Thursday, October 19, 2023

The True Nature Of Satanism

Acts 26:18, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Most people think of Satanism as involving esoteric cults, pentagrams, lit candles and some mysterious beliefs; but Satanism is really just the reversal of the natural and God's divine order. The natural order is masculinity and femininity. The reason why Satanists want to mess up gender is to destroy marriage and the family—a longtime communist goal, to depopulate the planet. They don't want us to have families, because families are often raised up to have family values instead of adhering to the Satanic values preached by the ungodly media, illuminati and government, which are the enemy of the New World Order.

There is a relentless attack today against the family. A child enrolled into the government's public fool system can expect to be attacked to challenge their gender identify. Satanism strives to turn God's natural order on its ear. There is an ongoing revolution today by Satanists to invert God's program, perverting everything, reversing the order of things.

The Insane Woke Culture is Satanism

We could talk for days about this topic. I read in the news today about a woman who spent $12,000 to have devil horns surgically implanted into her head, and to have piercings made in her face. She [not theirs or them] insists that her mental health has never been better. Do you agree? ...

The world is becoming stranger and more evil with each and every passing day. I reject (and I also strongly encourage you to reject) the ungodly woke nonsense that is rearing its ugly head everywhere nowadays. In the following information that I found at, they intentionally avoid using the pronoun her, instead referring to Jessy as “theirs” and “them.” She calls herself “nonbinary” (neither female or male). This is how wacky the United States has become. ...
A Kansas blogger who has battled eating disorders claims weightlifting and extreme body modifications have helped them cope with trauma and 'defeat' their eating disorder.

Jessy Kirkpatrick, 27, who is nonbinary and uses the pronouns they/them, had a healthy relationship with food as a child. 

However, in their late teens, they began suffering from anorexia, which they believe stems from severe trauma they experienced as a child.

Kirkpatrick turned to modifications to heal their mental health. The extreme body modifications include a stretched septum - the structure separating the right and left nostrils - multiple lip piercings, a stretched tongue, a stretched lip, stretched nostrils and silicone horn implants in the forehead that make them look like a devil. SOURCE
Isn't that crazy? Dear reader, the bizarre woke culture is rooted in Satanism, which tries to turn everything in God's natural order on its ear. Please don't go along with that insanity.
“Insanity because we're in sin!” —Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), “Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation
It was considered proper for men to maintain short hair for hundreds of years in the United States, but Satanism introduced the hippie culture in the 1960's, and millions of young men grew long hippie hair. The drug-infested hippie culture of the 1960's was no mere coincidence, it was intentionally created and nurtured by Satanists. The homosexual movement in the United States has been no mere coincidence, but has been deliberately implemented through Hollywood and the ungodly media. Today's wicked LGBTQ and transgender culture have not developed by mere happenstance; this perversion has been deliberately created in the United States with funding from the government, promotion by the media and even support from many apostate pastors and churches. Go figure. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Satanists Want You To Be Your Own God

The Devil's primary goal for your life is to hinder you from doing God's will. Satanists have done their best to convince the masses of humanity that there is no God. The reason why is because they want you to become your own God, doing your own thing instead of obeying God's commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Satan has no will for your life, except to prevent you from fulfilling God's will for your life. So, instead of acknowledging God, they try to replace him. That is the whole reason for the Satanic lies of evolution, which have been used to indoctrinate children for the past century in public schools. Evolution is the most blatant fraud ever perpetrated upon humanity by Satanists.

Jesus said that the Devil is a liar. John 8:44-45, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.” The Devil is not a good guy, he is evil and bad. The true nature of Satanism is to lie, kill and destroy its victims (John 10:10).

Satan is behind the flood of corrupt Bible revisions into the churches today. The Devil is a beautiful liar. The Devil's big lie is that the inspired King James Bible is too hard to understand, and that we continually need a “
new and improved Bible revision. Consequently, today's Bible's pervert the true meaning of repentance to be saved, sending people to Hell.

The Devil turns everything on its head, confusing as many people as he can. Satan lies, that's all he does, he lies! The Devil has today's American children, and even gullible parents today, confused about their gender. It is insanity! The Devil makes people crazy. Our nation is in insanity today because of sin.

In major cities across the United States, we have seen and heard in the daily news about bold criminals committing smash & grab theft of store merchandise, with impunity. I just heard in the news today that Target is closing down seven of their stores because of out of control shoplifting in Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and other major cities. The ungodly liberal progressive politicians, judges and lawyers in these troubled cities are making it easy for criminals to get away with crime. Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. The punishment doesn't fit the crime anymore. In fact, there is no punishment oftentimes for criminals.

Dear reader, please don't jump on the Devil's bandwagon. Don't support Satan's LGBTQ wickedness. Don't go along with Lucifer's gender-bending insanity. Don't use the Devil's corrupt modern Bible PERversions. Please don't fall for Satan's falsehood of present-day manmade Israel, and the heresies of Zionism, and heretical dispensational Bible teaching.

Satanism Makes A God Of Sex

In his excellent eye-opening book, “Satan: Prince Of This World,” retired Navy Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) makes the following shocking revelation about the relationship between Satanism and immoral sex...
“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Retired Canadian Navy Commander, William Guy Carr, p. 22
I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Cmdr. Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Amy Grant, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood, and hundreds of other Satanic servants are!

What saith the Scripture? Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Satanism does the exact opposite, it encourages you not to fear God; but rather, to commit sin and be your own God. Evidence of what I say can be seen in infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley's (1875-1947) motto: “DO AS THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW.”

I do fully agree with a great quote from Satanist, Anton LaVey (1930-1997), who said: “It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.” Yeah Buddy, ain't it the truth. Sadly, I have no doubt that Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey both died in their sins and went to Hell, because of their unbelief in Jesus Christ. That is so sad. Anton was stupid to reject Jesus as his personal Savior, yet he considered other people stupid. Isn't that so much like us humans, to be guilty of the very thing that we accuse others of doing? LaVey himself said:
"I'm one helluva liar. Most of my adult life, I've been accused of being a charlatan, a phony, an impostor. I guess that makes me about as close to what the Devil's supposed to be as anyone ... I lie constantly, incessantly." —Anton LaVey
Good point. Well made. LaVey's popular claim that he was once a lion tamer is completely false. He never worked taming lions, nor did he work as a paranormal investigator. Just like the Devil, his children are liars. Jesus told the world that He is THE TRUTH (John 14:6b). Amen. The Devil's greatest trick has been to convince the world that he doesn't really exist, but anyone who believes the inspired Holy Bible knows that the Devil exists.

Satanism is everywhere we turn today, but very few people recognize it. The corrupt Bibles, manmade Zionism, liberal churches, open borders, counterfeit plan of Lordship Salvation, wrong repentance, ease of divorce, tattoo craze, an epidemic of drug abuse, LGBTQ movement, abortion, public nudity at beaches, gender identity confusion, disparaging of parental authority by Hollywood, adultery in Hollywood, hating preachers, delayed court cases, government support of ungodly agendas like abortion and unprovoked wars, and sexual perversion in society today is all a part of Satanism. There are many other things that I could also mention that are goals of Satanism.

These ungodly pastors today, like Marty Herron (incompetent vice president of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary in Iowa) and Gary Walton (incompetent present pastor of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam), who preach another gospel of Lordship Salvation, are pulling on the same rope as the Devil. They are far more deadly than Satanists like Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley. The reason why is because frauds like Herron and Walton, and John MacArthur their mentor, all masquerade as ministers of righteousness deceiving the simple (2nd Corinthians 11:13-14).

Satanism is quite simple—the Devil is a murdering liar and deceiver, whose goal is to destroy everything he can, to thwart God's plan for your life. Satan hates teenagers! He wants to ruin their lives as soon as possible to cause them a lifetime of heartache, misery, failure and pain. Satan always goes after the best! He loves to ruin the preacher, if he can. If the Devil can't ruin a preacher, then he'll raise up enemies to lie about the preacher, scrutinize his every fault, and nip at his heels to destroy his reputation. That is what the Devil does! That is what his children do! Revelation12:10, “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”

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