Sunday, May 10, 2020

Today's Lazy Ecumenical Deceived Church Member

2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”

Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) had it exactly right:
“The Word of God is our only hope—that's our only hope! This has been the generation of translations and abominations, and perversions, of the Word of God! It's been a long time; now when the Revised Standard Version came out, I stood against it before I knew what it was, because the wrong crowd heard of that, and the wrong crowd received it, and I knew it got too much publicity to be right! And I knew if the newspapers publicized something, it had to be wrong! And so I knew that the American people and a lot of American preachers—they welcomed it into their house before they knew it was a rattlesnake!” [emphasis added] —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!”
Today's professed Christians are as lazy as a hound dog on a hot summer day. They just won't investigate anything for themselves. Acts 17:10-11, “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.That is where the term “Bereans” comes from, which is sometimes used to name a church or ministry. The people of Berea didn't just believe what the apostle Paul said, they went to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, to see if what Paul taught was the truth. Tragically, the Devil has crept counterfeit Bible revisions into the churches, so that people are confused on where to find THE TRUTH. Is the truth in this Bible? Or is it in that Bible? Which Bible revision? Bob Jones University shameful says they are ALL God's Word. Well, then we have a very big problem, because today's plethora of Bible revisions all say something different. God's curse is upon BJU and their alumni.

The 16th U.S. President, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) wisely said:
“In great contests [battles], each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God—both may be, but one must be, wrong—God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time!” —President Abraham Lincoln

Likewise, since all of today's Bible revisions say something different, they CANNOT all be God's inspired Word. The ungodly translators fully know this to be true, which is why in EVERY CASE the new translations remove God's promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to keep and preserve His PURE WORDS “from this generation for ever”! 

Brother Roloff also rightly said:
“The Word of God is our only hope—that's our only hope! This has been the generation of translations and abominations, and perversions, of the Word of God! It's been a long time; now when the Revised Standard Version came out, I stood against it before I knew what it was, because the wrong crowd heard of that, and the wrong crowd received it, and I knew it got too much publicity to be right! And I knew if the newspapers publicized something, it had to be wrong! And so I knew that the American people and a lot of American preachers—they welcomed it into their house before they knew it was a rattlesnake!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!
Dr. Al Lacy (1933-2016) had is exactly right...

“Those are Devil's Bibles!” Pastor Al Lacy

Churchgoers today are exactly like the less noble people in Thessalonica, not searching the Scriptures for themselves, so they are being woefully deceived by the Devil (Revelation 12:9)!!! Satan has attacked the very core root of Christianity—denying the inspiration of the King James Bible, and introducing literally HUNDREDS of alternative perverted English Bible revisions to confuse, mislead and corrupt nearly everyone. Ecumenical pastors are mostly to blame. This includes the ungodly pastors of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who despite being repeatedly warned by myself and others, just don't care about THE TRUTH. They use and promote corruptible seed! They endorse, promote and bid Godspeed to devils in the pulpit—like Dr. John MacArthur, who preaches ANOTHER GOSPEL (Galatians 1:6-9). I want the whole world to know THE TRUTH. We must expose the evildoers!!!

What saith the Scripture? John 5:39-40, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. Hundreds of millions of churchgoers today are following false prophets, headed for Hell, because they refuse to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES. Jesus said they will not come to Him to be saved. Instead they are following the damnable heretical teachings of John MacArthur, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer, Don Piper, Marty Herron, Chip Ingram, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and thousands of other FALSE PROPHETS who pervert the Gospel of free grace!!! I plead with you dear reader to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!!

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