Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Chinese Style Censorship Is Increasing In America

Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

Do masks help slow or stop the spread the Coronavirus? I am not a qualified medical or scientific expert, so I won't stick my neck out and be dogmatic on the issue of masks. To be honest, I do not know if wearing a mouth mask slows or stops the spread if the dreaded Coronavirus. But what bothers me is the ever-changing facts we are being provided by the government and related supporting agencies. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one has a right to their own facts! Unfortunately, the subversive powers behind the destruction of American freedom, fully know that all they have to do is change the facts, and in so doing they can usurp control over the American people. I humbly believe that the issues are not about gay rights, wearing masks or teaching evolution to children, but about the government taking control over our lives!

A classic example is the homosexual agenda in America. In 1962 the sin of homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) categorized and treated homosexuality as a pathological mental disorder prior to 1975. But in that year the top doctor and president of the APA, Dr. Nicholas Andrew Cummings, succumbed to political pressure and changed the organization's long held stance that homosexuality is a problem. In this shocking 2013 video interview, Dr. Cummings admits that the so-called science behind the LGBTQ agenda is fake, and it is really based on politics! 
“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are NOT allowed to criticize.” —Voltaire
Please watch the eye-opening video titled: 'TECH TYRANNY: CENSORING THE TOWN SQUARE.' I started a Facebook account a few months ago. I hate Facebook! It is very confusing, not user-friendly, and is monitored as done in a tyrannical police state! In their so-called effort to discourage “FAKE NEWS,” Facebook is actually facilitating FAKE NEWS and censoring THE TRUTH. I received a notification today from Facebook that I am guilty of promoting Fake News. I admit that Alex Jones is guilty at times of promoting fake things, like his liver cleanse hoax a couple years ago. I went to the Mayo Clinic's website online and read how Infowars. Alex is so driven for money that he sometimes promotes fake things. I don't respect Alex for that, but I do have tremendous respect for him for all the work he has done to educate the common man about the evils of the New World Order. I love Alex, but I advise people to verify everything he says, because he is sometimes way wrong!

Tech companies who provide social media are supposed to provide open forums by law, but they DON'T. Censorship is a big problem today. Please watch this Carl Tuckerson video. Clearly, the subversive communist powers behind the subversion of the United States are in cahoots with the top social media platforms. Nations do not rule the world, corporations do! Recently, Pastor Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona was banned on YouTube, having over 6,000 videos removed. I thought that was horrible and very wrong! 

Granted, Pastor Anderson does sometimes say some extreme things, which most people find offensive, but this is America (you remember, The land of the free!), and a Bible-preacher is supposed to hate sin. A Bible-preacher is supposed to offend people with the truth! Pastor Anderson said he was banned for preaching against feminism, homosexuality and Modalism (denying the Trinity). When I see transvestites and cross-dressers making millions of dollars on YouTube, by promoting homosexuality and effeminacy in men, I am disturbed. What does that say about YouTube? It simply says they are of the world. Jesus said in John 7:7 and 15:19 that the world are the enemies of Christ and His children. The world does not understand the truth (1st Corinthians 2:14-16). They don't understand our love for the truth (2nd Thessalonians 2:10). Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

One of the biggest can of worms in today's media is the Sandy Hook Shooting in 2012. I have a right to my opinion. My website at LoveTheTruth.com has been banned on Facebook, because I believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag terror attack. I have researched the facts and they are bizarre to say the least. I am not saying that Sandy Hook didn't happen, I am saying that I think the official story is bogus (please read my preceding article for my humble opinion on the matter). In America you are no longer permitted to have your own opinion, if it goes against the government. But the deep state government uses big corporations in the media business to do their dirty work, bypassing the law. That is fascism!

Purportedly, former Florida state trooper Wolfgang Halbig is officially listed as a nutcase in the police database. The man simply asked some reasonable questions, for which he was demonized. Is that how we treat our neighbour? That is why I picked Matthew 7:12 (The Golden Rule) as my text Bible verse for this blog article. Mr. Halbig did absolutely nothing wrong to ask some sincere questions. Anybody in authority could have set up a meeting to answer his questions. The city council did have a meeting, but they totally ignored his important questions! That is blatant wickedness folks. The public has a right to know about shootings and other domestic terrorist events. Why wouldn't they just answer his questions? One of the questions were: Who ordered the Port-a-potties prior to the Sandy Hook Shooting? That is a very good question. That information is now classified by the authorities! It doesn't take a college professor to see that something is rotten as can be!!! Is it hate speech to simply ask standard questions? You bet it's not.

PBS News Hour made this shameful video, trying to condemn Alex Jones for saying that Sandy Hook didn't happen. Again, I am not saying it didn't happen, I am saying I don't think it happened. There's a big difference! Even if Alex Jones was found legally wrong in one video, why ban all his videos? It is obvious to me that the powers that be want to silence him completely. They want to silence Pastor Steve Anderson. They want to silence me. I am not as popular as Alex Jones or Steven Anderson, and I never will be thanks to the media censorship. 

Literally, my Jesus-is-Savior.com website has lost 75% of my web visitors over the past 5 years because of Google's new algorithm. It sure feels like censorship to me. Go type “Abortion is murder!” in a search engine. On Google, my webpage against abortion doesn't show up in the top 50 RESULTS! On Duck Duck Go my webpage came up 14TH PLACE in the results. I really like Google, YouTube and Blogspot, and I highly recommend all of them, they have been a blessing to my ministry for Jesus Christ, but the censorship is frustrating. 

The honorable former Georgia congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, said publicly that she is in Facebook jail” for sharing her personal views of government corruption online. Folks this is Chinese style fascism! I am shocked how many foolish Americans think freedom of speech should be limited. So who decides what a person can or cannot say? That is what is going on on Facebook now, they are censoring anybody they don't agree with. But you say, “They're going by science and facts.” What a joke! Global Warming is one of the biggest hoaxes ever contrived, or is it? It all depends on whose “science” and “facts” you look at! Literally, the evidence can be validated either way, depending on whose facts you accept. Meteorologist John Coleman, founder of 'The Weather Channel,' said Global Warming is a massive hoax! I agree with him, from all that I have read. Folks, a truly “free” society is one in which it is safe to be unpopular! It is not safe these days to be unpopular in America, you can lose years of hard work and in many cases your livelihood!

Kindly said, I think it is absolutely tragic that merely standing by the King James Bible can get you banned for “hate speech.” That term is often abused to silence anybody with whom leftist, liberals and ungodly people disagree. Christians have a right to speak their mind! The media is cruel and dishonest. I heard Pastor Grayson Fritts (a 20 year decorated veteran of the Knoxville, Tennessee police department) say that the government should execute homosexuals. The liberal press went ballistic, falsely printing: “Local pastor says gays should be killed.” That is not what he said, not at all. That would be hate speech! 

I am totally against bashing sinners. Pastor Fritts was simply following Old Testament Mosaic law (Leviticus 20:13). Adulterers were also put to death. If adultery were a felony, we wouldn't have the adultery problem like we do today! Hollywood glorifies the sin of adultery. It is horrible life-destroying wickedness!!! In Massachusetts, the penalty for committing adultery is a $10 fine. That is a mockery of God's holiness. In 1962, homosexuality was still a punishable crime in all 50 states. As of 2015, it is now the permissible law of the land. What gives the United States government the right to change the standards of good and evil, as they see fit? If we take God out of the equation, men become their own God. I am not speaking against homosexuals in this article, I am simply pointing out the evils of censorship in America today. It seems like evildoers and liberals can speak all manner of evil, but the righteous and conservatives are being censored continually. 

As believers God commands us to love everyone (Jude 1:22; Matthew 5:44; John 3:16). Luke 6:32, “ And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.If you were a lost man living in sin, wouldn't you want someone to love you, and not bash you, and pray for you, caring about you as a hurting human being? Sure you would. That is what the Holy Bible teaches. I do not agree with the homosexual deathstyle, and I will never go along with the LGBTQ agenda, but they are sinners for whom Christ died, and only by loving them as people will we ever win them to Christ. I do not believe that anyone is beyond the hope of redemption, regardless of how deep in sin they have gone. CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY (Romans 5:6-9).

President Trump has made it illegal for college students to criticize Israel. That is not good, limiting freedom of speech. Christians are being censored and even criminalized nowadays for speaking out against the sin of homosexuality. Canada is really bad, criminalizing preachers for telling the truth about the dangers of homosexuality, and you can be assured that such censorship will come to the United States very soon. Anybody who thinks homosexuality is acceptable does not know the holy God of the King James Bible. Yet, we must never reject the sinner with the sin, nor accept the sin with the sinner. I am a firm believer in loving everybody, no matter who they are. Love makes the difference! God is love. Acceptance of sin with the sinner is sinful compromise. Hating the sinner with the sin is sinful bigotry. Everyone needs the Lord. The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody. Pastor Jack Hyles said that. I choose to love everybody.

I could mention many more instances of censorship in America today. It is getting out of hand. I remember after 911 that the media demonized anybody who dared to question the official narrative. Anybody who has paid attention knows that 911 was an inside job. Firefighter Rudy Dent is a retired 32 year New York City fire investigator, who lost 343 firefighter brethren on 911. Rudy Dent says that 911 was an INSIDE JOB! What gives the media the right to silence, demonize and go after anybody who questions the government? These are perilous times. Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote this key article about the Coronavirus: 'Turning A Threat Into A Hoax!' And also, 'A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost.' 

I think it is tragic that Americans are getting used to being censored. We are getting used to being lied to by the media. “Fake News” has now become a weapon against THE TRUTH, which is what Facebook is doing, in my humble opinion. What is fake news? Facebook's alleged third party company that decides what is, or is not, fake news, says masks prevent Coronavirus infection. Anyone who says masks don't work is accused of spreading fake news. I don't know the truth about masks, but I do know that I haven't seen as much as one sick person on Guam where I live. I've not even seen a cough, yet everyone is wearing masks, afraid, awaiting next orders from the government. That doesn't seem like freedom to me. 

When do the masks come off? Will social distancing ever go away? How will 35,000,000 unemployed Americans survive? Will this lead to a cashless society? I think it is pretty much a guarantee! The Antichrist is coming soon. The world is being prepared to receive him. Lying wonders are all around us (2nd Thessalonians 2:9). John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. God is still on His throne. We cannot control what the Devil and the world do, but we can control what we do. I've been listening to Alexander Scourby read the King James Bible all week, which I recommend for you too dear reader. Don't listen to too much news. Spend time each day in the Bible, walking with God in His inspired Word continually. We are entering into dark times spiritually, when people are confused, angry, immoral and without guidance in life. Our anchor holds dear saint of God! Let's keep our eyes focused on the blessed Savior Jesus Christ!!!

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