Sunday, September 15, 2024

'Cultural Christianity' Cannot Get You To Heaven

John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

I found an interesting and equally disturbing article yesterday from the CHURCH LEADERS website titled, 'The Rise Of Cultural Christianity.' Here is a quote from the article written by James Emery White on September 13, 2024:
In an earlier blog, I noted with surprise the growing number of people who grieved the loss of what Christianity has historically brought to bear on culture who, themselves, are not Christians. SOURCE
Mr. White follows this statement by giving an example of infamous avowed atheist Richard Dawkins, who has publicly mourned the steady deterioration of Christianity over the past century. That is quite amazing! I am aware of several good examples myself of what is today called 'Cultural Christianity.'

In June of 2024, singer Justin Timberlake was arrested for a DUI. The media approached singer Billy Joel, who just happened to be eating lunch at the same upscale hotel where Mr. Timberlake had eaten dinner the night before. The reporter asked Billy Joel what he thought about the arrest of Justin Timberlake. Billy simply replied in classic fashion by quoting Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Bravo Billy Joel! But the very strange thing is that Billy Joel as an avowed atheist! I found it interesting and equally frustrating that a famous atheist would quote the inspired Holy Bible which God Himself authored. Go figure!

Another example is my 83-year-old atheist neighbour, Maggie. When I first met her in early 2022 after I moved in, I gladly told her that I am a Christian. She instantly replied, “I am an atheist! We became friends right away. I told her that our common brotherhood as humans trumped our religious beliefs. She was glad to hear that. We are both We don't talk often, but I have shared the Gospel with her briefly on a couple occasions, which she strongly rejected.

I kindly tried to give her a hard copy of Michael P, Bowen's helpful book, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU,' but she refused to take it. She said her decision that there is no God was no light decision, she had taken a long time to come to her final conclusion. I am so sad for he, because the Lake of Fire will be her eternal damnation according to Revelation 20:11-15. Anyway, I mentioned Maggie because whenever I see her she asks me to pray for her. That is very interesting for an atheist to ask for my prayers to God for her. I think it is because as James Emery White wrote about in his intriguing article, praying for others is a part of our American culture. So that even atheists still want someone to pray for them. People just want to be loved.

I kindly wrote this article to emphasize the biblical truth that without being born again, no one can go to Heaven. John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Increasingly we are hearing unsaved people, Christ rejecters, quote the Holy Bible, as for prayers and express their grief over the deterioration of Christendom in the United States. Only 3 in 10 Americans regularly attend church today. Sadly, today's churches are pathetic. With the sexualization of our American culture because of perverse Hollywood, the Satanic music industry and inappropriate sex education in public schools for children, our whole rotten society is collapsing in on itself. Foolish parents are ignoring the giant white elephant in the living room. I mean, look at this actual screenshot from Taylor Swift's YouTube video, "Wildest Dreams"...

Taylor Swift at 2:12 in her YouTube music video 'Wildest Dreams'

Only Satanists create and promote this kind of perverse content to minors. Why doesn't YouTube filter this? I mean, they keep filtering Bible preachers who preach hard against the sin of homosexuality, but then they allow this kind of wickedness. My friend Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023) in 2021 received his second threatening notice from YouTube, over his Bible preaching against homosexuality. Only one viewpoint is allowed today, which insists that you must be in favor of the demonic LGBTQ agenda, keep silent or be censored. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”

Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born again. We're seeing it everywhere today. Celebrities by the droves are speaking highly of the Holy Bible, but they are hellbound themselves. I heard inventor Elon Musk recently praising the teachings of Jesus in the Bible, but Elon himself as an avowed atheist. This is 'Cultural Christianity'

Christianity began in the New Testament with Jesus Christ and the new birth. When it went to Greece, Christianity became a philosophy. When Christianity went to Rome, it became an organization (the Roman Catholic Church). When Christianity spread throughout Europe, it became a culture. And when it came to America, Christianity became a dirty business. God never intended for Christianity to deteriorate into a career for the clergy. John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” When is the last time you heard any pastor, missionary or evangelist preach the truth that you cannot go to Heaven unless you get BORN AGAIN? I haven't heard any preacher in years say it! So sad. So tragic!

Every Bible preacher in the world should be warning lost sinners about God's coming fiery judgment upon unsaved sinners in Hell. Dear reader, you don't go to Hell because of your sins, you go to Hell because you failed to receive Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins. You can live the Christian life all you want, and still go straight to Hell when you breathe your last breath.\

In Matthew 7:21-23 we read a startling true story about a group of people who spent their lives on earth following Jesus. They boasted of their many wonderful works.” They boasted that they had even cast our devils. They called Jesus “Lord, Lord” (there's the heresy of Lordship Salvation exposed in the Bible). They followed Jesus devoutly as the supreme “Lord (Master) of their miserable lives, but Jesus denied knowing them as His redeemed sheep. Jesus tells us exactly why in verse 21, because they failed to do THE WILL OF THE FATHER. John 6:40 tells us what the Father's will is to get to Heaven. John 6:40, “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.” Paul and Silas reiterated this truth in Acts 16:30b, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved...”

We are now living in the “perilous times” foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. I've never seen so much evil and hatred against Christians as I do today in the United States. My dear ministry friend (whom I just communicated with earlier this week), Pastor David Baker, took his own life on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. I am still in emotional shock that my friend is gone. But to make matters much worse, at least 50 evil haters on Facebook targeted my Facebook page, posting laughing emojis to let me know they think it is funny that Pastor Baker committed suicide. They have no decency, love or shame!

To sink to that level of hatred, you have to be possessed by your father the Devil (John 8:44). Can you imagine someone so filled with hatred against a Christian pastor, that they think it is funny he killed himself? Woe unto those fools on Judgment Day! 1st Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Hebrews 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Christian Army Is The Only Army In The World That Kills Its Wounded

Luke 11:5-6, “And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him?”

Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

What the heck is wrong with everyone? You know, I just went to read Pastor David Baker's Facebook page, but it's GONE! The Family Baptist Church website, where he was their beloved pastor, has completely erased his memory from the church, like he never existed. The same with Independent Baptist Online College, they've totally erased Brother Baker from their ministry, like he never was. This is bizarre! Is this how we mistreat each other now?

Dr. Jack Hyles was 100% right: “THE CHRISTIAN ARMY IS THE ONLY ARMY IN THE WORLD THAT KILLS ITS WOUNDED!” I'm letting the whole world know that Pastor David Baker was (and still is my friend). I love the man tremendously, and his family! What good is a friend if we're not a FRIEND AT MIDNIGHT? I cannot help but think in lieu of all this mistreatment of our dear Brother in Christ and friend, that this will be his gravestone...

Pastor Baker has been accused of a serious crime, but an accusation is not factual guilt. Anybody can accuse anyone of anything, but that doesn't make it true. That is why in God's system of justice, someone was not even legally allowed to bring forth an accusation alone. Deuteronomy 19:15, “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” Biblically, it would be better to let nine guilty men go free, than to convict one innocent man. If you know that one of ten men is guilty, but cannot determine who is the guilty party, then to be just you must released all ten men.

Since Brother David Baker took his own life (for reasons we will likely never know), he won't get his day in court, and will never be convicted of any crime. So the man went to his grave INNOCENT as far as the law is concerned, which means we must honor his presumed innocence. To assume that someone is guilty without due process of law is wickedness, unfair and tyranny. Yet, there are very wicked haters in this world, like Eric Skwarczynski (he runs the hateful 'Preacher Boys Podcast') who has already assigned guilt to Dr. Baker, condemning him as an evildoer and fraud. I wouldn't want to be in Eric's shoes when God judges him in eternity (Matthew 7:1-5).

Our ungodly American newsmedia has been condemning people since it began, based on mere allegations without evidence. When an accusation is made against a man, local newspapers print the story on page one or somewhere closer to the front of the publication. But a couple years later when that same devastated man (because of what the evil news media did to ruin his name) is exonerated in court, and the Prosecutor says: “In the name of justice the charges are dropped,” the news paper might print a retraction on the last page (if they print any retraction at all). God will hold these wicked news papersthese manure-spreading parasites who destroy men's lives for profitaccountable for every name they dragged through the mud, every person and family they hurt, every life that adversely afflicted for their greed to make money. God will hold every ungodly news media outlet accountable for the evil they have done, for the countless lives which they have destroyed for filthy lucre's sake!

Tragically, the Christian Army is the only army in the world that kills its wounded. I seem to recall a man in the Holy Bible whose name was Jesus. He was accused of a horrible crime, but Jesus' friends all forsook Him. Some of them, like Peter, vehemently denies ever knowing Him. Matthew 26:73-74, “And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.” Peter, one of Christ's very apostles whom Jesus hand chose to serve alongside Him, denied ever even knowing the Lord.

Likewise, since Pastor David Baker was accused this past week of committing a horrible crime, his friends have abandoned him. The dear pastor took his own life in a local hospital restroom. He shot himself twice in the chest. Doctors in the Emergency Room desperately tried to save his life, but couldn't. It would be wrong to speculate with any certainty, simply because we don't know the reason why he killed himself. Only a wicked person would assume that his suicide confirms his guilt. We don't know all the details. His church likely fired him when they heard the accusation against him, which could have played a role in his decision. We simply don't know dear reader what went on, or what compelled him to take his own life. I will say that no one should ever commit suicide, under any circumstances, because it is a sin. Our God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:17).

It grieves my heart to see Pastor Baker's friends in the ministry—people that he dearly loved, served alongside and trusted year after year—completely abandon his memory, erasing his name from their website databases, pretending like he never existed in the first place. Is that what we've become as fundamentalist believers today? Is this how little loyalty we have anymore for our loved ones and friends? I am saddened to see the Family Baptist Church, where Brother Baker pastored for many years, throw him under the bus in one day! They have removed every memory of Pastor Baker from their church website, like he never was.

The same is sadly true of Independent Baptist Online College, where Pastor Baker taught Bible classes for several years, and was on the executive board (he was their Vice President and co-founded the college). The school has erased every memory of Brother Baker, as if he never existed. What is wrong with Christians today? Pastor Baker is our redeemed Brother in Christ! He is our dear friend! I want the whole world to know that I am still Pastor Baker's loyal friend. I love the man dearly, and his surviving family. My heart goes out to his wife and ten children, I can only imagine the horrific emotional trauma they must be enduring right now.

On my Facebook page, over 40 rotten people posted laughing emojis on my post announcing that Pastor David Baker commit suicide. The unsaved world absolutely hates Jesus Christ (John 7:7), and because we are Christians the world hates us too (John 15:19). These are the “perilous times as foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7. When ungodly people think it is funny that a pastor killed himself, you know that their souls are filled with Satan their father (John 8:44).

Dear reader, Galatians 6:1 teaches that when a fellow saint chooses to go into sin, we are NOT to abandon them, throw them under the bus or deny that we ever knew them; but rather, “ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Sometimes the greatest thing that a friend can do is to just BE A FRIEND. Don't condemn them. Don't try to analyze or fix the unfixable. You're not God! Only the Lord can repair a broken life. All we can do is be a friend.

It is because of the deliberate Satanic agenda today to attack, intimidate and destroy Independent Baptist Churches (soulwinning churches that make a difference for Christ), that everyone in these institutions are scared. This is why they ran for cover immediately upon hearing the accusation against Pastor Baker, pulling up their anchors and throwing Brother Baker like Jonah over the side of the ship to drown in the sea. It is shameful the way that believers mistreat each other, especially in our darkest hour of need. That is not God's love.

Independent Baptist Online College should be proud that Pastor Baker was a part of their ministry, not completely erase him from their database. And his own Family Baptist Church, where he preached and led God's sheep for several years, has distanced themselves from Brother Baker, like he never worked there. What they've all done is unjustly condemn him as if he is guilty, when the man hasn't even had a court trial yet. It is sad, sickening and injustice! Whatever happened to the true adage: A man is innocent until proven guilty?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My Ministry Friend, Pastor David Baker, Has Commit Suicide

Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”

It was reported in the news today (September 11, 2024)  that my ministry friend, Pastor David Baker, in Columbia, Tennessee, killed himself. This is so tragic. Brother Baker walked into a local hospital, went into the men's restroom, and then shot himself twice in the chest with a handgun. A hospital trauma team tried to save his life, but they couldn't. I was shocked when a friend sent me an email to let me know about this tragedy. If there was one man on the planet that I never thought would do something like this, it was Brother Baker. This is a good man! For 28 years Pastor Baker ministered as chaplain to inmates at the local jail. Pastor Baker is survived by his beloved wife and 10 adult children, who are all faithfully serving God in the ministry today. I love Pastor Baker and am absolutely heartbroken!

Pastor Baker has been accused of a horrible crime, charged by the local court one day before he took his own life. We must remember that allegations are not proof of guilt. And just because he took his life is not an admission of guilt. We don't know all the details, or why he took his own life, and quite frankly I don't want to know. The wicked haters and ungodly critiques of God's children are already having a heyday, salivating over the negative news, sharpening their sharp bear claws to devour Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches.

Dear reader, don't jump on the bandwagon of unjust fools who ass-u-me  that everything they read is 100% true. Pastor Baker died an INNOCENT MAN. Until an individual is found guilty in a proper court of law, he is still legally deemed INNOCENT. To assume and assign guilt to someone who has merely been accused of wrongdoing is beyond evil. We can only speculate as to why he took his own life. He likely was overwhelmed with life's burdens, and had endured enough of this horrible world (1st John 5:19). I know that I would love to go home to be with Jesus, my God and Savior. The Apostle Paul felt the same way, who exclaimed in Philippians 1:21, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 2nd Corinthians 5:8, We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” A disgruntled unbeliever once pointed a gun at Evangelist John R. Rice (1895-1980) and threatened to pull the trigger. Brother Rice kindly said to the man: “Fella, you can't scare me with Heaven!” It takes genuine faith in God to have that kind of resilience in the face of imminent danger. Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do.

Yes, The Sin Of Suicide Can Be Forgiven

The Roman Catholic church has a heretical teaching of venial versus mortal sins. Venial sins can be forgiven without confession, but serious sins like adultery and murder require confession to a Catholic priest who can absolve your sins. This is what Catholics teach and it is totally contrary to inspired Scripture. The inspired Word of God doesn't make any distinction between different types of sins. James 2:10 says that committing even ONE SIN is enough to send us to Hell forever, making us guilty of breaking ALL of God's Commandments.

Only God can forgive sin. The Bible is very clear in 1st Timothy 2:5-6, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” The Catholic priest or Lutheran minister CANNOT forgive your sins. The Pope is the Vicar of Hell on earth, not of Heaven on earth. Catholics are foolishly taught that when the Pope speaks, he speaks "Ex Cathedra" (the voice of God). In truth, when the Pope speaks, he is just a sinful man full of hot air! Only the nail-scared Lamb of God can forgive your sins (John 1:29).

Dear friend, the moment you were saved (i.e., born again into God's family), ALL of your sins (past, present and future) were washed away forever. Your POSITION in Christ was permanently settled. This is why we love to sing the popular church hymn, “The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago”...
There was a time, I know,
When in the book of Heaven,
An old account was standing
For sins yet unforgiven;
My name was at the top
And many things below,
I went unto the Keeper,
And settled long ago.

Long ago, long ago,
Yes, the old account was settled long ago;
And the record’s clear today,
For He washed my sins away,
When the old account was settled long ago.
I love that song! When Pastor Baker was saved decades ago, all of his sins were forever washed away, included taking his own life, so that he had eternal life from the moment he trusted Jesus. Eternal life and eternal security are NOT separate doctrines, they are one and the SAME teaching in the inspired Holy Bible.

Everything's Alright In My Father's House

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) used to often sing this comforting song at Hyles-Anderson College and First Baptist Church of Hammond. Brother Hyles knew that people worry by nature. He understood that we all carry burdens, some very heavy burdens. I've had my share of difficult burdens to bear. There have been dark times in my life when I despaired even of life like the Apostle Paul did in Asia. People want to be loved. As a pastor for over 55 years, to over one hundred thousand people, Dr. Hyles understood human nature well. He was amazing with people.

Read what type of pressures Paul and his friends suffered on the mission field...
2nd Corinthians 1:8-11, “For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us; Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.”
There is theological debate over what Paul meant in these verses. Did they contemplate suicide? Did they suffer so much that they just wanted to die? Were they facing execution or deathly circumstances? We simply don't know. I humbly think they didn't want to live anymore, because all quality of life was gone. I don't think they contemplated suicide, but we don't know.

I humbly think Brother Baker despaired even of life, and he made a choice. The man was tired, living with a broken heart. I hear Christians all the time, who contact my ministry and tell me how tired they are, and that they feel like quitting church altogether. They are tired of the heresies being preached in pulpits everywhere today. Like the Devil's lie that you cannot go to Heaven unless you forsake your sinful bad habits. And the Devil's lie that you must make Jesus the “Lord” of your life to be saved, which is nowhere taught in the inspired Holy Bible.

To complicate matters, most pastors today (especially Baptist clergy) are cold-hearted, indifferent, and don't genuinely care about individual people. They just want a paycheck and an easy life. They won't contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). They mistreat some people. Dr. Jack Hyles was absolutely right, who said:
“You can't love anybody, until you love everybody!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a precious quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “The Test Of Spiritual Maturity
The Devil's fraud of Lordship Salvation has crept into most Baptist churches today. Lordship Salvation is an enemy of soulwinning, because if prevents lost sinners from understanding the Gospel to be saved. As long as you errantly think you must start or stop doing something to get to Heaven, you cannot be saved. Jesus has already done it all for you friend, through His body and blood sacrifice on Calvary's cross (1st Peter 1:18-19).

I am so sad this evening to have learned just a couple hours ago that my dear ministry friend, Pastor David Baker, has died by shooting himself. Brother Baker went into a local hospital in Columbia, Tennessee where he lives and works, into the men's restroom and shot himself. I humbly think he ethically chose that location to spare his own family from finding his lifeless mutilated body. Hospitals deal with shootings, car accidents and serious trauma on a daily basis, so it wouldn't have traumatized them as it would have his wife. I respect him for being considerate. Brad Delp of the rock band, Boston, did the same thing in March of 2007, when he also took his own life under very similar circumstances. Brad wrote notes to warn anybody entering into his home to be careful about carbon monoxide poisoning in the air. Brad used two barbeques to asphyxiate himself to death in his bathroom. Brad was only age 55.

You couldn't have found a better man than David Baker. He spent his life selflessly living to HELP OTHERS. Pastor Baker faithfully pastored churches for many decades, preaching the inspired Word of God to several thousand of people. By God's grace, he had the privilege of leading several hundred souls to Jesus Christ. I love this dear saint of God and I will miss him. We just messaged each other a couple weeks ago on facebook. He posted some edifying comments this past week on my Facebook page, about where Jesus went after He died.

Something that really bothers me is that Pastor Baker's so-called "friends" instantly abandoned him when he was charged with a crime. Read what News Channel 5 said:
"Baker served as the pastor for Family Baptist Church and served at Independent Baptist College Online. Website links have been severed to his connection to both organizations." SOURCE
Whatever happened to a man being INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY? For merely being accused, his fair-weather friends have abandoned him on a whim. Not me Buddy, I'm letting the world know that Pastor David Baker was my dear ministry friend, and I love him and defend his good name. Since he is gone, we'll never know how the court case would have gone. But I will NOT judge a man based on mere accusations. Anybody can say anything about anyone, but that doesn't make it true. Only a very wicked person would condemn someone based on allegations without a court trial. David Baker died with his good name!!!

I thank God for the precious life and ministry of Pastor David Baker, he helped so many hurting people, as a true friend does. Please be in prayer for Brother Baker's wife, ten children and dozens of grandchildren. Pastor Baker has simply gone home to be with Jesus a little early, we're all just a few years behind him. I am 57 years old now. I might have 20 years remaining on earth, but you never know (Proverbs 27:1). Hollywood actor, Tom Sizemore, dropped dead at age 61 of a brain aneurism. In 2019, in Indiana a precious 11-year-old Girl Scout was suddenly killed when a tree toppled over from recent heavy rain. Death often comes without notice. Dear reader, the $64,000 question is: Have you been born again?

My Friend, Pastor David Baker

Psalms 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Eric Skwarczynski's Allusive “Transforming Power Of The Gospel”

1st John 2:19, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

A guy named Eric Skwarczynski is one of the most hateful enemies of Bible Christianity today. This is the self-professed “agnostic” monster who runs the evil “Preacher Boys Podcast,” accusing the brethren in a malicious effort to kill, steal and destroy churches (John 10:10; Revelation 12:10). Eric is an alumni of Pastor Jack Trieber's Westcoast Baptist Bible College in California. Eric is very bitter against God, now a despicable preacher for Satan. His toxic rants have been featured on HBO, Peacock, CBC and other ungodly media outlets, slandering the saints for profit. Eric is making a ton of money ruining lives. Woe unto this wicked fool in eternity!

In the following video Eric explains why he has turned away from his former profession of Christian faith, to instead becoming an agnostic who exposes and condemns Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) believers. What Eric is doing is truly shameful, further destroying lives by spreading manure to make money. The heathen world loves him! ...

Why I Am No Longer a Christian | Eric Skwarczynski

In the preceding video Eric says that when he saw that the “transforming power of the Gospel” was missing in the lives of professed Christians, he lost his faith. But dear reader, you cannot show me anywhere in the Holy Bible where the Gospel itself was ever intended to TRANSFORM your behavior. You cannot show me the term transforming power of the Gospel” in the inspired Holy Bible.

What saith the Scripture? Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” This verse applies to believers, not the unsaved. The Gospel doesn't change you! Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) preached a helpful sermon titled, 'YOUR SALVATION DID NOT CHANGE YOU A BIT.' As Dr. Hyles rightly explains, when you get saved hands of OWNERSHIP change. You have gone from being a child of the Devil to a child of God, but now your life needs to be RENOVATED by the local church. This is where churches have dropped the ball for God. Pastors are to blame for not preaching the Word!

The so-called “Preacher Boy's” podcast is toxic. Sadly, Eric is making money asking for PayPal donations on YouTube for his hateful rhetoric and slander against God's saints. Revelation 12:10, And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” Satan is the accuser of THE BRETHREN. The Devil doesn't accuse THE WORLD, he accuses THE BRETHREN. You're never more like the Devil than when you accuse Christians. Eric is using the fall of Christians to further his evil agenda to tear down God's imperfect children.

Having said that, even the best saint is still a horrible sinner. Psalms 130:3, If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? 1st Timothy 5:24, “Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Eric Skwarczynski is as much a guilty sinner and Pharisaical hypocrite as the saints whom he condemns!!! There are no perfect churches. There are no perfect pastors. The Bible is full of true stories of sinful saints who messed up. Cain killed Abel. Noah got drunk. Abraham and Sarah doubted God. Lot was a righteous man who got drunk and impregnanted two of his daughters. Samson chased unholy skirts all his life. Saul consulted with the Witch of Endor. David was an adulterer and murderer. Solomon was a sex pervert. The Bible says God gave us these biographies to give us comfort and patience in our faith, that we might have hope. Romans 15:4b, For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Yet, Eric foolishly says he has abandoned faith in Jesus, because of the hypocrisy and wickedness he has beheld in professed Christians over time. What Eric fails to realize is that he is just as wicked and hypocritical as the saints that he attacks (Matthew 7:1-5).

Dear reader, there are an estimated 6,500 Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches across the United States today! What critics like Eric are doing is foolishly focusing on the small faction of church leaders who have gone into open sin, who have blown their testimony for Jesus Christ, who have hurt people and failed as leaders to honor the Lord. This is not some new phenomena in these modern times! Read what the psalmist said in Psalms 12:1, “Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. Sinful human nature hasn't changed in thousands of years! Jesus told us in John 15:19 that the world would receive their own, but hate Christians. They really hate Jesus (John 7:7).

Kindly said, Eric Skwarczynski is foolish to blame the Gospel for the failure of God's children. In the preceding transparent video, he says the reason why he's abandoned his Christian faith is because he has become frustrated with church people who have gone into woeful sin. He has personally been hurt by church people (I have too). Eric is tired and at the end of his rope with the hypocrisy, abuse and woeful lack of love that he sees in churches today. I have to say that I agree with him largely on this point. The churches are pathetic today.

When I moved from the island of Guam to Pensacola in 2021, I chose to attend Pensacola Christian College's (PCC) Campus Church. I learned quickly that their senior pastor is a cold-hearted ungodly religious snob. These horrible religious people have no idea how ungodly and far from the Lord they really are. I left in disgust and wounded, after being horribly mistreated and insulted by their hateful pastor, Jeff Redlin. The problem is that they only see what they want to see at PCC, so they are blind, which is exactly what Jesus called the Laodicean church in Revelation 3:17. PCC are “blind to their own spiritual nakedness, failing to see that they are miserable, wretched and poor. Instead, they are arrogant, high-minded and have huge egos at PCC. I speak this to their utter shame! So, I fully understand Eric's absolute disgust toward problematic fundamentalists today, and I share his disgust.

The only reason why I haven't turned agnostic like Eric is because I properly understand the Gospel. There is no alleged “transforming power of the Gospel.” Pacific Garden Mission's 'UNSHACKLED' radio program is guilty of promoting that utter heresy, saying that getting saved will automatically rid your life of chemical addictions, sinful lusts and lifelong bad habits. It's simple NOT true folks! Getting saved didn't change you one iota! If you are addicted to drugs (including the narcotic drug booze), you will need medical intervention to break free from your chemical addition. Getting saved doesn't change your life, it changes your destination.

Coming to Christ to receive God's free gift of eternal life rescues you from the wrath of God in Hell, but you are still the same old rotten you! Now that you're saved, your life needs to be transformed (renewed by the inspired Word of God). 1st Peter 2:2-3, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” Tragically, Eric Skwarczynski is another victim of Lordship Salvation, having been woefully lied to by corrupt pastors and churches, taught that getting saved should radically change a person's life, which it simply doesn't.

As Pastor Loran Livingston rightly says, pastors are to blame today for not preaching the inspired Word of truth. Preachers have dropped the ball for God, far more interested in making money than they are preaching the truth to help people. The reason why millions of professed Christians are living woeful lives of sin and shame is because preachers don't preach anymore! Listen to Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) preach this needful sermon titled, 'RUNNING SHORT ON AUTHORITY!' Pastors no longer preach upon the authority of God's inspired Word. When men usurp authority in a church, you now have a cult! Many IFB churches today are cults!!! The ONLY authority in any church should be the inspired King James Bible.

Pastors are no longer preachers! Sadly, 99% of pastors today cannot preach their way out of a wet paperbag. The clergy have lost their power with God. There is a woeful lack of love and compassion in today's awful Bible colleges and churches. I am convinced that all Bible colleges do today is neuter the pastors of tomorrow. We're in trouble folks! As much as churches despise Eric Skwarczynski, he is merely holding up a mirror to the churches, to show us how bad we really have become in the United States.

Please don't get me wrong, I am totally against what Eric is sinfully doing, slandering God's children. However, there is much truth to his accusations. Christians at best are still rotten hell-deserving sinners! I've said it often, that the only thing which makes the most upright saint any more righteous, than the vilest criminal who ever walked the face of the earth, is the precious blood of Jesus that washed away all our sins the moment we were born again (1st John 1:7; 1st Corinthians 6:11; Revelation 1:5).

In closing, there is no allusive “transformative power of the Gospel. So, get that out of your mind. Just because you have received God's free gift of eternal life, which is by faith alone in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26), doesn't mean now that your behavior will somehow drastically improve. You simply took God at His Word to trust on His only begotten Son, the Christ. But now you need to grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ (2nd Peter 3:18), and this requires abiding in the Word (1st Peter 2:2), and attending church to hear preaching (Titus 1:3). Preaching helps us think right to live right!

Dear friend, we must always keep SERVICE separate from SALVATION. Eric is confused between the two, caught between grace and works. Since he doesn't see any SERVICE in professed saints today, he is doubting their SALVATION. He has turned agnostic, failing to understand that salvation doesn't produce a changed life; it simply opens the door of spiritual enlightenment, equipping the believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit (1st John 3:24; 1st Corinthians 2:14-16; 2nd Corinthians 5:17). The local church has the responsibility to mentor new believers, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:2-b). It is because local churches have not obeyed The Great Commission that professed Christians are in such a mess today, and not because the Gospel has failed to transform their lives as Eric alleges. Eric Skwarczynski's tragic path of destruction is just further evidence of the dangers of Lordship Salvation, misleading people about the Gospel.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Tragic Sad Unsaved Ending Of James Earl Jones

John 3:1-3, “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

I was so sad to hear in the news yesterday that James Earl Jones (1931-2024) died at age 93. I am sad because he was a devout Roman Catholic, and Catholics do not follow the Holy Bible, they follow manmade tradition. Listen to what Jesus said about false religion in Mark 7:9 and 13, “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ...Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion!

James Earl Jones was a good man, as far as sinful men go, and we're all sinners. Jones said the greatest honor of his life was reading the King James Bible for everyone to hear, similar to what Alexander Scourby also did. There is no doubt that James loved God, so he thought, but loving God is not enough to get to Heaven you must be BORN AGAIN through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

The Satanic Counterfeit Salvation Of Roman Catholics

In a heretical article by Jimmy Akin at, he horribly teaches in his article: “How To Go To Heaven”:
I can summarize it in two sentences. The two sentences are these: To come to God and be saved, you need to repent, have faith and be baptized. If you commit mortal sin, you need to repent, have faith and go to confession. That's it. That's all there is to it, and we can show each of these things from the Bible. ...if you do these things, you'll be in a state of grace; and as long as you remain in a state of grace, you'll go to Heaven. But we still have free will, and we can still turn our backs on God and fall from grace.SOURCE (listen to James Akin's audio plan of salvation)
What a dirty theological liar! Kindly said, James Akin is NOT saved. He knows enough about the inspired Holy Bible to be dangerous! Mr. Akin cites 1st Peter 3:21 as alleged “proof that you must be water baptized to go to Heaven. But that is untrue. Let's look at the passage, shall we...
1st Peter 3:20-22, “Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
Akin just quotes the phrase “baptism doth also now save us,” to deceive you. He doesn't include the rest of the verse. He ignores the surrounding context entirely, which is bad Bible interpretation. Pastor Brad Strand gives the correct interpretation in his excellent The Strand Study Bible on page 2109...
Sadly, there are some religious movements that have tried to use this Scripture to prove that baptism (saved by water) is essential to salvation and thus part of the saving Gospel. It is not (Mk 16:16). Noah and his family were not saved by getting “into” the water, but by staying “out” of the water. The ark (i.e., a type of Christ) is what saved Noah and his family, not the water. According to verse 21, baptism is nothing more than a “like figure” (i.e., a symbol of illustration) of spiritual cleansing. Baptism is simply an outward and visible declaration of an inward change , i.e., the public evidence of a penitent spirit (Rom 6:4-5). Only the Gospel saves (Rom 1:16 and 1 Cor 1:17).
Amen and amen! I couldn't have said it any better dear reader. James Akin is a FALSE PROPHET!!! Beware of this infidel of the faith, he is not saved at all. I showed you this corrupt man and his popular Catholic website to help you to see why I DO NOT think James Earl Jones went to Heaven. What I just showed you is typical Catholic teaching. There are over 1,000,000,000 Roman Catholics on the planet, and none of them are going to Heaven, if they are trusting in the garbage that I just shared with you from James Akin's toxic religious website.

In fact, biblically you DON'T have to repent of your sins to go to Heaven. Jesus died on a cross to pay for your sins. You just need to receive Jesus\ sacrifice as payment, by resting (relying completely) in what He did to redeem you through Calvary's cross. You DON'T need to go to some stupid Catholic confessional booth. Those wicked priests are sinners just like you and me, so they cannot forgive anyone's sins, not even their own.

Dear friend, Jesus has already paid for your sins with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19). So, you don't need to repent of your sins to be forgiven; but rather, you need to receive Christ's sacrifice on the cross as FULL PAYMENT for your sins. God is already freely offering you the gift of eternal life, if you'll just accept it by taking Him at His Word in the Scripture.

The True Saving Gospel Of Free Grace

Now here is what the inspired King James Bible really teaches how to go to Heaven...
1st Corinthians 15:1-4, “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
The Gospel (which means GOOD NEWS) is:
  1. Jesus DIED on a cross for our sins.
  2. He was BURIED.
  3. Christ RESURRECTED three days later from the dead.
Those are the FACTS that you must know and trust in to get to Heaven when you die someday. The only other thing you need to know is that you are a guilty SINNER in God's sight (Romans 3:19-20). You need to know what you're being saved from, Hell. And why you need to be saved, because you deserve to burn in Hell for your sins (and so do I). But Jesus paid the ransom (Matthew 10:28). 1st Timothy 2:5-6, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” Jesus died as a ransom for ALL! That refutes the Calvinist heresy of Limited Atonement, which falsely claims that Christ only died for saved people.

Anyone who comes to god as a sinner, and by childlike faith (reliance, trust) receives Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for their sins, believing that He was buried but is risen from the dead, is saved. 1st Thessalonians 4:14, “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” It's that simple.

This is a VERY different plan of salvation that what I shared with you earlier by James Akin, in which he requires you to go to the Catholic confessional booth, to confess your darkest and dirtiest sins to some pervert priest who wears a dress.

James Akin earlier also mention that to go to Heaven you must REMAIN in a state of grace. He errantly teaches that Galatians 5:4 means you can lose salvation. Dear reader, you CANNOY lose God's free gift of eternal life once you have it. ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED (OSAS) is 100% biblical. James is horribly in error to teach that you can fall out of grace. A redeemed believer falls “in grace” (Romans 6:1), but never “from grace.” The only person who can fall from grace is an unsaved person who is trying to do works to get to Heaven, like James Akin is doing. James has indeed fallen from God's grace. That is, he has never been saved at all, and won't be until he repents (changes his mind) to forsake his religious “DEAD WORKS” (Hebrews 6:1), to REST in Jesus Christ alone (Hebrews 4:10-11).

James Early Jones Very Likely DIDN'T Go To Heaven

I realize that many people get upset when I say things like this, but I care about you friend, and I don't want anyone to die in the sins and spend eternity suffering in Hell. James Earl Jones was a devout Catholic. You can verify that easily by doing a quick web search. There is no salvation in the seven sacraments of Catholicism. Sacramental Salvation is NOT God's simple plan of salvation, which I just showed you from 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. The Apostle Paul said he received this Gospel directly from Jesus Christ Himself (Galatians 1:12).

Oh how foolish are the masses of this world, to follow some foolish manmade religious cult. I could spend hours showing you how phony, unscriptural and rotten Catholicism is. For example: The Vatican removed the second of God's Ten Commandments, which forbids bowing down to graven images and idols. Gee, I wonder why Catholics would change the Bible to remove the Second Commandment...

Catholics Commit The Horrible Sin Of IDOLATRY!

The old adage is very true: A picture is worth a thousand words!

Now you can see exactly why Catholics have removed the Second Commandment from the Holy Bible, to deceive their followers. Dear friend, please don't follow the Roman or Russian Orthodox Catholic religions into the fires of Hell. Although these two factions of Catholicism are headquartered in different countries, and have different leaders, they share 95% of the SAME damnable heresies and idolatrous practices. These are PRISONHOUSES OF RELIGION!

John 3:3, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
James Akin didn't say anything about being born again. He just said you need to get water baptized, go to the confessional booth, remain in a state of grace, and have faith. Faith in what? The Catholic Pope? The Catholic church? The confessional booth? The seven sacraments? What saith the Scripture? Galatians 3:26, “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:9-11,“And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” James Akin didn't even mention Jesus! He tells you to go confess your sins to a Catholic priest. He tells you to go get dunked in a baptistery. But the fool never mentions Jesusthe sinless Lamb of God (John 1:29), the risen Christ (John 20:31), the precious only begotten Son of God (John 3:16).

Unless James Earl Jones secretly trusted Christ and REJECTED the manmade teachings of his Catholic faith, he didn't make it to Heaven. The inspired Word of God is very clear in this matter, that you MUST be “born again.” Dear reader, you DON'T have to repent of your sins to go to Heaven, you need to repent (change your mind) to acknowledge THE TRUTH (2nd Timothy 2:25). The truth is that you are a SINNER (and so am I), and Jesus is the SAVIOR. Religion cannot save you. Getting water baptized no more makes you a Christian, than walking into a garage would make you an automobile! Noah and his family were saved by the ark, not the water. God sealed the door on the ark (Genesis 7:16).

God knows that I am not trying to upset anybody by saying that I don't think James Earl Jones went to Heaven. I believe he sadly went to the Lake of Fire forever. The fact that Mr. Jones boasted of being a lifelong devout Catholic tells me that he never trusted Christ for his salvation, he trusted in the false doctrines and dead rituals of the accursed Catholic church. 

Catholics call their priests “Father” when the Bible strictly forbids reverencing men (Matthew 23:9). Catholics forbid marriage for priests, and eating meats on Fridays, which the Bible exposes as false religion (1st Timothy 4:1-3). Catholics teach the Perpetual Virginity of Mary heresy, but the Bible plainly says that Mary bear at least 2 daughters and 4 sons (Matthew 13:55-56). Joseph was their biological father; but God almighty alone was Jesus' biological father (Matthew 1:23; John 3:16). Joseph raised Him as his Dad. These are but just a few of the contradictions which are prevalent in Roman Catholicism; totally contrary to the Holy Bible.

Is it possible that James Earl Jones repented of his false religion on his death bed? Sure, anything is possible, but I sincerely doubt it. When you've been brainwashed your entire life by a wicked false religion for over 70 years, you don't just come to your waking senses in a moment at age 93. It is astronomically rare. I hope he did go to Heaven, but from everything I have ever learned about the inspired Holy Bible (as a born again child of God myself since age 13), I humbly don't think James Earl Jones went to Heaven.
“Nothing in my future can ever affect the salvation that I have... Once you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are eternally secure!” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
“Salvation is based upon purely what Jesus Christ has done. And if you've trusted Jesus Christ here, you're saved forever! Nothing in your life, nothing in your death, angels, principalities, nothing—nothing in your future—could ever undo that relationship that has been made when you trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. And there are many people who are confused over this whole thing.” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?

“There are many people who name the name of Jesus Christ, who are not saved, because they're trusting in living the Christian life, or in their works, or in some efforts that they're doing, in order to obtain their salvation.” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
Kindly said, I also don't think Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020), another Roman Catholic all his miserable wicked life, went to Heaven. Olivia Newton John (1948-2022) was also a devout Catholic. She didn't shy away from telling the world that she was a Christian, but sadly just claiming to be a Christian doesn't make you one. YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!!! Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born again.

A Clear Gospel Presentation In Just 4 Minutes
(Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lady Gaga's Satanic New Age Religion Of Self Worship

Daniel 11:37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”

I watched an interesting 2-hour YouTube concert tonight by “Lady Gaga” in Tokyo, Japan. I love music as a musician. Although I would consider her public performances more of a perverse art form than I would actual music. Lady Gaga's real Italian name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born 1936). I've been working on learning more songs on the banjo. I have a fascination with celebrity singers, actors and bands, as a biographical hobby. I love people, they fascinate me, particularly their religious beliefs. So, I looked up Lady Gaga's religious beliefs and found this information on the popular website, Hollowverse...
Lady Gaga was raised as a Catholic. But now she believes that god is one's self. She's a selfist. SOURCE
That about sums it up as far as what she believes, she thinks SHE IS GOD! That is pathetic!

According to Lady Gaga, everybody is THEIR OWN GOD...
It's more self-worship, I think, not of me. I'm teaching people to worship themselves. [4]
Lady Gaga has a lot of influence with over 12 million followers on Twitter alone, and another 36 million Facebook fans.[5] She has so far sold over 40,000,000 albums, and has a staggering net worth of $150,000,000. She is 38 years old (born 1986).

When Lady Gaga speaks of her faith in “God, she is not talking about the righteous God of the inspired King James Bible; but rather, humans gods (i.e., humanism). She has plainly stated publicly that she worships her fans, because they are her God.” Please do not follow Lady Gaga's distorted religious views, because you will end up burning in the Lake of Fire with her when this life is over.

Eddie Van Halen died in 2020. I sadly do not think he went to Heaven. Eddie was Roman Catholic. They trust in Sacramental Salvation, not the free grace Gospel taught in the inspired Word of God. Olivia Newton John died in 2022. She was another Catholic. Dear reader, my heart breaks for Catholics, because they have been deceived by Satan to think that salvation is found in the Catholic Church. But Jesus said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:1-7). The Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 2:5-6, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. The Virgin Mary is NOT a mediator. Neither can the Pope, priest or Lutheran minister forgive sin as a mediator between God and man. Jesus is the ONLY Mediator, as we just learned in 1st Timothy 2:5. Amen and amen!

Lady Gaga Is Serving The New World Order

As I was doing some research, I ran across the following disturbing writing by Alice Bailey (1880-1949), which prompted me to warn my web visitors about an increasing trend in American society and our churches to pursue spirituality without theology. That's all we hear nowadays from Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and umpteen new agers, who speak of spirituality while expressing disdain for organized religion and Christian fundamentalism. Lady Gaga is no exception! I think it is safe to say that Alice Bailey could be called the mother of new age today. According to Alice Bailey, this trend is ushering in the New World Order (NWO) faster than she thought possible. Listen to what this evil woman, devil in disguise and mega false prophetess says...
“The new world religion is nearer than many think, and this is due to two things: first, the theological quarrels are mainly over non-essentials, and secondly, the younger generation is basically spiritual but quite uninterested in theology. The intelligent youth of all countries are rapidly repudiating orthodox theology, state ecclesiasticism and the control of the church. They are neither interested in man-made interpretations of truth nor in past quarrels between the major world religions.

At the same time, they are profoundly interested in the spiritual values and are earnestly seeking verification of their deep-seated unvoiced recognitions. They look to no bible or system of so-called inspired spiritual knowledge and revelation, but their eyes are on the undefined larger wholes in which they seek to merge and lose themselves, such as the state, an ideology, or humanity itself. In this expression of the spirit of self-abnegation may be seen the appearance of the deepest truth of all religion and the justification of the Christian message.

Christ, in His high place, cares not whether men accept the theological interpretations of scholars and churchmen, but He does care whether the keynote of His life of sacrifice and service is reproduced among men; it is immaterial to Him whether the emphasis laid upon the detail and the veracity of the Gospel story is recognised and accepted, for He is more interested that the search for truth and for subjective spiritual experience should persist; He knows that within each human heart is found that which responds instinctively to God, and that the hope of ultimate glory lies hid in the Christ-consciousness.

Therefore, in the new world order, spirituality will supersede theology; living experience will take the place of theological acceptances. The spiritual realities will emerge with increasing clarity and the form aspect will recede into the background; the new emerging truths. These truths will be founded on the ancient realities but will be adapted to modern need and will manifest progressively the revelation of the divine nature and quality. God is now known as Intelligence and Love. That the past has given us. He must be known as Will and Purpose, and that the future will reveal.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 201-202
Please don't miss this dear reader, because its impact is monumental! Alice Bailey was a devil. I don't know if you caught it in the preceding quote, but Miss Bailey teaches that Jesus doesn't care if people accept or reject the Gospel, just so long as they have what she terms, “the Christ-consciousness.” She further states:
“Christ, in His high place, cares not whether men accept the theological interpretations of scholars and churchmen, but He does care whether the keynote of His life of sacrifice and service is reproduced among men; it is immaterial to Him whether the emphasis laid upon the detail and the veracity of the Gospel story is recognised and accepted, for He is more interested that the search for truth and for subjective spiritual experience should persist; He knows that within each human heart is found that which responds instinctively to God, and that the hope of ultimate glory lies hid in the Christ-consciousness.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 201-202 [here is the full article that I wrote]
In other words, Alice Bailey is teaching people to reject everything that the Word of God teaches, except for Christ's life of sacrifice for others. In the shameful, satanic, world of Miss Bailey, Christianity is summed up and limited to living for others without being born-again. This is why we often hear new agers talking about Christ's love, helping others and forgiveness; but they reject Christ's preaching against sin (John 7:7), the need for the new second birth, His command to “SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES” (John 5:39b) and the Lord's teachings on everlasting Hell, fire and damnation for the unsaved (Matthew 18:8; 25:41). Effectively, new age retains the outer shell of Christianity, while hollowing out the interior and instead filling it with Luciferian doctrine. Or in other words, new age is repackaging Devil-worship in a Christian wrapper. The Bible warns us that this is how Satan normally operates...
2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
My Christian brethren and sisters, what I have just shared with you ought to compel you more than ever to do three things: 
  1. Support your local New Testament church. You can learn all about the Church from Pastor Jack Hyles' awesome Scriptural Bible study titled, what else, “THE CHURCH.” Alice Bailey said that the NWO is happening faster than expected because today's youth are uninterested in orthodox theology (Bible fundamentals) and the Church. Again, as you just read, she states: “the younger generation is basically spiritual but quite uninterested in theology. The intelligent youth of all countries are rapidly repudiating orthodox theology, state ecclesiasticism and the control of the church. They are neither interested in man-made interpretations of truth nor in past quarrels between the major world religions.” Isn't that terrible. Do you know why youth are no longer interested in the Church? It is because the Church is no longer interesting. Pastors don't preach with authority anymore, because our churches have been infiltrated with corrupt authorityless Bible versions. The churches have lost their authority. We've been hearing a lot of talk lately from actors, singers, athletes and religious people, saying that they are “spiritual” but not religious. They are caught up into new age without even realizing it. This is why believers must support their local fundamental churches, who use only the King James Bible, go soul-winning, run bus routes, preach the simplicity that is in Christ and teach Biblical theology. Remember, the Church is the pillar of truth, which is build upon the foundation of Jesus Christ (1st Corinthians 3:11). 1st Timothy 3:15, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” Matthew 16:18, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter (Greek: petros, pebble, a small piece of rock), and upon this rock (Greek: Petra, a mass of rock, a mountain) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The foundation of new age is Lucifer and their pillars are manmade occult doctrine.
  2. Preach and teach the great theological doctrines of the inspired Word of God in our churches. It is alarming that so many churches these days are telling children's stories, singing songs, watching religious YouTube videos on large overhead projection screens, having Watchcare (cell block) Groups, enjoying special music and orchestras; but the doctrines of the Word of God are not taught, or barely taught. Every pastor and Christian worker ought to regularly teach the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith; namely, the Godhead, Christ's deity, the inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures, the blood applied in Heaven on the mercy seat, the virgin birth of Jesus, Christ's sinless life, the simplicity that is in Christ (the Gospel), Christ's imminent return (Rapture) and the Second Coming, Christ's vicarious (substitute in our place) death on the cross, the Lord's bodily resurrection, and all the Word of God.
  3. Beware of spirituality creeping into the church without theology. Theology is the study of God. Increasingly we are hearing America's most famous preachers give motivational speeches (like Joel Osteen and Steven Furtick), deliver political speeches (like Mike Huckabee), and teach religious psychology (like Pat Robertson and James Dobson). This is not biblical preaching! The great need of the hour is preaching preachers who preach nothing but the pure inspired Word of God. I agree with Pastor Lester Roloff that our Bible colleges ought to require preacher boys to memorize one full chapter of the Holy Bible each month. Our churches have lost their authority because our preachers don't abide in the inspired King James Bible anymore. Jesus said concerning the human heart of man, “for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:45). Most preachers merely surf the internet, read blogs, listen to liberal heretics like MacArthur and it shows in their lame authorityless sermonettes on Sunday. We've got to get into the Word of God if we are to preach with authority, because the Word of God is authoritative. Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” These days our church pulpits are filled with all kinds of substitutes for Biblical theology. Beware of teachings of spiritually that are empty of the Scriptures, and talk of bettering human nature without the need for the new birth by faith in the Gospel (good news) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Religious humanism and new age go hand-in-hand. Any spirituality without the Holy Bible is satanic. “Ye must be born again” (John 3:5-7).
God deliver our churches from the curse of Joel Osteen's motivational messages, Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life ecumenical garbage that eviscerates the old-time religion, Billy Graham's Catholic-embracing ecumenical nightmare, John MacArthur's false plan of Lordship Salvation and his error that Jesus' blood is not applied to the heavenly Mercy Seat, and so forth! Our churches are in trouble.

Remember that Helena Blavatsky said occultists would infiltrate the churches. The founder of “Lucifer” Magazine in 1887, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), and editor Annie Besant (1847-1933), along with other occultists believed that Christian churches were the key to introducing the doctrines of Lucifer to large masses of people. The 1904 annual report of the Theosophical Society stated:
“I believe it is through the Churches and not through the Theosophical Society that Theosophy [the worship of Lucifer]... must and should come to large bodies of people in the West.”

SOURCE: Transactions of the Theosophical Society, H. P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, 1904, p. 377
Wow, did you get that? Miss Bailey said the Luciferian ideologies of Theosophy (Lucifer worship) would be introduced to the west (America) through THE CHURCHES. We are seeing this firsthand in today's mega-churches like Hillsong, Elevation Church (Steven Furtick), Lakewood Church (Joel Osteen), et cetera. In these so-called churches Bible theology is no longer taught; but rather, self improvement seminar type messages. It is apostasy!

Christianity Is Under Relentless Attack In 2024

Increasingly, we are seeing ungodly hostility build in society against Bible-believing Christians who fear God and rightfully strongly oppose the LGBTQ agenda. It is not uncommon these days to hear celebrities blaming the Bible and fundamental churches, who preach and uphold biblical standards. Christians are unfairly blamed for suicides, hate crimes and bullying. Read what Lady Gaga foolishly says:
The influence of institutionalized religion on government is vast. So religion then begins to affect social values and that in turn affects self-esteem, bullying in school, teen suicides, all those things.[2]
Such ungodly liberal minded heathens are literally claiming that enforcing moral standards in schools, government and society causes suicides, bullying and depression. That is absurd! So should adultery be legalized? How about pedophilia? Stealing? Shoplifting has practically been legalized in insane cities like Los Angeles, Seattle and New York. Who decides where to set the moral standard? Should homosexuals be allowed to grope, fondle and kiss in front of children in public?

We hear so much about women's rights, but what about human rights? Doesn't a living child in its mother's womb have any rights? Any women who demands the legal “right” to murder her own child is a monster! Folks, there would be no controversies if we simply obeyed the inspired Holy Bible. God hasn't changed, society has! As recently as 1962, homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states, as it rightfully should be. Sodomy is perverse, disgusting and extremely unhealthy. God's curse is upon a sinful nation. Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

If the Lord tarries His return, the time will come in America when Bible-believing Christians will be persecuted and prosecuted for opposing the LGBTQ agenda. It is already happening across the country. Only one view is allowed today in society, and it's not the biblical view. Corporations and social media companies are relentlessly pushing the LGBTQ agenda, censoring anybody who speak out against it.

I mentioned in a post today in Facebook that “American women have become toxic, and a warning notification came up, accusing me of hate speech. Facebook is of the Devil! This is really bad folks when big tech companies have become the thought police! Prolific author George Orwell (1903-1950) predicted this type of Godless Totalitarian Police State, in his dystopian novel titled, 1984. George Orwell suggest that to get a glimpse of the future, that the reader should picture the government's boot pressing down upon our neck. So true!

The United States is already well on its way as a socialist nation to becoming totally communist. Gun confiscation is coming, you know it! With an average of over 600 mass shootings each year across the United States, the tired American people will gladly accept a total ban on gun sales, trades and purchases. The day we allow this injustice will be the nails in our coffin as a free country! Canada has already passed such a tyrannical law in October of 2022. The last thing the American people want is for only the government to have all the guns! 

Look what happened in 1936 Spain when guns were taken away from the people. They were defenseless and slaughtered! The problem in the United States is not guns, it is our toxic culture of violence on television, violence in video games, violence in music, et cetera. Do you really think it is merely a coincidence that transgendered perversion is being forced on children today? Not a chance. The Devil is alive and well. Look at this perverted Taylor Swift video, and then tell me honestly that Satanists don't control the music industry. You cannot if you are an honest concerned parent.

I do not hate Lady Gaga. I do not hate any living creature. God is love and I love everyone. I love LGBTQ people, for whom Jesus Christ died on a cross to pay for their sins. People need the Lord! But I am compelled to warn you about wolves in sheep's clothing like Lady Gaga, because she often speaks of God, uses Christian symbols in her concerts, and professes to be a very religious person. Unfortunately, her deadly false religion is Luciferian New Age! Let me remind you of what Lady Gaga said earlier:
It's more self-worship, I think, not of me. I'm teaching people to worship themselves. [4]
Exodus 34:14, “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God...” It is the sin of idolatry to worship one's self. In her Tokyo concert that I watched tonight, I heard Lady Gaga tell her 36,000 fans in the audience to obeis me!” (worship her). Lady Gaga's self worship and religion of SELF is of the Devil. Certainly there is nothing wrong with having healthy self-esteem, but not self-adoration. Lady Gaga sadly is NOT saved. She is a child of the Devil (John 8:44).

Miss Gaga has said much to condemn organized religion, which unfortunately includes a rejection of Jesus Christ and the written Holy Bible (John 3:36; 1st John 2:22-23).

'Cultural Christianity' Cannot Get You To Heaven

John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”...