Proverbs 26:24-25, “He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.”
It is a true saying that WITHOUT FOLLOWERS EVIL CANNOT SPREAD. My first thoughts take me to the demonic false religions of Roman and Orthodox Catholicism. These two branches of Catholicism comprise 1,620,000,000 human beings (1.39 billion Roman Catholics and 230 million Orthodox Catholics). Sadly, 486 million Roman Catholics exist in Latin America alone, showing the damning power of the biggest religious cult in the world on Hispanics. There is no salvation within the Catholic religion. Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion.
Be careful dear reader what or who you choose to follow, because it could destroy you. The world is full of beautiful beneficial and ugly deadly things alike. In this world can be found the amazing Gospel of free grace, by which all who believe it are saved. But there are also thousands of false religions that can damn your soul and body to Hell forever, if you are foolish enough to choose to follow them. Without followers evils cannot spread.
When we think of evil, people usually think of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. When most people think of evil, they think of John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer. But when I think of evil, I think of Roman Catholicism. When I think of evil, I think of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and their Lordship Salvation heresy. When I think of evil, I think of the fraudulent Federal Reserve Act, which since 1913 has robbed Americans of their hard-earned wealth, and has caused an epidemic of homelessness due to inflation across the United States.
When I think of evil, I think of Seventh-Day Adventism (SDA) with their hellish heresies of Lordship Salvation and Investigative Judgment. When I think of evil, I think of Bob Jones University (BJU) and their multiple counterfeit Bible revisions, and their lie of Lordship Salvation. Yes, evil abounds around us today in many different forms. The $64,000 questions is: Are you a follower?
Evil can only prevail if it has followers. The tragic reason why the Devil's dangerous lies of Lordship Salvation, False Bibles and Misunderstood Repentance are so popular nowadays is because these Satanic deceptions have gathered many followers. By adopting the Devil's lies of Misunderstand Repentance and Lordship Salvation, Pensacola Christian College is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. By local church (including PCC's Campus Church) promoting and using Ken Ham's toxic Answers-In-Genesis Bible lessons, which are rooted in Lordship Salvation and Misunderstood Repentance, those corrupt churches are helping Satan.
It is a crying shame that so many professed “Christians” today are the worst enemies of Jesus Christ. In truth that are not true Christians, they are churchgoers who have never been born again by faith alone in Christ alone. Anyone who is trying to turn from their sinful ways to get to heaven is still not saved. Such a person must first cease from their own self-righteous works, and rest in Christ alone to be saved (Hebrews 4:10-11). Evil can only prevail if it has followers. Without followers evil cannot spread.
So, dear reader, be very careful what you ascribe to and follow, because your eternal destiny may depend on it. It breaks my heart to see 21 million deceived people following Seventh-Day Adventism, which religion teaches Lordship Salvation. It breaks my heart to see 16 million deceived people following the sex-perverted cult of Mormonism. It breaks my heart to see over one billion deceived people following the demonic religion of Islam. And of course, the Roman Catholic religion is the biggest cult in the world, which 1.3 billion deceived followers. Always remember, Satan is a beautiful liar!
The Apostle Paul warned everyone in 2nd Corinthians 11:3-4 about three dangerous things:
- another Gospel
- another Jesus
- another spirit
Please make sure that you haven't been deceived by a suave lying false prophet. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and foolish people are, so easily drawn into a false religion. The evils of Mormonism couldn't exist if it weren't for their foolish followers. Evil cannot exist unless it has a willing servant. By God's grace, I will never support, partake or bid Godspeed to evil.
Any preacher who bids Godspeed to infidel Ken Ham and his Answers-In-Genesis counterfeit plan of salvation is helping the Devil (2nd John 1:11). Without followers this evil spawned by Ken Ham could not spread. Tragically, corrupt churches all across America, including Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, and all PCC affiliated local churches, support this demonic filth. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!
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