Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Beware Of Satanism Targeting Your Children

Revelation 12:9, And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The most distinctive nature of Satan is deception. The American people are being deceived on so many different levels. Our government is lying to us. We were lied to about the 911 attacks, which were caused by controlled demolition, not jet planes crashing into the buildings. The primary goal of my online ministry has always been to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but a secondary purpose is to preach the truth about many subjects. Deception is everywhere in the United States! The Devil is a beautiful liar! 

I really admire Sheriff Grady Judd in Polk Country, Florida, who is tough on crime. They humorously call it “Grady Town,” but that is a compliment for a faithful Sheriff, who protects the community from itself. They have one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. You cannot argue with success! Would to God that we had tough Sheriffs like that all across America, but we don't, which is why crime is out of control in most places. Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” And that is why crime is so bad in America! It's all about money folks. One man in Florida literally had 220 felony charges against him, and like 15 felony convictions, and some criminals much more, but the courts keep letting him go. Now he is being charged with murder in Polk County, Florida! I know why the courts keep letting him go, it generates tons of money for the whole system!

One thing that greatly disturbs me is the double culture in our society. In one culture we have concerned authorities like Sheriff Grady Judd, who relentlessly work to keep children safe. Yet, in another culture we have horrible people like Taylor Swift, who relentlessly work to corrupt children with foul language, promiscuity and sexual immorality in media. Hollywood, the music industry and the media have done their damage, taking our youth low morally. Singer Taylor Swift just came out in 2020 with her latest album, “Folklore.” It was shocking enough when I saw her simulating sticking a male phallus in herself in her 2015 video, “Wildest Dreams, which is public on YouTube. Now she sings go fu_k myself in her new song“betty.” It is so obvious that Satanists are grooming her and helping to produce her videos. The music and singing are beautiful, which masks the vulgarity of the words. What the Devil wants is for everyone to talk this way. He wants millions of youth to go around dropping the “F bomb.” And I assure you that they will. Taylor Swift—what a potty-mouth!

In her offensive vile video titled, “WILDEST DREAMS” (clearly sexual in nature), Miss Swift is laying seductively upon a bed, wearing a negligee, which puts adulterous thoughts in the heart of the viewer. This screen-capture to the right is Taylor Swift from her video, “WILDEST DREAMS.” As you can see, she is holding what appears to be an object in her private area, and also appears to be making some type of occultic hand-sign with her left hand. This is the sick minds of Satanists today!!! I speak as a God-fearing Christian, and as a concerned parent. Folks, the official video has already received over 709 million views!!! 

I hate to say it, but it looks like a plastic male phallus. If you mentally remove the section of clothing which covers her right wrist, it becomes much more obvious just how perverted what she is doing really is. Also, look how her dress in her vaginal area is pressed inward, again making it look like she is penetrating herself. Perhaps you say, “Boy, you have a dirty mind!” No, I have a man's mind, and you're blind if you don't see this for yourself. Don't miss the look of ecstasy on her face, as if she's really enjoying it. Look! These images are directly from YouTube, completely public for children of all ages to view. If you see something say something applies here! I see something and I'm saying something, and so should you!

We have to ask ourselves we kind of deviate individuals would contrive and go along with creating this filth (obviously she's doing it for the money), and then put the indecent scene into her music video WILDEST DREAMS”? Who does this? The answer is Satanists! Why did they do this? The answer is to morally corrupt your child at a subconscious level. What is the intended purpose of creating a one second indecent scene (among thousands of such despicable scenes in raunchy mainstream music videos these days), of Taylor Swift clearly doing something vulgar and nasty? The answer is to weaken family values, subvert our nation spiritually, and prepare youth to accept the coming Man of Sin (the Antichrist).
Click Here To See A Taylor Swift Scene From 'WILDEST DREAMS' Video
Retired Canadian Navy Commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959) truthfully stated:
“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added] 
SOURCE: 'Satan: Prince Of This World,' by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22
Normal people don't behave like Taylor Swift in this filthy scene for children! Why is she doing this? What is the occultic symbology behind it? Trust me, these videos are cleverly scripted to influence the viewer's mind, inputting subliminal messages. These music videos are not made by amateurs, but by highly trained professionals, who work for the Luciferian elite (aka, Illuminati), and who understand how to manipulate the human soul. Taylor's hand in the air immediately reminded me of Baphomet. It is obvious to any honest and informed music and movie fan, that Hollywood and the music industry are absolutely steeped in Satanism and the occult! ...

Please note what I am about to say. This perverted screenshot of Miss Swift only appears in this 3:54 minute video for ONE SECOND TOTAL!!! (at 2:12 minutes into the video). It literally flashes into the viewer's mind and then is gone. I caught it! Do you know why the scum producers use this popular technique in movies and music videos? It is because your subconscious mind fully absorbs the image, but your thinking brain doesn't see the image long enough to say, “Wait a minute! This is sick and perverted!” That is a popular tactic used by Satanists to infiltrate and corrupt your mind. Thankfully, YouTube allows you to slow any video down to quarter-speed, to see everything.

Well, I captured the screen shot (by pressing the “Print Screen” button on my computer keyboard) so you can see just how evil, perverted and manipulative these wicked people really are!!! Why do you think the scene is only ONE SECOND LONG? It is because Taylor is pretending to hold something in her private area (same image), and making a clearly occultic gesture, and the Satanists who produced this video don't want viewers to take notice of what they're really doing. These too-quick-for-the-mind-to-process type of smutty, torture and bizarre scenes are commonplace in Hollywood and music videos. 

I am intentionally choosing my words wisely, as to avoid going over the top here. This stuff is pretty graphic in Miss Swift's video. The big $64,000 question is why? Why show this to children? Why create an indecent scene of Taylor Swift doing something erotic and extremely perverse of a sexual nature, for little children to see? Do you really think little children don't slow those videos down on YouTube and study every scene, as I did? You're a fool if you don't think so. They do! The truth is that if a woman did this act in front of your child in your local grade-school, she would be in jail for indecent conduct, lewdness with a child, endangering a child, and a bunch more police charges against Taylor Swift. 

Here is another disturbing quote from Commander William Guy Carr, which accurately describes America's plight today:
“According, to Satanism, it is perfectly right, and proper, to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behaviour is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that “The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals.” When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game (.PDF) he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously. It is Satanism, as it is direct from THE TOP, which is responsible for the increase in juvenile delinquency, but those selected by the governments of the world to investigate this problem invariably give every CAUSE other than the right one.” [emphasis added] 
SOURCE: 'Satan: Prince Of This World,' by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 56.
I dare not even show you the nasty image in this blog, for concern of censorship. So I show it on my personal ministry website. Ironically, YouTube shows it publicly! Folks, these people in the music business want to destroy your child. They want to sexualize your child with their raunchy, perverse and highly sensual music videos. Normal people don't do this, degenerates do! Normal people don't behave this way, deviates do! Go ask Sheriff Grady Judd in Polk County, Florida what he thinks about this image of Taylor Swift in her video Wildest Dreams! Let's see if he thinks it is harmless entertainment!!! It is sick and these video producers and singers need to be held legally accountable for the things they are targeting our children with!

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