Saturday, June 6, 2020

Harmful Cult Mentality In Baptist Churches Today

Revelation 3:15-16, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:”

The church at Laodicea was self-deceived. The Bible says they didn't know they “were wretched.” God says these professed Christians were miserable, poor, blind and naked. Notice that they were INCREASED WITH GOODS. That means the money was still coming in. They were thriving in the world. They lacked nothing the Bible says. The Bible practically gives the address of Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam in Mongmong village. Harvest has a bunch of wealthy church members, who keep the place going. They are definitely increased with goods. They lack nothing materialistically, thriving in their own eyes, falling all over themselves with self praise. Yet, God says they are poor spiritually, and naked before His eyes, wretched in their horrible sinful ways.

I never thought I would be writing an article like this, about cult abuse in Baptist churches today, but I am a victim firsthand. In 2014 I attended HBC for one year. I made friends. I fell in love. I felt happy and part of something special. So as a true friend I set out to help them, because I saw dozens of Bible revisions being used in the church. I also saw Dr. John MacArthur's study materials being passed out to church members. I heard the senior pastor and some staff members who teach in their school teach Lordship Salvation, which is an accursed “ANOTHER GOSPEL” (Galatians 1:6-9). As Evangelist Tom Ferrell said from Harvest's own pulpit, as a guest speaker: “A FRIEND HELPS A FRIEND TO SEE!” 

Unfortunately, when I tried to help the pastors and members of Harvest “see,” I was wrongfully demonized, ostracized and banned from returning to their church. That means Harvest is guilty of my blood. They hurt an innocent man. I simply tried to help them by telling them THE TRUTH that the Alexandrian Bible translations are corrupted by Satan. I told them THE TRUTH that Martin Luther (1483-1546) taught the damnable heresy of Baptismal Regeneration up until his death, which is easily verifiable by reading Mr. Luther's catechisms online

Harvest Baptist Church Cult On Guam

Since 2014 the entire church, at the direction of their pastors and staff, have ostracized me in the community. Guam is a small island and the impact of their ungodly pastor's rejection of me is far more profound, and I feel it. I was simply going for a walk behind the Chamorro Village and a couple on staff at Harvest walked by me. I heard the man telling his wife in a firm voice, “Don't smile! Don't smile!” I smiled at them anyway, as they shunned me. I have never once, not once, failed to lovingly wave at all my neighbours and anybody I see from Harvest, but they shun me. They are committing a crime in God's eyes against me as their brother in Christ. 

Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.This Bible verse indicts any Christian who shuns a fellow brother or sister. No Christian has a God-given right to set at nought somebody they don't like. Harvest Baptist Church is operating like a social club, where a snobby group of wealthy people pick and choose who they like or don't like. You're either in or out! That is not a local New Testament church, that is a cult! In a cult, men control the affairs of the church instead of God's Word.

It creeped me out last year in 2019, how my neighbors from Harvest in unison started smiling at me for two whole weeks, as I drove by to go for my sunset walk at Chamorro Village. They wouldn't wave, they just smiled. Evidently one of my website articles caught their attention, and they responded. I still don't know what they were trying to do, and it frustrated me. Why didn't they just invite me to church, or a barbecue so we could talk? I was so happy at first. I was ready to start removing my criticisms from the internet about their church. I just wanted to attend church services and learn what good I could, and turn a blind eye to the bad, and leave Harvest alone, because I've already spoken my mind against them. They know what they need to do that is right, but they won't do it. 

I love them more than they can know, God knows my heart. I just prayed for them, as I often do, that something good will come out of all this fussing between me and them. I just want to be a part of their church family, but they won't have me. That is because they have become a cult, deciding who they like or don't like, and either accepting or ostracizing that person AS A GROUP. That is what cults do! After two weeks of waving, I evidently wrote something online that offended them, because like a switch being turned off, in unison they again ostracized me AS A GROUP. 

That confirmed what I suspected, that they are following the directive of their pastors, doing what they are told to do. That is how cults operate, where the cult leaders control the followers. I think for myself. I don't do something just because someone wants me to do it. If someone doesn't like you, I would NEVER shun or avoid you merely because someone else doesn't like you. The people at Harvest are loyal to their pastors, following them as cult members do, not thinking for themselves. The Bible says we are supposed to love others, and be kind to everyone (Ephesians 4:30-32). 

Cults Ostracize People They Don't Like

If you want to bid Godspeed to wolves in sheep's clothing, have at it! But you can count me out!!! I offered to be their friend (and still do), but they told me to “Go elsewhere.” I am here to stay, preaching against them, until they change their minds. I have nothing to lose! If they want to behave like a cult, then I will expose them as being a damned cult. When they decide to behave like a local New Testament church, and love me like their brother in the Lord, and invite me back to attend church services, only then will I give them the respect they want.

I also shared information about Martin Luther with the senior pastor of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I personally handed him a helpful book by Pastor Max Younce titled: “Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit.” The pastor insisted that Martin Luther is a born-again Christian, disregarding my words of wisdom. I heard that same wayward pastor say it is not enough to admit you are a sinner, but also, he insists that: “You MUST turn away from a lifestyle of sin to be saved. I heard him say it with my own two ears during a Sunday morning invitation. Folks, that is WORKS for salvation! That is human reformation, not repentance! Repentance is a change of mind from WRONG THINKING, so that you will BELIEVE the Gospel to be saved. Harvest Baptist Church is preaching ANOTHER GOSPEL of Lordship Salvation! The pastor of Harvest has been hanging around his heathen hero, Dr. John MacArthur. He has all 666 volumes of MacArthur's Bible commentary in his church office. I love them so much, God knows my heart. 

Folks, war is ugly! The Geneva Convention is one of the most worthless meetings and documents ever created. During World War II, the Japanese soldiers were horrified by the American's use of deadly flame throwers. Basically the military mixes gasoline with dish-soap and sprays it on the enemy while igniting it, letting them burn to death. It is one of the most horrifying things you've ever scene, which is why YouTube won't allow people to see such videos without confirming that one is an adult. The Geneva Convention is worthless because in a real-life situation in wartime, there are no rules, it's a bloodbath on the battlefield! I am not alone in my opinion

The Bible says we are engaged in a spiritual war as believers (Ephesians 6:12-13). Our seven elements of armory are spiritual (Ephesians 6:14-18). Sometimes things have to get ugly in the theological realm too. When you've got pastors who won't listen to wisdom, then someone needs to do the ugly work of exposing them as false prophets. That is what I am doing with Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. Since they don't want to heed the truth, and they have banned me since 2014 from attending their church services; I have no choice but to preach against them, because that is the RIGHT THING TO DO!!!

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