Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Grave Danger In The Modern Bible Revisions

2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

It is a very serious matter to tamper with the inspired words of God. In this article I am gong to compare several modern Bible passages, to show you how deadly they are for baby believers today. For someone who grew up with the King James Bible, they often don't see the threat of the newer modern revisions, because they are already doctrinally sound. But for someone who has never seen a King James Bible, and all they have are the newer PERversions, they will NEVER be doctrinally sound in the faith. How can they be, since they don't have an accurate Bible? 

Let's examine and compare Mark 1:15 from several Bible revisions, starting with the accurate King James Bible. Carefully notice how the ungodly translators have CHANGED repentance from “a change of mind (the Greek meaning), to “changing your hearts and lives”:
KING JAMES VERSIONS (KJV) - Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” 
COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE (CEB) - Mark 1:15, “saying, 'Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!'” 
EASY-TO-READ VERSION (ERV) - Mark 1:15, “He said, 'The right time is now here. God’s kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and lives, and believe the Good News!'” 
EXPANDED BIBLE (EXB) - Mark 1:15, “He said, 'The ·right time has come [L time is fulfilled]. ·The kingdom of God [God’s sovereign rule] is ·near [at hand]. ·Change your hearts and lives [Turn from your sins; Repent] and believe the ·Good News [Gospel]!'” 
NEW CENTURY VERSION (NCV) - Mark 1:15, “He said, 'The right time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Change your hearts and lives and believe the Good News!'”  
GOD'S WORD TRANSLATION (GW) - Mark 1:15, “He said, 'The time has come, and God’s kingdom is near. Change the way you think and act, and believe the Good News.'” 
THE LIVING BIBLE (TLB) - Mark 1:15, “'At last the time has come!' he announced. 'God’s Kingdom is near! Turn from your sins and act on this glorious news!'”
The Amplified Bible (which Evangelist Ray Comfort used to write his popular Bible commentary titled, 'THE EVIDENCE BIBLE') gets really creative...
AMPLIFIED BIBLE (AMP) - Mark 1:15, “and saying, “The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life] and believe [with a deep, abiding trust] in the good news [regarding salvation].'” 
Dear reader, most of that has nothing to do with Biblical repentance! The Amplified Bible defines 'repentance' as FIVE THINGS:
  1. Change your inner self (incorrect)
  2. Change your old way of thinking (correct)
  3. Regret your past sins (incorrect)
  4. Live your life in a way that proves repentance (incorrect)
  5. Seek God's purpose for your life (incorrect)
Ladies and gentleman, what you have just read from Mark 1:15 in The Amplified Bible is straight from the Devil himself!!! The Amplified Bible is set on fire of Hell. 
  • Changing your inner self is not repentance, it is REFORMATION.
  • Changing your way of thinking is REPENTANCE. 
  • Regretting past sins is not repentance, it is PENITENCE. 
  • Living your life in a way that proves repentance is not repentance, it is PENANCE.
  • Seeking God's purpose for your life is not repentance, it is DISCIPLESHIP. 
Anyone who follows the teaching of Mark 1:15 in The Amplified Bible cannot be saved! Adding reformation, penitence, penance and discipleship to the free grace of God cannot produce REGENERATION (i.e., the new birth in Christ Jesus)! Do you see how dangerous these new Bible revisions are? I sure hope so, because Bob Jones University and countless other Bible colleges today DON'T! 

The Bible word “repent” is the Greek noun metanoia, which simply means “A CHANGE OF MIND.” The Bible doesn't even tell us what to change our mind about. God intentionally chose this open-ended term, which is all-inclusive. In other words, you have to change your mind about whatever has been hindering you from believing the Gospel to be saved! Repentance is changing your mind from WRONG THINKING to trusting Christ alone, receiving Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as full-payment for your sins, believing that He raised up from the dead. 

First Baptist Church of Hammond has shamefully denied the inspiration of the King James Bible since 2008, and they've become eerily silent about the evils of the Modern Bible versions. They are A.W.O.L. (Absent Without Leave) from what Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) rightly called in 1994: “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES.” At FBCH today, it's not even worth a fist fight on the playground! Consequently, the modern Bible revisions are more popular than ever before. Sadly, instead of studying the Bible as God commanded, people are consulting a dozen different Bible versions to find the meaning of truth. 

We're Commanded To Study The Bible, Not The Versions

I knew a deacon at the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who literally had a dozen different Bible revisions on his bookshelf at home, and that is how he foolishly seeks the truth. Shamefully, that is what his pastor has taught him by example! I heard the senior pastor of Harvest, admit publicly one Sunday morning from his pulpit, that he searches through different versions of the Bible to prepare his sermons. That pastor should be fired! They should all be fired! The pastors of Harvest Baptist Church are incompetent to lead God's flock! They are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, promoting Satan's corruptible seed! I humbly speak THE TRUTH as a man of God! 2nd Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.Most pastors today cannot even rightly choose which Bible God authored, let alone rightly divide the Word of Truth! 

It is ridiculous to believe (as Bob Jones University does) that God has preserved His inspired Words in the sum total of all the extant Scripture manuscripts available today. In sharp contrast to that foolish thinking, I believe God has honored His PROMISE in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His PURE WORDS forever! That means we must have an exact Bible in English! I humbly believe that perfect, holy, infallible, inerrant, preserved, verbally-inspired Word of God to be the KING JAMES BIBLE!!! They cannot all be God's preserved Words, since they all disagree and say something different! God only authored ONE BIBLE, not two, not hundreds! Should it be surprising that ALL of the modern Bible revisions corrupt Psalms 12:6-7, completely removing God's PROMISE to preserve His PURE WORDS? 

Heresy Has Crept Into Our Fundamental Baptist Churches

Why, Oh why, won't First Baptist Church of Hammond, Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, Crown Bible College, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, and thousands of the other apostate churches and religious institutions today, join in to fight in 'THE BATTLE OF THE AGES'? If you don't have an inspired King James Bible, you don't have a Holy Bible!!! If we don't take a stand in this generation, to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3), the next generation is doomed! John Wesley was right—“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace!”

Dear reader, go back and please examine how the different Bible versions teach a FALSE REPENTANCE, which is another Gospel that cannot save anybody. Are you okay with this? Bob Jones University's (BJU) leaders couldn't care less. Kindly, go search Google for the phrase Bob Jones University doesn't listen,” and you'll see that they have a history of not listening to good sense from anybody. This is a part of the sinful human nature—not to listen or care. As Christian believers, we are supposed to listen and care!!! God Himself cares (1st Peter 5:7). Words are important to God (Matthew 12:36). Right doctrine matters! Therefore, it matters which Bible we choose to use. So why don't we care as God's professed children? Is anybody listening? Does anybody care? Am I the only one who is alarmed over all this?

Pastor Jack Hyles says: 
“My heart aches for what has happened to churches across this nation. Many churches that call themselves Independent Baptists are not really Independent Baptists. When Dr. Ironside was the pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, he decided to form a group of men to run the business of the church. He basically turned the leadership of the church over to that group of men and decided that he would just do the preaching. It worked beautifully because these men loved him, and wanted to please him, but when he died, he had created the machinery for the destruction of their soul-winning program. What happened? A good pastor and some good men set up some bad machinery that worked as long as they were alive, but self-destructed when they died.” [emphasis added]—Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from Chapter 5, “THE AUTONOMY OF THE CHURCH,” of his excellent book, “THE CHURCH
Pastor Jack Hyles says: “Love is thinking!” I am thinking! Didn't you smell something burning? That's an old joke; my head's made out of I LOVE YOU whoever you may be, and I don't want you to be deceived by the Devil and go to Hell. Sadly, BJU doesn't love their students, they only want their money! Moody Bible Institute cannot even get the Gospel right, teaching Lordship Salvation. If they really loved the young people at these religious institutions, then they would teach them THE TRUTH. 

If you think God preserved His pure words in hundreds of Bible revisions, you're either a fool of fools or an ungodly indifferent person. Dr. Hyles warned 30 years ago that heresy is creeping into our fundamental churches by the hour. How right he was! Today's Independent Baptist Churches across the country are filled with Calvinist' Lordship Salvation heresy, counterfeit Bible versions, false repentance, and all manner of deceptions. Worse is that no one seems to care! Well I care bless God, because I LOVE YOU IN CHRIST!!! 

“To change the truth into a lie is to make the truth of no effect. Truth is very important! Our whole life is based upon truth. Truth is the real world. If you don't know truth, you believe a lie. And many people never know the truth!” —Dr. Yankee Arnold, a quote from the MP3 sermon, “Satanic Bible Revisions vs. King James Bible 03 | Pt. 1 | Pt. 2.”

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