Friday, March 19, 2021

Don't Support Zionist Puppets For U.S. President

Genesis 17:4-5, “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.” Galatians 3:29, “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Many Baptist support Mike Huckabee, since he's also Baptist. Sadly, Huckabee is a Zionist who worships present-day apostate Israel. Zionism is a false doctrine. We are supposed to worship Jesus Christ, not the Jews. God promised Abraham to make him the father of MANY NATIONS, not one, Israel. Do you know why God said “many nations?” It is because every Gentile who believes on Christ becomes a child of God, and is grafted into the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:29, “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Born-again Gentiles have as much right to claim the promises made to Israel as Jews do. This is not to say that I believe the Church replaces Israel (called “Replacement Theology”), because I don't. When the true Messiah comes (Jesus Christ), He will establish true Israel and reign from the literal throne of David during the 1,000 year Millennium. Unsaved Christ-rejecting Jews all go to burn in Hell. All born-again Arabs, Jews and Gentiles will enjoy the promises and blessings of God.

The present state of Israel was birthed in 1948 as a Democracy, a secular state, not a Jewish theocracy. This is not the restored nation of Israel as promised in the Scriptures. The true nation of Israel fell in 586 BC and still hasn't been restored. What exists today is a Masonic, Marxist-Communist state begun and controlled by the Illuminati, who also control the United States. The Illuminati (Luciferian worshippers who politically fornicate with the kings of this world - Revelation 18:3-9) is “The Great Whore” - Revelation 19:2). This is why the coming Antichrist half-way through the Tribulation, will stand up in the new Illuminati Temple in JERUSALEM, and claim to be God - 2nd Thessalonians 2:4-12). Wake up oh Christian!

I love Jewish people are Gentiles alike, so this is not about anti-Semitism, God forbid. It is a sin to mistreat, harass or hate anyone for ANY reason. As a child of God I am commanded in the Bible to love everyone (even my enemies), and I do because I have God's Holy Spirit indwelling me as a believer (Romans 8:9; 1st John 3:24). Blessed be the name of the Lord! In this article I am simply refuting the heresy that Jews are better than Gentiles, or that God has given them special treatment. Jewish people must be born again just like Gentiles, or they cannot see the Kingdom of God. They cannot enter into God's Kingdom without faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 3:7, “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”

The churches are being deceived and misled into all sorts of heresies because they have been desensitized. All of the different Bible versions have caused the churches to become indifferent, confused, unconcerned, ecumenical, dead and vulnerable. Since the purity of God's Word is not that important to most churchgoers, they are easily duped by mainstream religious leaders to support illegal wars, criminal Presidential candidates, Zionism, LGBT rights, same-sex marriages, et cetera. Will you also be deceived? The New World Order is now in full swing! The coming of the Antichrist is nearer than we expected. I was born in 1967. I have clearly seen in my short lifetime that Satan is relentlessly preparing the world in these end times to receive the Man of Sin. Make sure you are born again dear friend. Time is short.

The Answer Is In The Church House, Not The White House

Americans have been Teeter-tottering back and forth between Democrat and Republican for 244 years since 1776, yet things only get worse and worse. The housing crisis is a dilemma nationwide; people simply cannot afford to pay the ridiculous high rent costs in most major cities anymore. In San Francisco alone the rent has now reached $4,000 per month. Homeless people are defecating on the streets everywhere, because the city has not dealt with the issue humanely. Jesus said a house divided cannot stand (Matthew 12:25). We are weak as a nation. All of the good, positive and meaningful changes that President Donald Trump set into motion by law during his presidency, is now being quickly undone by newly appointed President Joe Biden. While one man is bailing water out of the leaking boat, the other man is bailing water into the boat. That is the United States today!

Jesus never voted. The Bible doesn't command believers to vote. I have known some believers to get very angry over the issue. I used to have a religious boss. When he found out that I wasn't a registered voter, he slammed Hyles-Anderson College for not teaching me to vote. He was angry and criticized me. But dear friend, he was wrong! The answer has never been in the White House, it is in the church house. That's what I was rightly taught at HAC. I am forever grateful to God for the wonderful opportunity to attend such a great Bible college. Sadly, since 2008 the leaders of First Baptist Church Of Hammond no longer believe that the King James Bible is inspired, and so they are CHANGING for the worse at HAC.

It wouldn't matter if 90% of Americans didn't show up to vote, there will NEVER again be a Democrat that follows a two-term Democrat. The last time it happened was 1836. Do you think that is mere coincidence? Why do you think Americans vote in such a flip-flop manner? It is the power of the media. They have to keep us a house divided. For the years leading up to the 2020 election, 90% of the media were accusing, attacking and slandering President Trump relentlessly. The controlled media control the nation! The 2000 election was clearly stolen by George W. Bush. Dear reader, you are wasting your life if you are heavily involved in politics.

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