Friday, April 17, 2020

Bible Inspiration Is A Big Deal!

Psalms 138:2, I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

I wouldn't give you a dime today for East Texas Baptist College (where Dr. Hyles long ago attended), Bob Jones University, Hyles-Anderson College, Pensacola Christian College, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Liberty University, The Crown College, Ambassador Bible College, Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary and hundreds of other apostate religious institutions today that deny the inspiration of the King James Bible. IT IS A BIG DEAL! IT IS A BIG DEAL! IT IS A BIG DEAL! IT IS A BIG DEAL! IT IS A BIG DEAL! 

I know some Christians are mad at me for calling names and criticizing churches, but somebody needs to do the dirty work of an evangelist. A pastor comforts the afflicted, but an evangelist afflicts the comforted. I am just a humble sinner saved by God's grace. I am no better than anybody else. God knows that I am not trying to make enemies, but the truth always makes enemies, because the Devil is always trying to deceive everyone. Someone needs to draw attention to the issue of Bible inspiration. There is not a more important matter in the world today! Our text Bible verse from Psalms 138:2 says God magnifies His Word above His name. The reason why is obvious—because just as a man's name is only as good as his word, so also is God's character only as valid as His Word! 

I met a despicable Pensacola Christian College (PCC) graduate (one of their interns), who accused me of being “obsessed” with the Bible debate. The truth is that he couldn't care less about the debate over Bible inspiration. He wants me to mention it once and then forget about it, like he shamefully does, along with PCC (which I DO NOT recommend to anyone or their dog). If you see a home on fire in the wee hours of the morning and yell “fire,” but the people are still asleep in the house, you're going to continue yelling “fire” until they are safe outside the home. Likewise, a Bible-preacher is supposed to keep yelling “fire” until the people are safe! Since Bob Jones University doesn't care about Bible inspiration, nor hundreds of others apostate institutions, by God's grace I plan to KEEP PREACHING!!! 

A preacher is supposed to yell “fire” concerning the truth! A Bible-preacher is supposed to be offensive! Everywhere that the early Christians preached in the Bible book of Acts, either revival or riot broke out! It seems that most people just want to attend some religious organization nowadays, which is nothing more than a glorified social club instead of a New Testament church. They don't want THE TRUTH, lest someone get offended by it and withdraw financial support. Pastor Jack Hyles was correct that businessmen and high-society type women are destroying the churches. I'm not for sale! I preach the truth!

Many Christians couldn't care less about the inspiration of the King James Bible, but it is A BIG DEAL! It was a big deal to Pastor Jack Hyles. It is a big deal to Dr. Russell Anderson. It is a big deal to Dr. Bob Gray Sr. It is a big deal to Pastor David Baker. It was a big deal to Dr. Peter Ruckman. It was a big deal to Dr. James Sightler. It is a big deal to me, humbly. It should be a big deal to you too dear reader. It is a big deal to the Lord, who Himself said in Matthew 5:18, “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Thank God for the inspired King James Bible!
“Everything born is born dying... Death is inevitable... The length of your life depends on how much you fight the inevitable death... The day will come when Hyles-Anderson College will be liberal. The day will come when this Bible is not believed in Hyles-Anderson College, if the Lord tarries... The day will come when this church will turn.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, “The Church First
I don't like making enemies, but I do love the truth. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” I love that important phrase—“THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH!” The “Knowledge Of The Truth” Is 'The Gospel.' Those who are OF THE TRUTH will get saved. Becoming a born-again Christian is a matter of receiving THE TRUTH of the Gospel. God knows that I love everybody. The apostle Paul was a truth-teller too, which made him unpopular. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” 2nd Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” 

Dear reader, there is an agenda behind denying Bible inspiration, which is—to correct the Holy Bible. Please read: 'CORRECTING THE KING JAMES BIBLE???' The true agenda behind evolution is communism! The true agenda behind the LGBTQ movement is the government taking control over citizen's lives! Don't be a fool. Satan knows that if he can get people to question the Word of God, and confuse them, then the Word becomes ineffective. The preacher or teacher who corrects the authorized King James Bible, causes the sincere Christian to wonder if he or she is reading the truth or not. This kills their zeal for the Word of God! Consequently, superficial spirituality is becoming more popular, but interest in the inspired Holy Bible much less so. Inspiration is a big deal! An inspired Bible means it is word for word exactly what God intended for us to read and live by. 
“The wrong crowd's composed of nice guys!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “She Sojourned Seven Years

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