Thursday, December 26, 2024

Baptists Are Some Of The Most Offended People Today

2nd Timothy 3:12-13, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

When most Christians read this passage of Scripture, they think of persecution from the heathen world, and you will be rejected and persecuted by the lost world if you live godly in Christ Jesus. But dear reader, you will also be rejected and persecuted by professed Christians in the churches, especially among Baptists. That is so sad and strange. The Apostle Paul encountered this same evil. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Things haven't changed in 2,000 years. Even still today in 2024, you will be kicked out of a church faster than you realized what happened and then forbidden to return, if you dare to tell a pastor that he is wrong to preach misunderstood repentance (aka, “be willing to turn from your sinful ways” to get to Heaven), wrong to teach the fallacy of Lordship Salvation, or wrong to use the Devil's false Bible revisions. These three evils have infected most Baptist churches today. Tragically, nearly every Baptist wickedly tolerates these corrupt Bible colleges and churches today, which is apostasy. I refuse to go along to get along!

Shame on each pastor who wickedly bids Godspeed to Billy Graham (1918-2018) and Franklin Graham, who are infidels of the faith, preaching another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus works.

I have made many enemies over the years, particularly among Baptists, because I told the truth and refused to back down. I have been forced out of church and then banned from returning, just for telling the truth. Tragically, most Baptist churches today preach the Satanic falsehood of Lordship Salvation. If you think the Lordship Salvation crowd are still saved, but just confused, then you are woefully mistaken dear reader.

If you think that those in the Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camp are saved, who insist that you must first be willing to forsake your sinful bad habits to be born again, then you are going against the plainest and simplest teaching of the inspired Scriptures. I have church members and pastors who are angry at me, just because I criticize PCC. They view me as a troublemaker who goes around looking for weakness in preachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't look for weakness, I refute wickedness as the Bible commands me to do in Titus 1:13-14, “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

One wicked pastor, Sean Quinlan at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam, horrible accused me in 2018 of not being an apostle. He said that because in his mind only an apostle has the right to rebuke a church that is teaching damnable heresy. He knew that I had been rebuking the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, a cesspool of Bob Jones graduates and Calvinism. First, I never said that I am an apostle. Titus wasn't an apostle either, yet the apostle Paul exhorted him to rebuke them sharply who preach another gospel, subverting whole families with a counterfeit plan of salvation. PCC is subverting whole families with their counterfeit plan of salvation, requiring people to be willing to forsake their sinful bad habits to be saved. That is NOT what the Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4.

I have had countless angry people unfollow me on Facebook. Others have unfriended and even blocked me out completely, just because I am a truth-teller. You should see the hate mail that I have received over the years, a lot from professed Christians. If you love PCC and think they can do no wrong, you are a darn fool. If you think Bob Jones University (BJU) are doctrinally sound, you are woefully mistaken friend. BJU is a Calvinist cesspool of iniquity today! BJU even invited and honored Calvinist Paul Washer as a guest speaker in December of 2022. SHAME on BJU!

I echo the same words as Esther in the Old Testament who bravely said: “If I perish, I perish!” In today's terminology she would have said: “Damn the torpedoes!” Esther was willing to die for her cause, and so am I.  Let all the hordes of Hell attack me. The Bible says that our fight is against principalities and powers, not against flesh and blood. When I attend a church and some of the members hassle me over my ministry websites, criticizing and talking bad about me behind my back, and the pastor avoids and ostracizes me, they are serving the Devil.

God knows my heart, that my only goal since 2002 when I began my website ministry has always been to honor and please God—by upholding the precious name of Jesus, preaching the Gospel, telling the truth, exposing false doctrines, and declaring the inspiration of the King James Bible. By God's grace I have done that. I have run the course faithfully. God knew that I would fail him in many ways, but His amazing grace has carried me here. It pains my soul that I cannot even attend a local Baptist church, without my website and blog ministry preceding me, causing problems for me. People get angry when someone like me stands up and proclaims THE TRUTH. I expose Billy and Franklin Graham for the infidels that they are, and that makes some fools angry.

I expose Ray Comfort, John MacArthur and Paul Washer as unsaved infidels who preach another gospel. That makes a lot of people upset, and they mistreat me because of it. One of the assistant pastors at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam had invited me after the Sunday evening service to eat dinner the next night, Monday, at his house with his wife and children. After he invited me, I kindly handed him the excellent book in defense of a free grace Gospel “I NEVER KNEW YOU.” The truthful book offended him so bad, bashing all of his ecumenical false prophet heroes, that I never heard from him again. Our dinner engagement was cancelled. I was blackballed and shunned for telling the truth. What a wicked pastor!!!

God knows that I have been abused, mistreated, shunned, ostracized and counted as an enemy by Baptist pastors and layman alike, because I TOLD THE TRUTH and they couldn't handle it. God will avenge my preaching! God will make everything right. I was mistreated at Campus Church, which is owned and run by Pensacola Christian College. They should be honest and change their name to Pensacola Religious College, because they're about as Christian as “Christian Dior” fashion company.

I was mistreated at the Smyrna Baptist Church in Pensacola, dissed by Pastor Bill Adams and his horrible mean stuck-up wife. Mr. Adams is a tough pastor with zero love or compassion for people. Sadly, I have found this to be the case in over 95% of churches that I attend. Those places are cold, abrasive and unwelcoming toward newcomers. I shouldn't have to walk on thin ice when I attend a church, but because of my website ministry I am treated badly. The problem is that my website exposes 99% of bad churches today. So they don't want me.

The church that I am attending now is in bed together with the cult at PCC. So that creates tension. But I am not for sale folks! I won't compromise, back down or let PCC off the hook for preaching another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus works. Somebody needs to care! I may eventually not have any churches left to attend, and they would be fine with that sadly, but no one can accuse me of not caring about the truth. 2nd Timothy 3:12-13, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Today's average pastor is cocky, arrogant and stubborn. You cannot tell him anything that questions his teachings. Pastor Jack Hyles was so right, who said: Unsought advice is seldom taken and usually resented.” I am sick and tired of haughty pastors with an ego problem. The more that a church congregation rallies behind their pastor, the more arrogant and likely he will be to throw truth-tellers like me under the bus.

Since such haughty pastors know that 99% of the church members will support them to the hills, no matter what, they have zero tolerance for anyone who dares to correct them. Those ungodly pastors will suffer the severest wrath and judgment of God in eternity, who preach wrong repentance, Lordship Salvation, and refuse to contend for the faith or warn people about corrupt Bible versions. A pastor has a duty as a Watchman to warn God's flock. By the Lord's grace, I have done the work of an evangelist for the past 22 years online, afflicting the comforted with the truth. The truth can be dealt with, a lie cannot.

To God be the glory. Thank you for reading my blogs.

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