Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I Just Ordered A Nutri Ninja

1st Corinthians 3:16-17, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” 1st Corinthians 6:20, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”

I just ordered a 1,000 watt Nutri Ninja! I can't wait to get it! One of the greatest sins of our time is OBESITY, but I have never heard a single preacher touch upon this subject. Well I am now! The following photo is not real, it is makeup and stuffing. I didn't want to make fun of an actual person to be respectful, but provides a good illustration of how disgusting a fat preacher looks.

Jonny Coyne, who plays Allfather on AMC's Preacher

I don't particularly like eating vegetables or fruits, but I can handle drinking them. I plan to take a trip every 3 days to the grocery store to buy some fresh veggies and fruits to mix and drink. There are lots of helpful recipes online and that come mix the unit. I am determined to lose weight. I encourage you to buy a Nutri Ninja too! It will change your life if you use it daily.

I feel awful today. Every time that I eat healthy my body feels horrible. My body likes junk food and so does yours! Last month I bought a bunch of yogurt, chicken breast and 21 grain bread. The bread turned green, the chicken sat in my refrigerator and the yogurt is still there! The reason why is because once I started eating MacDonald's, Little Caesar's and Whataburger, that's all I wanted, more junk food. That proves the power of garbage food to take over our body. Healthy food cannot compete with junk food when it comes to choosing between them.

However, if we start eating healthy foods and fight the urge to eat garbage food, our cravings WILL CHANGE to the healthy foods. I have proven it again and again. So anyway, I had a big bowl of beans this morning and that is my meal for the day. I feel full. I am eating beans again tomorrow morning. I plan to go for a walk in the sun tomorrow, Friday. For dinner I'm eating a chicken sandwich on one slice of Dave's 21 grain bread. I am eating yogurt! I eagerly await for the Nutri Ninja to arrive so I can go green! I am being honest with you dear reader, sharing my battle with eating properly. Once you develop bad eating habits, they are very difficult to break. Unfortunately, we don't eat for survival anymore in America, we eat for fun and pleasure!

The strange thing is that if we would always eat healthy, we would enjoy good health and acquire the cravings for good foods. I have been eating Little Caesar's pizza and gaining weight! That delicious daily-made dough is highly processed, which means it has been handled by humans a lot (i.e., ground into fine flour, bleached, et cetera). Your body absorbs that food quickly and turns it into sugar (glucose) and stores it!

When I had my Gall Bladder removed in 2015 I learned for the first time that I was stage 4 diabetic. I had given myself Type II Diabetes by getting fat! I was 215 pounds. In 2017 I starved myself and lost 70 pounds. My blood level went from an A1C of 9.8 to 5.2 (perfect). Anything over 6.0 is pre-diabetic. I kept the weight off for over one year, by depriving myself food. I was miserable! I didn't know about Low Calorie Density foods yet. I knew about salads, but who wants to eat salads all the time? I don't. So in 2019 I gained most of my weight back, reaching 208 pounds on the doctor's scale. Ouch!

In 2021 I took control of my health again, because I met a wonderful vegetarian doctor named Dr. Timothy Arnott on Guam. I love this man for caring about me wholly as a person. I met with him to treat my constant neck pain, but he did blood tests and cared about my overall well-being, which is rare in a doctor. Dr. Arnott moved back to the United States the day after I moved to Pensacola, which in hindsight is amazing. I didn't even know he had left until one week later when I received a letter in my mail box from the SDA Guam Clinic. I love and miss their clinic on Guam!!!

Now, Dr. Arnott is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist religious cult. I do NOT endorse their cult. I have read Dr. Arnott's books and don't see where he promotes the religion, he sticks to the subject of healthy eating. So I want to make this clear, I am only promoting the vegetarian life style and good health. Sadly, professed Christians today, particularly Baptists, are some of the most obese and unhealthy people in our society! There is nothing more shameful than a 300 pound Baptist pastor! Every man is my teacher. So if an SDA doctor can teach and inspired me to eat better, lose weight and take care of myself, you better believe that I am going to follow his good advise and share his advice with others. It is ridiculous for Christians to reject this man's good advice, when it is helpful and will help us to glorify God more in our daily lives. So use wisdom and learn all you can.

If you are obese friend, I encourage you to take before and after photos, so you can share them later online with others. Make it your goal to lose 15 pounds at first. If you can lose 15 pounds, then you will know how to lose 115 pounds! It's the same process, just keep doing it. I say “
15 pounds because the first 5 to 10 will simply be emptying out your stomach. If you can lose 15 pounds off the scale, then you KNOW you've lost at least 5 to 7 solid pounds, and that's a great start. The more overweight you are the easier it is to lose weight, the faster you can lose it, and the more your body will naturally help you to lose weight. God made the body that way. My former doctor gave me this helpful handout on Weight Loss Medicine.

I greatly encourage you to read that .PDF book by my former doctor, it is awesome. He moved the day after I went to Florida. I sure wish he was still my doctor. I love the guy. He is a vegetarian, skinny and healthy. He did what no other doctor has ever done for me, he encouraged me to become a vegetarian and take control of my health, and I did, until I moved to Florida. Now I have gone backwards in my diet horribly. Here is his website.

Here are some helpful handouts from his website.

Check out his many free recipes for vegetarian kick start. You don't have to become a full blown vegetarian, but you can go 75% like me. I still need fish and chicken. I was eating great on Guam, but haven't since I arrived in Pensacola. People don't eat right here, they just don't! Colorado is much better at eating healthy. I've read that Coloradoans consume 15% of the nation's vegetables (1 in 8 of all vegetables in the country). That is amazing!

My former doctor's home sadly burned down, and then he moved to Guam in 2018. I am so glad that he did, because God has made him a blessing to me and many other people. Dr. Arnott is a Seventh-Day Adventist and a sweet and caring man. I am better for having known him in my life, which can rarely be said of people. 

I am not a Pastor T.D. Jakes fan, but he says some great things! The other day I heard him quote that Bible verse which says, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise." He said, interpreted, that this means we shouldn't walk with people who don't have more than we do! That is exactly what it means! Pastor Jakes said if I am going to walk next to somebody, I am at least going to make sure they have more wisdom than me, more money than me, better health than me, more something than me! He was being funny, but he is right. My doctor has better health than me, and the knowledge of how I can have it too, so he is a man that I want to walk with. I thought that was pretty good what T.D. Jakes said.

The first step to losing weight is to go buy some healthy foods and eat them! Get your body going in the right direction. Dr. Timothy Arnott's website will help you immensely choose the right foods. I recommend eating oatmeal for breakfast and beans for lunch each day. The oatmeal gives you your carbohydrates. The beans will provide lots of protein and fiber. You can add some nuts or avocado for fats. Eating healthy can be fun if you do it the right way! Track your progress. Buy some new clothes that don't fit yet, making your goal to wear them in time. Set goals for yourself! Use these things as motivation.

The Secret To Ultimate Weight Loss is "calorie density. Chef AJ is awesome!

I have learned that I am always in one of two modes: FEASTING or FASTING.

Chef AJ says something very helpful in the preceding video. She says that it has been proven that BOTH healthy people and unhealthy people eat THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOOD DAILY. That is key to understanding. So if we want to lose weight, then we need to fill up on LOW CALORIE DENSITY foods. She is right, "What you eat today you will crave tomorrow!" She is so right. Eat nutritiously and you WILL LOSE WEIGHT!

I am living out of a suitcase at a hotel right now in Pensacola. So I don't have an oven, I wish I did. So I found individually wrapped sweet potatoes tonight, which are perfect, so I can cook them directly in their plastic wrap in the microwave. The bag of apple chips are nothing but pure dried apples. I bought 100% pure guacamole dip to use with the apple crackers. I bought a sealable container and filled it with mixed nuts and fruit. Since I don't have any oven, I bought canned fish for now. And I bought a bag of baby cucumbers and Himalayan salt...

Healthy Foods That I Bought Tonight At Publix Grocery Store

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