Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Why You Shouldn't Use More Than One Bible

Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.”

There are several important reasons why you shouldn't use MULTIPLE Bible revisions:
  1. God only authored one inspired Holy Book.
  2. There can only be ONE inspired Word of God in any language.
  3. Sanctioning and using multiple Bible versions confuses people.
  4. The different Bible versions drastically disagree with each other.
  5. Lucifer-worshipping occultists are behind all of the modern Bible versions.
  6. Jehovah's Witnesses use the corrupt Alexandrian text of Westcott and Hort.
  7. There are no legitimate reasons to use more than one Bible.
  8. Nazi-affiliated Rudolph Kittel's butchered the Hebrew Old Testament.
  9. The modern Bible versions often teach a false meaning of repentance and salvation.
  10. A church that uses multiple Bible versions reveals that the pastor doesn't care about the purity of God's Word.
  11. The King James Bible is being phased out as part of the New World Order.
  12. It will be impossible to memorize Scriptures from multiple different versions.
  13. The modern Bible versions secularize the Bible.
  14. Many of the modern translations are mere paraphrases, admittedly man's opinion.
  15. All of the modern Bible revisions brutally attack the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  16. None of the translators of the modern versions believe the Bible is inspired today.
  17. The man with two watches never knows the correct time; likewise using multiples versions deprives a man of the confidence, that they have God's inspired Words. 
  18. The new modern revisions KEEP CHANGING; but the King James Bible doesn't.
  19. The modern versions are produced from a religious culture of uncertainty and doubt, concerning the purity and inspiration of the Word of God.
  20. Before 1881 there was only the King James Bible in American churches. 
I could give you many more reasons, but these are the main reasons. I hear apostate pastors saying that they need the newer versions because they are easier to understand. Well, then you should just use one of the so-called “easier newer Bibles, and stop confusing people by using the King James Bible along with some newer corruption of God's Word. Why confuse people?

May I also remind you that the apostle Peter admittedly couldn't understand some of the apostle Paul's writings. The Scriptures were DIFFICULT for him to understand, but Peter didn't attempt to re-translate the Bible to make it easier for unlearned people to grasp. The notion that we continually need a “new” and “easier-to-read” Bible to keep up with the English language, has been used by Satan to infiltrate the churches with counterfeit Bible versions.

Please don't misunderstand, all of the new versions are corrupt and I don't think anybody should use them. I wouldn't attend any church that uses one of the new Bible versions. Nor will I ever attend one again that uses two Bibles, because they all teach Lordship Salvation. That's because the new Bible versions are all corrupt. Take a look at some of the corruptions in the New International Version (NIV). Check out the nightmare theology of the Tree Of Life Version (TLV). And here's the satanic Easy-To-Read Version (ERV).

The King James Bible is not as hard to read as the Bible-butchers would lead us to falsely believe. Is The King James Bible Harder To Read? If you take an honest look at the differences in theology between the new modernized Bible versions and the accurate King James Bible, the new versions are impossible to understand in comparison, making no sense in countless passages. If the truth has been corrupted, then the new translations are impossible to comprehend. All of the modern Bible versions were translated from the 1881 Greek work of occultists Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort. Our churches have spiritual food-poisoning from the Devil.

Also, beware of the Hebrew and Greek study aids, many of which were authored by associates of the unsaved reprobates behind the modern corrupt Bible versionsWhen you use a Bible (and there are some 100 of them now) which is not the King James Bible, for instance the NIV (New International Version), MEV (Modern English Version), NKJV (New King James Version), ESV (English Standard Version) et cetera, you are using a bible which does at least one of the following: 
  1. Uses different Greek/Hebrew texts with parts omitted.
  2. Has parts of the Bible removed (e.g., most modern versions have sections of Mark removed, along with Luke (2:33), John 3:16 (begotten removed)
  3. Matthew 18:11, 'For the Son of man has come to save that which was lost.' NIV: removed completely.
  4. Changes the words to be more politically correct or gender neutral, for instance the MEV (which is meant to be an up-to-date and literal translation of the King James Bible) changes the word 'strangers' to 'refugees' (1 Peter 1). Strangers is the correct word in the Greek (Greek word parepidēmos), it isn't refugees, this is changing the word of God, and changing it to make a politically motivated statement rather than reaching out to ALL people as Peter intended - strangers, as one does not just have to be a refugee to reside in another place.
  5. The NIV (and most modern versions) remove Acts 8:37.
  6. NIV, MEV, NKJV et cetera change II Timothy 2:9 from, 'the word of God is not bound' to 'not chained'; again the correct words are not bound. Ironically, every other version IS BOUND because it is tied with copyright laws for profit.
  7. Proverbs 11:30, '... he that winneth souls is wise' is changed to 'the one who is wise saves lives' in NIV. Complete mistranslation from Greek laqach which means 'to take, acquire, get i.e. win' and nephesh which literally means 'souls.' God is calling a soulwinner wise. But the NIV refers to something vague as saving lives. If you see someone stepping out in front of a bus, of course you will stop them if you can, but this isn't what the verse is referring to; it's referring to winning souls to Christ so that they may go to Heaven. It's not a co-incidence that modern evangelicals have almost no idea what door-to-door soulwinning or handing out Gospel tracts is. Sadly, this is another factor added into the decline of church membership. Even more shocking is the English Standard version (ESV) which changes it to, '... a violent man takes lives.' Sadly, Bob Jones University today shamefully promotes, sells and allows the ESV on its campus. The inspired King James Bible has few friends nowadays!
  8. Revelation 11:17, KJV reads, '..and art to come;', NIV attacks the second coming of Jesus by completely removing this.
  9. ADDS to Jesus' finished redemptive work (e.g. - NIV - 1st Corinthians 1:18 states a person is 'BEING saved' (i.e. works based salvation) where the true translation in the KJV is 'ARE saved.' Check for yourself.
This is not an exhaustive list, but examples. Have you been deceived? Only the inspired King James Bible can be trusted.
“Nobody can love God who doesn't love sinners!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, sermon: “The Happiest Man”

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