Sunday, March 22, 2020

Satan's Goal Is To Destroy Marriage And The Family

Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

The family has always been under assault. God created humans as male and female in Genesis. There's nothing in the middle. Today's gender-bending culture in America is of the Devil. God made it very clear that He only created male and female. Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy everything that God has made, to completely do away with marriage and the traditional family. The homosexual agenda is all about obliterating the family, not rights. 

Marriage is when a male and female come together and have children, creating a union for life. God hates divorce (Jeremiah 3:20; Malachi 2:16). In 1953 an ungodly man named Hugh Hefner (1926-2017) began publishing his dirty 'Playboy' magazine. Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) was featured in the first edition. By the 1960's, “shacking up became the new norm in the United States. Consequently, a wicked law was passed in 1973, permitting the murder of a human being in the womb. Now, 47 years later, there have been nearly 60,000,000 abortions in the United States! How can anyone sing the song: God Bless America? Why should God bless our wicked nation? Indeed, God is a very good God, and HE DOES bless our nation. Luke 6:35, “But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

The fight for homosexual (Gay) rights has absolutely nothing to do with freedom, liberty or equal rights; but rather, it's all about government control over everyone's lives. It was social wacko and the first head of the World Health Organization (WHO), George Brock Chisholm, who said:
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, 'Conference on Education,' Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
As you just read, the goal of the world leaders to remove loyalty for the traditional family. This is why they are promoting the homosexual agenda and same-sex marriage. Texas Senator Ted Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, made some excellent comments in defense of the traditional family and Christianity, exposing the Marxist left and their similarity to Communist Cuba:
Rafael Cruz: Evolution Is A Communist Lie, Gay Rights Endanger Children
By Brian Tashman | 11/4/2013
Rafael Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz and the Texas Senator’s number one surrogate, is a favorite among Tea Party and Religious Right activists with his birther, Christian Nationalist and End Times-focused speeches. 
Back in June, he spoke to a Texas men’s prayer breakfast where he denounced the theory of evolution as a lie that, along with gay rights, will bring about communism. “There is nothing scientific about evolution,” Cruz said. “Evolution is one of the strongest tools of Marxism because if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist.”
You know communism or socialism, whatever you want to call it, what is happening in this country is not different than what happened in Cuba; the procedure might be different, they may be a little slower, but it’s the same thing. It is about government control of your lives. You got to realize how Marxist, how socialism works. We need to understand the issues. When you hear all these things about homosexual marriage, this has nothing to do with homosexual rights. Did you know that? The whole objective is the destruction of the traditional family, it has nothing to do with homosexuals, they could care less about homosexuals, they want to destroy the family. 
You need to understand, it’s just like evolution. You know most Americans have their head in the sand about evolution. I’ve met so many Christians that tell me ‘evolution is a scientific fact.’ Baloney! I am a scientist, there is nothing scientific about evolution. But you know something, Karl Marx said it, ‘I can use the teachings of Darwin to promote communism.’ Why? Because communism, or call it socialism if you think communism is too hard a word, necessitates for government to be your god and for government to be your god they need to destroy the concept of God. That’s why communism and evolution go hand and hand. Evolution is one of the strongest tools of Marxism because if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist. 
He also discussed the Supreme Court marriage cases, which at the time of this speech had not been decided, and the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to include openly gay members under the age of eighteen.

Cruz lamented that the Boy Scouts ended the organization’s ban on gay youth, which his PowerPoint presentation said would lead to “Increased risk that our children would be exposed to sexual predators,” and lamented that some churches may continue their ties with the Boy Scouts. 
SOURCE: Right Wing Watch - Rafael Cruz: Evolution and Gay Rights Endanger Children
It was Karl Marx (1818-1883) himself, who authored the Communist Manifesto, that called for a central banking system, a heavy progressive tax and public schools as part of the Communist subversion of the United States. If Marx were alive today, he'd be delighted to see the extent to which the U.S. has become a Communist nation. The diligent student of history knows that Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was a virtual reprint of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt's blueprint for world domination. The prized American piece of literature titled, “THE CITIZEN'S RULEBOOK,” contrasts Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto to the Lord's Ten Commandments. The 10 Commandments Verses Communism.

Satan is a master deceiver. Mankind has three enemies: the flesh, the world and the Devil. I've been shocked as I study history. It is so horrifying. I watched a History channel video today about the Mexican drug cartels, and the most brutal gang in the world, known as the Mexican Mafia since the 1950's. They pride themselves in murdering anybody that crosses them or stands in their way. The country of Mexico is controlled by thug druglords. It's not uncommon to see concerned citizens hanging dead from the town's city gates, even pregnant women, murdered by the drug gangs to frighten anyone who dares to fight against them. Beheadings, poverty, drugs, rapes and torture are a way of life in Mexico. Now all that crime is coming to the United States!

Where there is a depraved mind, then everything that is wicked begins to happen! Romans 1:32, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.The sitting members of the U.S. Supreme Court fully know what the Bible says about homosexuality, but they affirm it anyway. That is the REPROBATE MIND! 

To give due credit, I typed this article while listening to Pastor John MacArthur preach a great sermon titled: “WE WILL NOT BOW” I am unalterably opposed to Mr. MacArthur's heresy on Lordship Salvation, but I still enjoy listening to his preaching, when he gets it right, as he does in this awesome sermon! 

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