Sunday, May 10, 2020

Why Harvest Baptist Church Won't Let Me Come Back

2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”

I gladly attended the harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year in 2014. At first I was spiritually weak, having been through a divorce I didn't want in 2006, and much sorrow and pain in my personal life that ensued. After several months at the church God burdened my heart—over the use of dozens of corrupt Bible versions in the church, and the promoting of heretic Dr. John MacArthur, and the teaching of the heresy of Lordship Salvation by the church pastors and staff. Here is the story if you would like to read it. The pastors of Harvest Baptist Church are bastards in the pulpit, illegitimate. They have no business being in any pulpit. I have as much respect for a pedophile, as I do for Baptist pastors who prey upon innocent church members with counterfeit Bible versions!

I was accused by the pastors of Harvest of causing “confusion and divisiveness in the church. The truth is that I was trying to save the church from those very evils. They already use dozens of English Bible revisions, making them a house divided. How much more confused can a church be? Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.” If you doubt what I say, and what you just read from Acts 19:32, look at what ALL the modern Bible revisions do to corrupt Psalms 12:6-7. Harvest's pastors got upset with me for proclaiming that there is only ONE HOLY BIBLE, not a dozen, not 900! They got upset because I said John MacArthur is a devilish false prophet who preaches another Gospel! I simply proclaimed THE TRUTH that there is only one Gospel, as defined in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Look at what John MacArthur requires!!!

I mean, is Jesus the only Son, or the only begotten Son of God? All of the modern Bible perversions remove the word begotten.” Should we confess our “sins” or our faults to each other in James 5:16? All of the modern perversions tell us to confess our sins to each other. Did Jesus forbid Mary Magdalene from touching Him, or was she already holding on to Him? All of the modern perversions say she was holding Him. My point is that they cannot all be correct! They cannot all be God's inspired Word! Who is causing confusion me, by promoting only the inspired King James Bible; or the church pastors at Harvest and BJU who promote multiple Bible versions? They are a house divided!

The reason why I was falsely accused of causing “confusion and divisiveness in the church, is simply because I was trying to nail down something for them. I was saying there is ONLY ONE BIBLE—the King James Bible. I was saying there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL, the Gospel of free grace without works. The senior pastor of Harvest said from the pulpit that it is not enough to admit you are a sinner; but also, he said you must forsake a lifestyle of sin. I heard him say it with my own two ears, sitting in the pew on a Sunday morning. You see, he is caught between grace and works, a consequence of listening to John MacArthur. 

Bob Jones University says they are all God's Word (which  you can read for yourself in their stupid Statement of Faith). BJU says God's words have been preserved in “the totality of extant manuscripts.” They are including the devilish manuscripts of Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, inspired by the Devil, which all attack the deity of Jesus Christ. Here is our text verse again from 2nd Timothy 4:3, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” Dear reader, I ask you, how can you have SOUND DOCTRINE by consulting 39 different Bible versions? You cannot! That is why Harvest Baptist Church is teaching Lordship Salvation, and why they love and promote John MacArthur, and Moody Radio. 

Moody Bible Institute admits on their website that they are “generally Calvinistic” in their beliefs. Moody falsely accuses Pastor Harry Ironside of turning Calvinist, but they are LIARS!!! Calvinism is synonymous with Lordship Salvation. These cultists claim that it is not enough to merely receive Jesus as your Savior, but also as your “Lord, making full surrender to Him to be saved. This is exactly what Dr. John MacArthur teaches, and it is ANOTHER GOSPEL” (Galatians 1:6-9). For this offense I was brought into judgment in the church office at Harvest, forced to leave in 2014, and have been ostracized by my neighbours since. I am a victim of abuse by Harvest Baptist Church in Micronesia.