Saturday, December 30, 2023

'THRU THE BIBLE' Radio By Pastor J. Vernon McGee

I found these FREE downloads of all 66 books of the Bible exegeted by Dr. J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988). Pastor McGee was a faithful Presbyterian free grace Gospel preacher, as was Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935). I thank God for Brother McGee, that he preserved these invaluable recordings of his 'THRU THE BIBLE' 5-year radio series for future generations...

I downloaded all the MP3's all to a folder that I created on my computer. Then I transferred them to my portable MP3 player which I use in my car. I connect the MP3 player with a 1/4 stereo audio cable to my auxiliary port on my radio, so I can hear the Bible studies through my car's stereo system. Have you ever stopped to think about how much time we spend listening to music, when we could be spiritually edified by listening to something better?

Here is one of my favorite sermon excerpts by Pastor McGee, in which he exposes the Devil's deadly counterfeit gospel of 'LORDSHIP SALVATION.' ...

Pastor J. Vernon McGee Refutes Lordship Salvation Heresy

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