Sunday, June 18, 2023

Are There Demon-Human Hybrid Races On Earth?

Genesis 6:1-4, “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

Someone asked me a Bible question today. They wanted to know if there are demon-human hybrid races on earth today? Say what? 
I do not believe that fallen angels ever had carnal knowledge with earthly women. Jesus plainly taught that the angels are not given in marriage. Angels do not have genitalia and cannot mate. What would be the purpose? God created mankind with genitalia for the primary purpose of procreation (conceiving the gift of children), and secondarily for the gift of pleasure and enjoyment.

Furthermore, the fallen angels were disembodied. I believe this happened prior to the creation of humanity. I firmly believe in an old earth, likely billions of years old. In theology this doctrine is often referred to as: 'The Gap Theory.' I agree with Pastor Max D. Younce that it is not a "theory" but is a biblical fact, so we should call it: 'The Gap Principle.' A study of the Hebrew words in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 plainly shows that a different creative process was at work after God created the universe in Verse 1, up until God made man on the 6th day. I agree with Dr. Younce that God REMODELED the earth during the 6 days of creation.

I humbly believe there was a gap of millions or billions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, in which the dinosaurs lived and Lucifer ruled on the earth. Dr. Curtis Hutson (1934-1995), former edited of the Sword of the Lord, preached a helpful Bible study series in 1974 called: 'DEMONOLGY,' in which he explains the old earth and the origin of Lucifer and the demons, if you'd like to hear it. Dr. Hutson taught this series at the time in response to the Hollywood movie: "THE EXORCIST." I love this Bible study!!!!

I do not believe that there is a mysterious secret bloodline of hybrid humans and fallen angels. Nor do I believe in the ungodly theory set forth in the blockbuster Hollywood movie: "The Da Vinci Code," that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had carnal knowledge together and conceived a secret royal bloodline. The movie wickedly teaches the audience that Jesus is not God, and that His deity was a myth fabricated by the early church fathers to deify Him. The movie advertises that this information is based on the most reliable and accurate historical data. 
But then in tiny fineprint (so small that you cannot read it without going online to read the disclaimer), they claim that the movie is mere entertainment and none of it should be accepted as true. What a clever way for the Devil to deceive lost sinners. There are no secret bloodlines of demons or from Jesus Christ. 

I have heard quite a few preachers and authors (e.g. Danny Castle, R.A. Torrey William Guy Carr, John MacArthur and others) errantly teach that demons had physical intimacy with women. We know that angels can eat food, because they ate a feast that Lot prepared in Genesis. Angels appear in the Bible resembling humans. The Bible says some of us have entertained angels unawares, when they visited earth. That is an amazing truth. I do not think I have ever met an angel, but the Bible says if we did, it would likely be unawares. Angels came to Abraham and Sarah, and I believe the Lord Himself was among them. Christ made many appearances in the Old Testament.

So what does the Bible means in Genesis 6:1-4 when it says that the son of God married the daughters of men? It simply means that God's children intermarried with the Devil's children. The word “giants” in the Hebrew simply refers to famous people of renown, not 600 foot giants in the earth. The bizarre idea that disembodied fallen angels somehow had carnal knowledge with earthly women, which produced a generation of freakish human-demon hybrid giants is as ridiculous as it is unbiblical.

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