelligence.” Pastors in nearly every case are not lacking in intelligence, so I do not think they are idiots. So then I considered the title: “Is Your Pastor Stupid?” But I went to check the dictionary's meaning of “stupid,” which refers to “a person who is not very bright.” Well, nearly all pastors are bright people, and gifted in some way. So I certainly do not think today's pastors are idiots or stupid. So I pondered the matter and sought for the proper word to describe today's indifferent pastors concerning the truth.

Our text verse gives us the answer—“a fool.” Proverbs 23:9, “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.I have spent my life as a fundamentalist Baptist preacher trying to convince a bunch of fools in the pulpit that the modern Bible revisions have been corrupted by the Devil. This is not my opinion, it is a fact. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one has a right to their own facts. I went to check the dictionary's meaning of a fool, which is “a person who lacks good judgment.” In Proverbs 23:9, the Bible defines “a fool” as someone who refuses to heed wise words. 

The Hebrew word for “despise in Proverbs 23:9 is booz which means to disrespect. When you respect something, you hold it in high regard highly, thinking much of it. So the Bible is saying that when you speak words of wisdom to a fool, they won't place high regard on what you are saying. Ladies and gentleman, Bob Jones University is a ship of fools today! Despite being warned by God-fearing believers for a half-century, they have no regard for THE TRUTH that Satan has corrupted the modern Bible revisions. 

All Modern Bible Revisions Are Corrupt

All modern Bible versions are corrupt. Satan is a beautiful liar! Anyone skilled in grammar understands the importance of words. All of the Bibles on the market today say different things. For example: Philippians 2:6 in the King James Bible teaches that Jesus is God, but the same verse in the New International Version (NIV) says that Jesus is not God. They both cannot be correct. The NIV is wrong! They should call it the “Non Inspired Version”!

Here is a helpful chart showing the origin of all modern corrupt Bibles versus the origin of the trustworthy inspired King James Bible. The King James is not a version, it is the Holy Bible! Perhaps the most damaging and damning of omissions in new corrupted Bible versions is the complete obliteration of the word “godhead” from Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9. If you warn the average Baptist pastor nowadays, they couldn't care less. They Bible calls such men FOOLS!!! 

Another damaging and needless change is the diluting of 1st Timothy 3:16 from “God was manifest in the flesh” in the King James Bible, to “He appeared in the flesh” in the New International Version (NIV). Who is “He”? Please notice that there is a drastic difference in meaning between “appeared” and “manifest.” To appear simply means “to be seen” but to manifest oneself means “to make known.” The King James Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 3:16 that God the Father was made known to the world in the fleshly human incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Literally, the Godhead became a living man and dwelt among us (Colossians 2:9; John 1:1-3,14 - Note: All Scripture quotes are only from the trustworthy King James Bible). 

The NIV is Satanic, saying that Jesus (He) appeared in a body. That's what it reads. Now does that truly convey the proper meaning of the Word of God? No, it does not. The King James Bible says that GOD WAS MANIFEST (revealed) IN THE FLESH!!! By changing this verse, modern Bible butchers attack the deity of Christ. Such minor changes may seem harmless to a Christian who was raised up spiritually on the King James Bible, because you can fall back on the King James; but a churchgoer today who has never seen a King James Bible is in BIG TROUBLE theologically! Look at what the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) does to pervert the meaning of repentance. Instead of teaching that repentance is a change of mind (Greek, noun: metanoia), the modern revisions change it to require a change of lifestyle to be saved. That is a counterfeit gospel (Galatians 1:6-9; 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). 

The New Bibles Attack Jesus' Deity

Modern Bible versions change every mention of people “WORSHIPPING” Jesus, reducing it to a mere “KNELT” or “BOWED.” You can kneel before a king without worshipping him. A man can kneel to propose to his fiancee without worshipping her. The Bible says repeatedly that many people “worshipped” Jesus (e.g., the leper in Matthew 8:2). Why would translators diminish people worshipping our blessed God and Savior? The NIV butchers Psalms 9:17. Instead of saying that “the wicked shall be turned into hell” as the faithful King James Bible (KJB), the NIV says they go to the realm of the dead, which makes no sense, because that's also where the righteous go. 

Romans 10:9 in the NIV is the basis of the Lordship Salvation false plan of salvation in most Baptist churches today. This heresy says that an admitted sinner in God's eyes cannot get saved by simply believing on the risen Christ Who died in their place on the cross, was buried and resurrected three days later. That is the simple Gospel according to 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Lordship Salvation adds the unbiblical requirement to forsake sinful bad habits, commit one's entire life to serve Christ, and turn away from a lifestyle of sin. No one has ever been saved by forsaking their sins. Adding anything to faith alone in Christ is dead religion, which cannot produce the new birth by the Spirit of God. Satan's greatest weapon is to con people to live the Christian life without ever being born-again!

The Holy Bible Is Our Spiritual Weapon

Many people have traded in their faithful King James Bible sword for a modern plastic knife. Ephesians 6:17 teaches that the Bible is part of the believer's armour, our weapon. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. If I were the Devil, I would try to deceive Christians by convincing them that something is wrong with their King James Bible, and then offer them a new version that is allegedly better and easier to read, while changing important doctrinal passages concerning Christ's deity, salvation and the character of Christ. The serpent came to Eve in Eden and shook her confidence in the Word of God. Then the serpent offered her new advice to follow. Eve was deceived.

I've never met anyone who defended their New International Version (NIV) like faithful Christians defend their beloved KJB. The NIV is like a cheap whore, verses a beloved wife that a jealous husband would defend to the death. I've never met anyone who could quote verse-after-verse from any modern Bible. The so-called “new and improved” Bibles read like a comic book or daily newspaper. The King James Bible was written in the beauty of the Elizabethan English language. We don't rewrite Shakespeare to make it easier to understand; but rather, we study it in the beauty of the language in which it was written.

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