Monday, May 4, 2020

Bible Teaches An Old Earth, But A Young Human Race

Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”

The only reason why so many dead theologians, so-called experts and sincere people hold to a Young Earth view is because they've either never studied on their own, or have never had the blessing of a doctrinally-sound Bible teacher. I thank God for Pastor Max D. Younce, who is a thinking student of the Bible. Dr. Younce has written an excellent exegesis on this controversial subject of a Young Earth verses an Old Earth...

Whereas most of us repeat doctrines that we've heard over the years, Pastor Younce questions them. Faithful Christians do tend to question anything taught by the religious cults, such as the falsehood of Seventh-day Adventism that requires works for salvation. However, oftentimes we DON'T question teachings that we receive from fellow believers in the Lord. 1st John 4:1 tells us to try (test) the spirits of everything (music, books, doctrines, Bible versions, people, et cetera). There are many deceptions in the world. The Word of God is our absolute standard against which all else is to be tested. This is why the Lord taught us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (John 5:39).

Even without having the advantage of the Hebrew language available, anyone can see that the word “created” is not mentioned again after Genesis 1:1 until the 5th day of creation in Genesis 1:21 when He “created” the whales. Everything on the second, third and fourth day of creation were “made” the Bible says, which means that they previously existed and God simply remodeled them according to His fashion.

Here's an eye-opening quote from Dr. Younce's book, which further explains this doctrine on page 111...
We have previously discussed the difference between "created" ( Hebrew "bara") and "made" (Hebrew "asah"). To briefly refresh your memory; "created" means that God created something that at no time in the past had ever existed. "Made," on the other hand means "to form, assemble, and arrange from its previous state of usefulness to that form of beautification, so as to be used by God for His purpose." 
It is interesting to notice that from Genesis 1:1 where God created the heavens and the earth; the word "created" (Hebrew "bara") does not appear again until the Fifth Day in Verse 20. Everything from Verse 2 to Verse 19 has to do with remodeling the earth in four days. These elements had previously been associated with the Original Creation, where Lucifer and the angels resided. Lucifer's sin brought about God's judgment on the earth, rendering it "without form and void." The angels are now disembodied spirit beings, leaving the earth uninhabitable and in a chaotic ruin. Now let us see what elements, which were previously created and were with the Original Creation, that God is now going to reactivate and position in His remodeling process. 
1. Water. - Nowhere does it say from Verses 2 to 19 that water was created to be used as part of the renovation of the earth. Why would that be? Very simply, because water had already been created and in existence at the Original Creation. Notice in Genesis 1:2, it was water that God used to cover the earth as part of His judgment on the Original Creation (Genesis 1:2). 
SOURCE: 'The Truth About Evolution; Or, Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out Of You,' by Dr. Max D. Younce
There are dozens of reasons to believe in an Old Earth view. Likewise, there are dozens more reasons why a Young Earth view doesn't make sense at all. Proponents of a Young Earth view grasp for straws in a desperate attempt to validate their teachings. Eric Hovind's website at claims the earth is young because the human race is only 6,000 years old. The age of the human race has absolutely NOTHING to do with the age of the earth! They're comparing apples with oranges.

The human race is indeed only 6,000 years old and the advancement of civilizations (languages, inventions, medical, industry, et cetera) clearly evidence this fact. However, the earth is very old. I have no problem with scientists estimating that the universe is 12 billion years old. It may be for all we know. What I do know is that the Hebrew language shows in Genesis 1:2 that the earth which God created became without form, and void and dark; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Bible says God's Word NEVER returns void. Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Everything that God has ever created is good. Only sin destroys good. God never created a devil. God never created a fallen man. God never created an earth that is void.

You know, there are so many practical truths in the Bible that evidence an Old Earth. The book of Job chronologically took place at the same time as the book of Genesis. There are many evidences for this. For example: The law of God is not mentioned in Job, because it had not yet been given. Job mentions being hunted like a fierce lion. Job 10:16, “For it increaseth. Thou huntest me as a fierce lion: and again thou shewest thyself marvellous upon me.” If there were carnivorous dinosaurs alive at the time of Genesis, no doubt Job would have thought of a more ferocious predator than a mere lion. Many dinosaurs were meat-eating hunters!

The Bible, science, archaeology, history, paleontology and common sense evidence an Old Earth. I am a Creationist. I believe in a literal 6-day creation in Genesis. But the Hebrew language indicates that God remodeled the earth during those 6-days. To believe and teach that the universe did not exist prior to 4,004 BC (the date of the beginning of the human race) is ridiculous. A study of the civilizations of humanity overwhelmingly evidences that mankind began 6,000 years ago; but science also plainly evidences that the earth is much older.

Whether you believe in a Young Earth or an Old Earth has absolutely nothing to do with your salvation, but I believe many sincere unsaved people have been driven away from the Gospel when they hear a Christian teaching that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,500 years ago. The reason why most believers are caught-up into the Young Earth heresy is because they have been taught to associate an Old Earth view with the bogus teachings of Evolution. But the truth is that the doctrine of an Old Earth does not in any way support the lies of Evolution. Evolution is totally against science and legitimate science is totally against Evolution! There is no scientific evidence to support the ridiculous theories of Evolution. In sharp contrast, all fields of science DOES support the truth of an Old Earth.

So remember these four truths:
  1. Legitimate science disproves the theories of Evolution.
  2. Legitimate science proves an old earth that's at least tens-of-millions of years old, which did not evolve.
  3. The Biblical truth of Creation does not contradict either true science or an Old Earth theological position.
  4. The human race is only 6,000 years old, evidenced by history and the holy Bible.
Legitimate science and the holy Bible NEVER contradict or disagree. People who follow a Young Earth position are rejecting proven science! And people who follow Evolution are rejecting the inspired Words of God in the Bible! An Old Earth position accepts the claims of legitimate science, and as well rejects the bogus claims of Evolutionists, while upholding the inspired holy Scriptures!
The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Christian, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.

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